Its offical : Transphobia is here to stay!

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You know nothing about raising a kid. I don't deny there are bad parents...To think it's ok to groom kids and leave the parents out of it...that's the worst take in this topic....the worst.
There is no grooming, its bullshit.


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
Conservative thought is an ideology.
So is christianity.
And capitalism.

You against those being discussed/taught as well?
How do you learn Conservative ideology and Capitalism in Elementary School?

Obviously if you send your kid to a catholic school, they are going to learn about the religion. So you send them to a public school.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Full Interview with a real interviewer: Gavin Newsom Fights Homophobia, Ron DeSantis & Sean Hannity (with Elex Michaelson)

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
You know nothing about raising a kid. I don't deny there are bad parents...To think it's ok to groom kids and leave the parents out of it...that's the worst take in this topic....the worst.
There are dads who beat kids up and put them in hospital, Richie. To prevent those kids "turning gay".

You're here to cheer those dads on. I get it. 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 😺
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Transgender activists propose administering a battery of drugs and surgeries to young children with gender dysphoria, but a newly released report refutes nearly every supposed benefit they list — including claims that such treatments reduce suicides. In fact, they may increase them, some studies show.
As part of a policy decision to determine whether Medicaid will fund gender transition procedures, Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) published a series of scientific studies on the topic. Numerous experts authored the 46-page report, with 169 pages of scientifically relevant attachments and addenda. Here are some of the key findings it includes or alludes to:
1. Some studies show transgender hormone replacement and/or gender-reassignment surgery do not reduce the likelihood of suicide — and may increase it.
Perhaps the most common claim is that transgender youth will commit suicide unless parents engage in “gender-affirming care”: puberty-blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries. The study addresses the science forthrightly.
“Regarding pubescent and adolescent age minors, there have been” a total of “11 follow-up studies of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones,” wrote James M. Cantor in Attachment D of the report. “In four, mental health failed to improve at all. In five, mental health improved, but because psychotherapy and medical interventions were both provided, which one caused the improvement could not be identified. The two remaining studies employed methods that did permit psychotherapy effects to be distinguished from medical effects, and neither found medical intervention to be superior to psychotherapy-only.”
Similarly, when it comes to suicide and suicidal ideation, “The evidence is very strongly consistent with the hypothesis that other mental health issues, such as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), cause suicidality and unstable identities, including gender identity confusion.” In other words, mental illness may cause children to identify as transgender, not vice-versa.
That conclusion dovetails with a Swedish study, which followed transgender individuals through Sweden’s national health care program for more than a decade. “Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population,” the researchers found. Similarly, a recent Heritage Foundation study concluded that U.S. states that permit minors to underdo transgender procedures without parental consent have a 14% higher suicide rate than states that prohibit them.
In part, North American studies claiming that gender transitions reduce suicide do not offer any genuine comparison. In Attachment C, Drs. Romina Brignardello-Petersen and Wojtek Wiercioch (both of McMaster University) examined 61 studies and found, of the three dealing with puberty-blockers, none compared those who took such drugs with a control group that did not. Neither did any of the 22 involving cross-sex hormone procedures, nor the 30 involving gender-reassignment surgeries.
2. Even “coming out” as transgender can harm young people’s mental health.
The full ACHA report refers to Dr. Lisa Littman’s study, which found after minors announced their transgender status, “the most common outcomes were worsened mental well-being (47.2%); worsened parent child relationship (57.3%); unchanged or mixed grades/academic performance (59.1%); and a narrowed range of interests and hobbies (58.1%).” One mother described her daughter’s descent: “After announcing she was transgender, my daughter’s depression increased significantly. She became more withdrawn. She stopped participating in activities which she previously enjoyed, stopped participating in family activities, and significantly decreased her interaction with friends. Her symptoms became so severe that she was placed on medication by her physician.”
3. Every major study shows nearly all children with gender dysphoria accept their birth gender by adulthood.
“Regarding pre-pubescent children with gender dysphoria, there have been 11 outcomes studies,” wrote Cantor. “All 11 reported the majority of children cease[ed] to feel dysphoric by puberty.” Similarly in Attachment F, Dr. Patrick Lappert notes “the historic reality that greater than 92% of children desist in their cross-sex self-identification when treated using the ‘watchful waiting’ therapeutic strategy” — i.e., using no hormones or surgeries.
4. Fear of suicide compromises parents’ judgment.
“Parents of suffering children are led by medical professionals to believe that there is only one valid option of care,” wrote Lappert, namely hormones and the surgical removal of the child’s natural sexual organs. “Parents are told that if they do not consent to affirmation care, there is a high likelihood that their child will die from suicide. This is not informed consent, but rather consent under duress,” he added. “t is possible that as many as 90% of children are undergoing surgery based upon an incorrect diagnosis.”
The report presents such baseless emotional appeals as akin to high-pressure sales tactics. One such example came in a Fox News story that uncritically promoted underage gender transition during Pride Month. “I’d rather have a living son than a dead daughter,” said Hillary Whittington, who allowed her five-year-old daughter to transition to a boy.
5. Some researchers believe that rapid onset gender dysphoria can be caused by peer pressure.
Once again, Littman found that rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) can be “initiated, magnified, spread, and maintained via the mechanisms of social and peer contagion,” e.g., peer pressure. She noted strong clusters of ROGD among people in the same peer-group and identified three central beliefs: a shared belief that “symptoms that are part of normal puberty should be perceived as gender dysphoria”; that “the only path to happiness is transition”; and that “anyone who disagrees with the self-assessment of being transgender or the plan for transition is transphobic, abusive, and should be cut out of one’s life.”
6. Other forms of harm
Aside from the obviously permanent effects of removing one’s genitals, Lappert notes unknown harms regarding bone density from bombardment with hormones. The report also notes permanent physiological changes to females and a lower sperm count, potentially leading to infertility, in males.
Littman also listed four additional forms of possible harm:

