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"Israel, Similar to Apartheid": Ekos Canada Poll


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Of course a Palestinian ethno-state doesn't bother you in the slightest.
Wait, so now you think the two state solution, with a Palestinian ethno state along side an Jewish ethno state is a bad idea?
When did that change happen?

Israel was sending enough food to Hamas to support their population.
Wow, you are still supporting trying to feed Palestinians in Gaza at starvation levels as if it were noble and not just a tiny bit Nazi like.
For someone who claims to know international law shouldn't you know that was a war crime according to the Geneva Conventions?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I do. I'm not the one supporting attacks on civilians because "you can't tell them apart". International law says civilians lose protections WHILE THEY ARE ENGAGED IN VIOLENCE.
Yes, you are the ones supporting attacking civilians because you claim they are 'violent', like when they protest for basic human rights, resist settler terrorism, resist the occupation or even act as journalists.
To you, they are all 'engaged in violence'.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
1) Abbas' napkin was copied from the map he was shown which is the map I posted.
There never was a map, there was a description by Olmert and Abbas used it to draw a map.
The Israeli peace plan you rave about never included a map.

Just like you still can't draw a map of Israel.
You refuse to state where Israel lies and where or if Palestine lies.

We all know why, you clearly think its all Israel.
The one state, apartheid Israel solution you keep defending.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Just like Franky, a bunch of emotionally laden, factually deficient word salad trying to explain how you know far more than Palestinians.

For example, do you know what led to Hamas' formation? It has a lot to do with the PLO moving towards some kind of relations with Israel. You have this infantile view that Palestinians are just helpless victims while ignoring things like Hamas raison d'etre being the formation of an Islamic Caliphate. I would love it if Hamas et al lost sway but as it is, they have a shit load of weapons and aren't afraid to use them on anyone who threatens their power.
That's an antisemitic trope, trying to claim all Palestinians are tied to Hamas.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
There was actually a map, he's correct about that. Abbas confirmed that Olmert showed him a map but did not allow him to take a copy of that map so he had to scribble his own copy on a napkin.

This is almost certainly because Olmert was not making a serious offer so he didn't want to commit to it publicly. The offer Olmert did make wasn't even a good one.
There is ample evidence of Olmert s chilly relationship with truth and ethics.

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
There was actually a map, he's correct about that. Abbas confirmed that Olmert showed him a map but did not allow him to take a copy of that map so he had to scribble his own copy on a napkin.

This is almost certainly because Olmert was not making a serious offer so he didn't want to commit to it publicly. The offer Olmert did make wasn't even a good one.
Ok, yes, Olmert showed Abbas a map. But there is no copy in existence of this map. Al J has published a 'rendering' based on Abba's napkin map. But there is no copy of this map in existence anywhere.
The Al Jazeera version is not the map Olmert presented, its an attempt to render it based entirely off of Abbas's hand drawn napkin map.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes, I know, I'm just saying that Abbas did in fact acknowledge a map was shown to him by Olmert during the meeting.
Ok, point taken.

The Canadian poll is similar to polls in the US and EU now. South African apartheid was only ended after decades long grass root protests. Israeli apartheid is on its way now, politicians can't ignore their voters for that long.

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
In a way, SA is a test case.

How is the economy doing?
What about civil rights? (minority rights, women's rights, gay rights, etc.)
Is crime low?
How does it rank compare to other countries? (No, I don't expect them to be number one like Canada.)

BTW: SA has fantastic weather.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
In a way, SA is a test case.

How is the economy doing?
What about civil rights? (minority rights, women's rights, gay rights, etc.)
Is crime low?
How does it rank compare to other countries? (No, I don't expect them to be number one like Canada.)

BTW: SA has fantastic weather.
Get back to us when you’ve done your research. These are your questions.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I'll admit that when you admit you love Israeli genocide of Palestinians.

I literally posted the quote with percentages for you. You just read the headline and think you know things, you didn't actually read the article or even the relevant quote from the article I gave you. You're so bad at this.

Once again: "Less than 40 percent of the Palestinian public—in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem—supports [a two-state solution] over one-state alternatives. Support for a two-state solution has declined steadily since 2018." <-----Based on polling. Get it through your head.

