There is a massive difference between Trump and Biden. There is not a shred of tangible proof that Joe Biden did anything wrong or is corrupt. Not on Hunter's laptop, not in documentation or bank records. Trump and his family, on the other hand, enriched himself at any and every opportunity he could. How'd Kushner become a billion dollar hedge fund manager??? How come Trump charged the Secret Service the most expensive price for staying at his resorts when he visited them? Or the multiple times prominent GOP members visited his hotels/resorts. One site says Trump had more than 3,000 conflicts of interest during his four year term. That's astonishing. Then we can look at his unethical/illegal fund raising. Or the fact that he tried to over throw the will of the American people because he lost the election...
Now, as for Hunter, as I've already said, many wealth white people got diverted to rehab or other less severe sentences than POC during this ear (and literally every era in American history). Did Joe have anything to do with this, like did he reach out to the prosecutors to get this? Probably not. But you'd want to believe that he did (and maybe he did, I have no clue, but if it was my child in that situation, I'd do anything to help them). And we can talk until we're blue in the face about how shitty that crime bill turned out to be, especially for POC.
Now, can I saw that Biden is as clean as the driven snow? No, for all we know he could be worse than Trump, just much smarter about covering it up. But the main point is, that besides a lot of talk by the right, there is no evidence that Joe has done anything wrong. On many levels, its just the GOP and the right-wing media wishing for it to happen...and it hasn't yet.