In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
next on anti-jewish terrorism files..

Terrorists open fire on Israeli car in Samaria; Mother, four daughters unhurt

(May 23, 2023 / JNS)
Palestinian gunmen opened fire on an Israeli woman and her four daughters driving near Tapuach Junction in Samaria on Monday night.

Two bullets hit the vehicle, but none of the occupants were injured.

In video footage taken inside the car during the incident, multiple shots can be heard, with the mother shouting in Hebrew “get down, get down! Girls, are you okay?”

The Israel Defense Forces was reportedly preparing on Monday morning to launch an operation in response to the shooting in the nearby Arab village of Jamma’in.

“Again and again and again we encounter an ever-growing wave of terrorism led by the Palestinian Authority, led by the terrorist in a suit Abu Mazen [P.A. leader Mahmoud Abbas],” said Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan, according to Israeli media reports.

“Unfortunately, the national government has not changed the [record] and it could cost a lot—a lot—of blood,” he added.

“I demand from the prime minister, the minister of defense and all the ministers of the government to launch a determined military operation against the murderous Palestinian Authority and to close the checkpoints already,” he continued.

“You will not stand by your neighbor’s blood. The residents of Samaria cannot be turned into ducks [in a shooting gallery]. We demand security. We demand that the government come to its senses.”

On Sunday evening, an Israeli soldier was moderately injured after being struck by a car in the village of Huwara, located near Nablus in Samaria.

The Israel Defense Forces launched a search for the terrorist, who fled the scene.



Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
So, you're just trolling by stating what another member may or may not have written, who was not mentioned up until that point, by myself or the other member I was replying to? Thanks for letting me know your intention is to troll. Goodbye.
You nailed him.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
We both know that coexistence is not possible. As I said, a generation is on the way that will no longer be interested in negotiating with people who want no peace, a generation that will demand separation. The Jewish State put two incredibly generous peace deals on the table plus a complete withdrawal from Gaze. And what did Israel got back from the Palis?
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Sorry but that's dumb. If they wanted to, the war in '49 or '67 would have given them enough opportunity. Instead the 20% of Palestinians who rejected violence and chose to stay became full citizens.

Sadly failure in '49, '67, and '73 didn't encourage Arab leaders to look for peace and instead spawned repeated waves of terrorism.

And after 100 years of conflict, the leaders in Likud and the PA have become addicted to the power they get from continuing the conflict, allowing extreme nationalistic/religious fanatics on both sides to gain influence.

It is also completely false to portray the conflict as Israel being the sole aggressor. Even the alleged charity that franky quotes admits that half of the Palestinian dead were active members of militant groups and many others were directly engaged in attacks on Jewish civilians or Israeli soldiers when they were killed.

As Franky said in another thread (as he was trying to avoid talking about history) the real question is how to move things forward. Any rational observer would support pushing both sides into a negotiating a peace deal both can accept. The current Israeli government would be a roadblock but there are significant political factions that support a Two State peace. I don't know any political factions on the Palestinian side that support either a Two State peace or an egalitarian One State peace. Again, these roadblocks mean BOTH SIDES need to be pressured into talks. Hate campaigns like those by Franky (or JC) do nothing except further entrench intransigence.
The racist fables of an anti Palestinian bigot.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
WTF are you talking about?

You've previously mentioned the status quo. The status quo has the WAQF controlling the site. The WAQF allows Jews and other non-Muslims to visit at appointed times. Sadly Jews visiting their HOLIEST SITE is offensive to you (while at the same time pretending to want equal rights).

Maybe some of Ben Gvir's crew want to remove any Islamic identity from temple mount and ban Muslims and that is disgusting. It should be equally as disgusting that you want Jews banned.

Just more of your ridiculously racist double standard.
What you are talking about are 'random Jews' backed by the IDF visiting on times they are not allowed to be there and entering by force.
This is what you call 'a peaceful visit', the way jc calls J6 'tourists'.

Either you honour treaties, international law and human rights or you don't.
And you clearly don't.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Has anyone justified that kind of racist violence the way you and franky do with racist violence from Palestinians?
Keeping silent in the face of this systemic bigotry is justification, grandpa. Are you going to acknowledge it is systemic or keep silent about that and fall back on your bad apple rationalizations?
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
More of your braindead nonsense.

Sad that you care so little about Palestinians that you ignore that 75% hate the idea you want them forced into.
82% of Palestinians support BDS.
Zero support the apartheid military occupation.

Only 27% support the two state solution you claim to support while 74% say its no longer possible.
Its you that is backing an idea they hate, the apartheid occupation.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Has anyone justified that kind of racist violence the way you and franky do with racist violence from Palestinians?
You own the crown here.

Every single attack on Palestinians in Gaza and the West bank you've defended, from the 'death to Arabs' flag march. Every time Israel bombs Gaza, including targeting hospitals, schools and apartment buildings you defend them.
In the Great March of Return you defended using snipers every Friday for almost a year on women, children, disable, journalists, medics and protesters.

You are the champion for racist violence.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
jcpro's ideas are extreme, but not that far from mainstream there.

Netanyahu prefers the slow motion Nabka.

Its all the same in the end.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
jcpro's ideas are extreme, but not that far from mainstream there.

Netanyahu prefers the slow motion Nabka.

Its all the same in the end.
Right back at you with the Islamic Jihad and Hamas charters. Extreme!


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The Hamas charter says they'll accept the two state solution and live with the Jewish population.
That makes them way less extreme then you.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
We both know that coexistence is not possible....
I'm hopeful that without the insane rhetoric from those invested in hate, the average people will just get on with their lives. All you and franky are doing is trying to justify hateful violence.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The Hamas charter says they'll accept the two state solution and live with the Jewish population.
That makes them way less extreme then you.
Have you actually read it?

The movement
1. The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” is a Palestinian Islamic national liberation and resistance movement. Its goal is to liberate Palestine and confront the Zionist project. Its frame of reference is Islam, which determines its principles, objectives and means.

The Land of Palestine
2. Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras al-Naqurah in the north to Umm al-Rashrash in the south, is an integral territorial unit. It is the land and the home of the Palestinian people. The expulsion and banishment of the Palestinian people from their land and the establishment of the Zionist entity therein do not annul the right of the Palestinian people to their entire land and do not entrench any rights therein for the usurping Zionist entity.

3. Palestine is an Arab Islamic land. It is a blessed sacred land that has a special place in the heart of every Arab and every Muslim.

The position toward Occupation and political solutions
18. The following are considered null and void: the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate Document, the UN Palestine Partition Resolution, and whatever resolutions and measures that derive from them or are similar to them. The establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal and contravenes the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and goes against their will and the will of the Ummah; it is also in violation of human rights that are guaranteed by international conventions, foremost among them is the right to self-determination.

19. There shall be no recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist entity. Whatever has befallen the land of Palestine in terms of occupation, settlement building, judaisation or changes to its features or falsification of facts is illegitimate. Rights never lapse.

But sure, back a group that admits they are a theocratically motivated supremacist group.

And then there's that whole thing about them refusing to be part of negotiations.

p.s. Pretty funny that you demand the Palestinians accept a One State peace that they hate then go on about Hamas wanting a Two State peace.
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