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"Israel, Similar to Apartheid": Ekos Canada Poll


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Lets see how long the US population continues to waste money on them. They are already waking up to it. Support for Israel is at an all time low in US.
The evangelicals will never allow the holy land to be Muslim again. And the EU is fully prepared to back Israel over fanatics.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This is not comparable to the Tamil Tigers. There were Tamils in Sri Lanka, who did not even support the Tamil Tigers to a large extent. The Tamil Tigers were also fighting for a different set of reasons. The Tamil Tigers were also a faction that was eventually defeated by the Sri Lankan military. None of this applies to Palestine.

USA policy won't change, neither will EU's support for Israel. This is nothing new.

I am talking about your earlier comment that the "world and Israel will just move on". No. How will they move on when it is an everyday issue? Your comment does not make sense.

All you are saying is "We don't care". Yeah everyone knows. It has been that way for the last 75 years and nobody has "moved on". It's nonsensical phrasing on your end.
Do you think all Palestinians are united? Lol. Fine, then lets have Hamas have an election. See what happens.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
And you'd be proven sorely wrong. Whatever makes you think the world will just move on and the war will just fizzle out. Its the dumbest take I have heard regarding a very serious conflict. :ROFLMAO:
There isn't much of a war. And what there is the winner remains clear, hence your whining.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You mean the racist, apartheid, ethnic cleansing cause that you crow about? That’s the ultimate lost cause. You wouldn’t feel compelled to post on here if the Palestinian cause was lost.
Its not "crowing" its acceptance of the reality on the ground. After numerous attempts to start wars that all failed some of the financial backers of Hamas are now moving on. And most likely set up trade deals with Israel. Because its in the interests of those nations to side against Iran. And become pro West.

And Israel will continue to expand because they can. The Palestinians will continue to be displaced because they won't accept peace and the fact they have lost.

In 25 years it will be 100 years. And the narrative will be, why don't they get it?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The only thing that will happen what I said. The world moving on. No ones cares enough with enough power to do anything about it.
You say that in a thread that shows attitudes have shifted in Canada and the majority sees Israel as apartheid.
The world is moving on, its taking a stand against apartheid.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
This is not comparable to the Tamil Tigers. There were Tamils in Sri Lanka, who did not even support the Tamil Tigers to a large extent. The Tamil Tigers were also fighting for a different set of reasons. The Tamil Tigers were also a faction that was eventually defeated by the Sri Lankan military. None of this applies to Palestine.

USA policy won't change, neither will EU's support for Israel. This is nothing new.

I am talking about your earlier comment that the "world and Israel will just move on". No. How will they move on when it is an everyday issue? Your comment does not make sense.

All you are saying is "We don't care". Yeah everyone knows. It has been that way for the last 75 years and nobody has "moved on". It's nonsensical phrasing on your end.
Mandela was labelled a terrorist for a long time.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
If you were in a war zone would you wait for the enemy troops to get there or high tail it outta there when you can?
No. But it does completely destroy the ethnic cleansing claims (especially since 1/4 of Palestinians in Israeli territory chose to remain and peacefully became Israeli citizens - There were at least as many Jews ethnically cleansed from territory that Jordan conquered as there were Palestinians forcefully removed by the Israeli forces).

But you should really look at the different phases of the conflict because it sure as hell wasn't an Israeli attack the whole way through. For instance, some of those soldiers that people wanted to avoid were the Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, Iraqi, and Egyptian soldiers after their armies declared war and invaded.

I posted links to actual academic analysis of the refugee situation. It would benefit you to consider them instead of just exhibiting an extremely superficial analysis of the history.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
grandpa….only you would be stupid enough to cite a Palestinian historian who disproves everything you just tried to save face with. Your anti Palestinian bigotry just lowers your IQ. But that’s the same for all bigots.
Speaking of low IQ, it seems you're not able to add anything to the discussion other than your moronic insults. Try opening a book sometime, make notes about what it says, and try and actually discuss it.

And yes, Walid Khalidi did point out that very few of the Palestinian refugees were actually forced out by Israeli troops. You linking to wikipedia (and ignoring most of what is says) doesn't make you any more right than a flat earther.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Number 4. It's not racist it's literally the only tenable option. Nobody cares that it's "not what they want" if "what they want" is a purge of the opposite side.
So you admit you have a colonial viewpoint where it is okay to impose your will on ethnic minorities. Nice.

And since there are many well non-governmental militias among the Palestinians, how are you going to convince them to peacefully accept what you want them forced into.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So there was ethnic cleansing after all, a variation of which we see even today with the settlements being expanded.
Yes. Every single Jew in Old Jerusalem and lands around it were forcefully removed from by the Jordanian army and sometimes butchered by Arab irregulars. Oh wait, you don't want to discuss that.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You can't even draw a possible two state solution on a map.
You claim its the way forward but are totally unable to even suggest a rudimentary plan.

You're trolling.
You know the two state solution is dead.
More franky stupidity. You yourself posted the proposed map of Olmert's offer. But since you need to play dumb to justify your views, Here's what Al Jazeera published


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You must be referencing the intermittent riots from 1921-1929 like the Jaffa and Buraq riots? There were no decades of attacks. There were outbreaks of violence between civilians over growing animosity between Palestinians and Jews over the British mandate to start settling Jews on Palestinian land without consulting the people living there.
Speaking of red herrings, the targets of those attacks were communities that legally lived there for centuries. But sure, in your mind it makes sense to attack some Jews because you don't like other Jews legally immigrating.

p.s. Any comment on the fact Palestinains don't want a One State peace. Funny to see all you guys pretending to support Palestinian rights by ignoring Palestinian rights.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Lmao! The Arab's didn't sell the land to the Jews they were forced to by the British and given shit compensation. ...
Wow. You should really look at some history. Absolutely no Arabs were forced to sell land by the Brits. Making up claims doesn't help.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Adorable. If by "colonial viewpoint" and "impose your will" you mean prevent attempts to purge millions of people on either side, then yes. You can keep pretending that's a bad thing all you want as you literally support Nazi ideology 😂

The same way you stop anyone from murdering anyone else...with a police force. If Palestinians are given equal rights then obviously the attacks will start fizzling out as the motivation dries up.
You're just being dumb. Very few of the 20 million people there want a One State peace yet you still demand they do it. That is a colonial idea with you absolutely saying you know more than them.

p.s. Who's going to make the non-governmental groups give up their arsenals? What police force? Hamas has been at war with Israel and the PA for almost two decades and it hasn't stopped them or any of the other armed groups from acting. Do you think the UN is going to empower troops to disarm them


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Legally? Defined by whom? The British?...
Are you going to get into a philosophical argument about no one 'owning' land? Are you saying that the Ottoman Empire wasn't able to control its own borders?

BTW. Hypocrisy alert because who gave the Brits permission to sell land in Canada? If you think legal land sales in Ottoman and Mandate Palestine were illegitimate then you're living on stolen land too.
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