7. Children under the age of 18, and possibly 21, lack the neural development reflected by good decision-making.
Children lack the ability to consent to such life-changing treatments. “When children with gender dysphoria are given these powerful hormones (around age 11) they are too young to appreciate the implications of what will happen,” wrote Dr. G. Kevin Donovan in Attachment G. “[T]he development of the adolescent brain and the maturation of its rational and executive functions does not typically complete until one’s early 20s,” he continued. “As children mature into adolescents and adults, their brains are also being formed and reformed under the influence of sex hormones. There is evidence for structural changes, and these are likely to be demonstrated in cognitive and behavioral changes.” His observation also has applications for Democratic Party proposals to lower the voting age to 16.
Based on this scientific data, Florida opted not to force taxpayers to fund such services.

PS. More studies to proof you are wrong mandrill!

I go with medical opinion, Addy. I don't hate on gays and trans people like you. If medical science changes and there's a new consensus, I'd accept it.

I note that study is written in Florida where De Santis has purged and restaffed many areas - including his notorious choice of an anti vaxx grifter as his new medical officer. But whatever.

Why are you so interested in little boys dicks and "protecting them", Addy?

You read about this topic several hours a day.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Actually you’ve proven you don’t understand the issue at all.

You are removing the parent out of the equation and allowing young children to make life altering decisions.
1) How often does that happen? Can you show one case of "young children" being allowed to make those life altering decisions?
2) There are also plenty of shit parents out there who aren't looking out for their kids. Parents rights have limits; that why things like Children's Aid exist.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Girls basketball team forfeits playoff game, refused to play against biological male

The Mid Vermont Christian School girls basketball team withdrew from the Vermont Division IV state tournament because of a refusal to play against an opponent with a transgender student-athlete. The school’s head of school, Vicky Fogg, stated that playing against a biological male jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of their players. Vermont law allows transgender female students to play on girls’ sports teams, and the Vermont Principals’ Association supports best practices through their inclusivity statement. The school had earlier submitted a letter asserting that it reserved the right not to follow all of Vermont’s anti-discrimination laws.

Girls basketball team forfeits playoff game, refused to play against biological male - Sportal X (

Valley News - MVCS girls basketball forfeits playoff game rather than compete against team with transgender player (
Sad that adults with an agenda denied these kids a chance to compete for a state championship.

And talk about snowflakes; the school thinks that they can choose which laws apply to them.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Anyone who has been an actively engaged parent knows that children, even to their late teen years, understand very little. A doctor who claims that children accurately understand anything is a quack. Parents are the experts on parenting, not doctors.
So kids don't know anything, doctors don't know anything but somehow parents do? Just asking but what qualifications does one need to become a parent?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Sad that adults with an agenda denied these kids a chance to compete for a state championship.

And talk about snowflakes; the school thinks that they can choose which laws apply to them.
you and other biology deniers brainwashed by mainstream tv are the ones with an agenda to destroy girls women's sports by forcing them to play against biological males stripping them of athletic opportunities

FC Dallas under-15 boys squad beat the U.S. Women's National Team in a scrimmage

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
you and other biology deniers brainwashed by mainstream tv are the ones with an agenda to destroy girls women's sports by forcing them to play against biological males stripping them of athletic opportunities
An argument made by people who refuse to watch women's sports.
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