Speaking of mental illness.
THat dude on the left Joe Biden is talking with was wondering why she didn't get his period a month after "being a girl", told his father that he might like girls and said he would be the one to get preggers and goes around saying he is a 5 or was it a 6 year old girl, yet the president of the US took time out of his busy schedule to have a chat with this insane maternal fornicator.
Never mind the concept that a man can become a biological women just by identifying as such.
Liberals think that some guy who was on top of a dude beating the shit out of him and got shot was actually shot for "wearing a hoodie"
Apparently this is what happens when someone wears a hoodie
Also liberals who somehow think that a population who is 3 times more likely to commit non leathal violent crime and murder but then get killed by cops 3 times more often is a sign of racism instead of actions leading to consequences... and then claim oh well cops go after black criminals more... which considering almost all crime is within a race means that cops hate black people so much that they work much hard to defend them from predators.
Liberals are so SMRT that they consider things like being on time a sign of "whiteness"
Liberals who think people like Harris, all those black mayors and blacks in congress, people like Oprah with her millions of minions,Neal Degrass Tyson who was able to delist Pluto, and a race who use a word like it's Tuesday and managed to convince everyone they must never use it because it's hurtful to the point where in the UK people get arrested for it, can't be racist because they don't have power, but some homeless white dude with addiction and mental illness can be racist because of power... and that concept isn't racist. Oh wait, I mean co loured people, because apparently that's OK again.
A people who don't seem to have a problem with descendants of white abolitionists and recent non black immigrants having to pay out to descendants of slave owning blacks it not racist and problimatic in a society that long ago to not pass the sins of the parents onto the children.
Then there is the whole, attacking people and shitting everywhere is OK... if you are homeless, or wait, it's OK, they arn't homeless, they are unhoused, completely different.
The OP is a lot like Trumptards who gloat about when Biden Covfefes his words and tells a lie once in a while when Trump did the former all the time and lied at a blistering pace. Who talk about the crime family while supporting an insurrection.
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A pox on political cultists on both sides, You are all mentally ill.