I been told it can be a bit painful getting a tattoo, so it may be a sign to show that she is tough. A new Man.
Or attention seeking lonely person.
You may not find this in the books of history, but some women were marked in the past, say 1500 years ago, to let everyone know that the lady belong to the chief of the tribe. So my question is who does she belong to if she is single or divorce?
Also I mention about a name, what if she has her child name tattoo close to the cave?
It’s not painful, though everyone has different pain tolerances. Some people for example can’t handle needles at a Doctor for example. Most can.
The main determinant is how large, how much line work, how much shading. How long in the chair. A smaller tat, in and out in less than say 1-2 hours is kind of like a sunburn. That said, there are parts of the body where it “hurts” more. If you can handle a sunburn, you can handle them.
one of my Tats I was in the chair over six hours. I was fine, but my skin started to swell. So we stopped and finished it a couple weeks later. Another a total of about 8 hours. Broken into two sits, with time in between for the skin to heal.
As for “why” anyone gets them.
Be part of the crowd ( a fad)
Be unique ( personally I don’t like tats that are tribal for example, or barbed wire or whatever happens to be popular at the time) To stand out from the crowd. Both inked and uninked.
because it’s something personal for you ( not the crowds that might see it, or anyone that’s judgmental, or wondering why )
about you.
(There’s some significance, meaning, a story behind it).
And with respect to women that get them and display ( visible) them. Yeah, no confidence ( see judgemental people, or wondering why etc) needed
I find “that” ( women with confidence) extremely sexy. Much as I find other personality traits far sexier, than fake tits, fake eyelashes, fake nails, fake Os and skin deep beauty.
maybe/hopefully someday we’ll meet LC18