Club Dynasty

Just to set the record straight…


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
#5 is why I had to vote for Clinton(pick) and Biden, not because there's no one better for the job. Oh, and paying for (this) war is a form of heathcare, but more for future generations...
Paying for this war is for fighting genocide and ethnic cleansing in Ukraine
according to certain Terbites. I presume it is as much a form of healthcare for
our generation to those suckers. Future generations will foot the bill.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
The amount being sent to Ukraine wouldn't pay even a fraction of health care, so that's a bullshit argument
Also we all know people expect "the rich" to pay for it. Never mind that actual social welfare countries like Sweden and Denmark have extremely flat tax systems with high taxes on all incomes when you count payroll taxes, extremely high VAT [sales tax] and moderate corp tax because they discovered that Bernie Sanders hate mongering tax policies were actually counter productive.

If you are not productive enough to have a job that pays for your "needs" then you do want something for nothing.

Nah you don't want a free place to live, you just want someone else to pay for your rent. The markets have been fucked by various government policies and the cost is what it is. You can do price controls, but, hey it will be affordable, you just won't be able to actually find a place, because that is always what happens. I guess if you surf a couch, you should be able to pay for that at 30% of your income. Heaven forbid you look at the root causes are to why rents are so high. No, it's the fucking Jews ^H^H^H^H I mean the fucking rich and not a collection of policies that anyone who isn't economically ignorant would tell you would have the effects they are having.

So you want corporations out of politics huh. How about the people who own corporations. Yeah much like billionaires they shouldn't exist either, lets take all their shit, sure it will run out before the year is over never to get replaces but they are not human anyways, eat them. Funny you don't have a problem with other groups. Want to work for the government, force them to pay for political action, because supporting a particular political agenda should be a requirement for a job. No problem with that. Also if you have a problem with corporations buying elections, stop voting for the people they buy. That money is used to run expensive elections because people are too retarded to learn about actual issues and how shit works and need vapid TV ads to tell them how to vote. But nah, let us not attach blame to who it actually belongs to.

No, sod off, you want elections to deliver the results you want. 1 3 5 7... don't even. This is why in Canada the NDP are so sex nuts and retard strong for proportional rep because they know they will play king maker in minority liberal governments till the end of time which is the best they can expect, but in provinces where they can actually get a majority... remember that time when BC, Alberta and the like went Prop Rep, yeah, neither do I.

You don't want the wealthy to pay for everything. Oh well isn't that nice. Which is why often when some new mega project is presented, "we will get the rich to pay for it by having them pay their fair share", Never mind that if you look at what in the tax code raises what [the federal dept of finance in Canada did that with one of the budgets a while back] getting the rich to pay for it is a pipe dream. Those top tax brackets don't raise nearly as much money as the lower ones and it isn't because of avoidance because those numbers don't account for changes in behavior.
Also fair share, such a weasel word. 1: Fair is more, it's always more. 2: Even when rates are presented, they are always based on how much you need to finance some project and never on the basis of fairness. Fair isn't how much we need, words have fucking meaning. When someone says they want the rich to "pay their fair share", much like people who say "taxes are too high" without discussing their own numbers and how they got to them should be ignored.

Of course it all sounds nice, so it will sell politically but like most things that sound nice it falls apart when you look at it.
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