Says the guys that just keeps proving over and over how little he actually knows.
Just one or if not the
WORST mass shootings in Toronto. Surprised you didn’t know about it. ACTUALLY READ this one. All of it. There’s gang shit all the way through it, right into THE USA
Proving just how little you know..who’s the internet warrior?
And seems to struggle with the fact, that 80% of crime guns (do you know the definition of that? I’m thinking not fiven you don’t understand why bangers are the problem) are
smuggled from the U.S. who do you think is doing that smuggling, buying/selling…..Proving how little he actually knows…..
So yes “basket case” maybe you should be.
Because when even the cheif of police says it, when even the cheif of police also tells you that of the shootings in 2020….300 of them were out on bail….
Obviously you know better than him to…
And yep. If you want to blame something, anyone, blame yourself and everyone else like you that was convinced you knew better. Fighting for what you think ( usually with no data) stood in the way etc, The bloods on your hands.
Because if you had listened, as far back as Y2K.
The Eaton centre. The lady the other day, like 16 year old Jane Creba, Nove Scotia, and soooooooooooooooooooioooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very many more. May not, probably wouldn’t have. Certainly far fewer would have
good job