OK.Why are you saying I am angry about something I said was funny? It amused me in the way I would be amused if a quarterback went into the defensive huddle to warn his own offensive lineman that the defense might blitz. Or if Trudeau had warned freedom convoy truckers coming to Ottawa that there may be a protest and it might be loud and crowded close to Parliament Hill.
Fundamentally, the trustees have not accepted yet how far offside they are from the views of parents. It's comical, given all the evidence they could discern that from. It's not often you see that sort of tunnel vision in action.
Of course the protests last year seemed to be more activists than parents.OK.
If you think most of the parents are protesting that makes sense.
I would think he's trolling the board in the hopes of getting put on long term sick leave or fired in a way that he can sue them and get set for life.The guys a shlob and I wouldn't suck him off no matter how much he offered. But something tells me he's looking for a butt puncture. He's craving it, imo.
You don't think this is good news?
Infamous Canadian trans shop teacher with massive prosthetic breasts shows up for new school year presenting as MALE. Lemieux is an instigator, aggressor and predator. He mocks women, went out of his way to make students uncomfortable and got away with it. “Much of their concern, however, was over the potential liability that would come with telling the teacher he could not wear giant fake breasts to school, as it could be seen to be discrimination against a man for presenting as a woman when a woman would not face the same obstacles when she presents as a woman.”