What's your point? This does not indicate support for a two-state solution. On the contrary, from that same survey:
View attachment 260091

The polling indicates that when asked to choose between a one-state or two-state solution, Palestinians would support a one-state solution over a two-state solution with less than 40% choosing two-state.

The most popular option is likely the reclamation of all their land under full Palestinian control, but that is not viable, nor ethical, so it's irrelevant.

You're the type of person to think laws against murder are infringements on freedom.

Did YOU read what I wrote? Clearly not.

1) I know. Abbas had to scribble a copy on a napkin because Olmert wouldn't let him take a copy of the map. Shady as fuck.
2) What the hell has this got to do with anything? A one-state solution wouldn't require anyone to move anywhere, the West Bank and Gaza would simply become part of Israel proper. You clearly don't understand anything about the situation.
3) That's your game, not mine.

Abbas did in fact make a counter-proposal, he offered almost all of East Jerusalem, which you'd know if you bothered to read my reply. It was Israel that offered nothing in return for that. Israel was not going to allow millions of Palestinians the Right of Return, only a small symbolic number. They were TRYING to negotiate land swaps (an idea Abbas supported if done his way) but Israel's proposals were ridiculous. Abbas walked away because Olmert's deal was garbage and he wasn't even willing to publicly commit to it or put it down in writing or let Abbas even take a map back to his people to consult them with.

Once again, all you do is repeat debunked arguments while ignoring all the evidence presented against you.
Your posts are really as nonsensical as Frankies. It's humorous that you post op-eds saying one thing while the actual polls say another, unless you think 21% is somehow bigger than 28%. Palestinians HATE the one state peace you think they should be forced into even more than the idea of Two States.

But yes, the fact that most Palestinians seem to reject any peace that involves Jews and despite your infantilization of them, that's a huge problem. But sure, continue your belief that armed Palestinian extremists will suddenly start shooting rainbows instead of rockets.

And I love how desperately you are trying to make excuses for Abbas walking away from an actual, productive peace plan without any desire to negotiate the offer.

You're the type of person to think laws against murder are infringements on freedom.
Wait, you were just arguing that Palestinians have the right to kill Israeli Jews. Another own goal.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Lmao! What weapons? Home made rockets and rocks? Pathetic, you're actually attempting to argue that Hamas is a real threat to Israel LOL! You're so disingenuous and ignorant it's disgusting. Get educated dude.
Hmm. Yet neither the PA nor Israel have been able to disarm them. But in your western elitism, you pretend that Hamas, PIJ, and the rest will choose to become peaceful when they are forced into a peace that forces them to live alongside Jews despite their rabid misinterpretation of Islam.

p.s. It's quite humorous when someone educated solely on twitter tells someone else to get educated.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
There was actually a map, he's correct about that. Abbas confirmed that Olmert showed him a map but did not allow him to take a copy of that map so he had to scribble his own copy on a napkin.

This is almost certainly because Olmert was not making a serious offer so he didn't want to commit to it publicly. The offer Olmert did make wasn't even a good one.
Yet Abbas chose never to test the seriousness of the offer. The reality is Israel made an offer in 2008 and had accepted numerous international peace plans since 1937. The Arab and latter Palestinian leadership have rejected every offer and peace plan they were presented with and have never made a comprehensive peace offer. The closest I've seen in Hamas saying they'd agree to a 10 year truce if Israel withdrew to the '67 lines and allowed the refugees and their descendants into Israel.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Your posts are really as nonsensical as Frankies. It's humorous that you post op-eds saying one thing while the actual polls say another, unless you think 21% is somehow bigger than 28%. Palestinians HATE the one state peace you think they should be forced into even more than the idea of Two States.
Palestinians say the two state solution is dead and don't trust the Israeli government to build a one state.
Congrats, this is just as you want.

You prefer there to be no peace plan so you can call Palestinians 'violent' and justify targeting civilians, taking their homes and occupying them through apartheid.

Unfortunately all you've done is create the apartheid one state.
Now its up to BDS, which 86% of Palestinians support, to bring about the end of apartheid.

Support equal rights.
Support giving the vote to all who live under Israeli rule.
Support peace, not apartheid.

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