The Porn Dude

In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The only person who seems to enjoy killing on these threads is you and your 'sucks that kids were killed'.
Just another case where you're intentionally blind to any Jew hatred that can be connected to Israel.

BTW. around 200 Islamic Jihad rockets have fallen short and landed in Gaza killing at least 6 people. But I'm sure that you think it's Israel's fault because PIJ chose to launch those war crime rockets.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No, there are no international laws saying you are allowed to kill people you call 'terrorists'.
Are you trying to claim that Palestinian Islamic Jihad isn't a terrorist group?

Also strange because hen it comes to targeting a Jewish woman and her daughters, you claim it's okay because they're somehow militants yet when leaders of a militant/terrorist movement are targeted explicitly because of their direct involvement in launching war crime rockets, you try to pretend they are somehow innocent.

As I said, one day you'll wake up and realize you continual demonization and conspiracy theories about Jews are completely immoral.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
'sucks they were killed'.
More than you've ever said about victims of Palestinian attacks. You always try and cast them as terrorists and claim that Jews shouldn't be there in the first place.

The big difference is leaders of PIJ are legitimate military targets and international law accepts civilian deaths in strikes on high level targets. That same international law says targeting civilians driving in cars simply because of their religion, gunning down people on a patio, or launching a thousand unguided rockets towards civilian population is illegal.

In this specific phase of the conflict, a PIJ guy died on a hunger strike in jail and PIJ launched a bunch of war crime rockets. Israel planned and took out the guy in charge of PIJ rockets and PIJ responded by shooting a thousand more rockets, many of which landed inside Gaza.

But PIJ war crimes don't bother you as you have repeatedly since you've repeatedly said those war crime rockets are legitimate self defence.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Thanks for confirming that PIJ terrorism is the cause of this flare-up.

And once again, PIJ waited until the ceasefire was supposed to begin and launched a bunch more rockets.
Your best days are long behind you. That was feeble, grandpa.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022

“All of us as Israelis recognize that the Land of Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people and that the right of nationl self-determination in Israel is unique to the Jewish people. The Land of Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people and no other people. Because God promised all this land to us and only to us.

In order to secure the the future of the Jewish state, we must strengthen the national rights of the Jews in their homeland. Only affirmative action which gives Jews an advantage [superiority] in employment and academia will guarantee the preservation our social and economic superiority.

A prohibition against marriages between Jews and non-Jews [ie Palestinians] is the only way to protect us from the danger of assimilation. Decreasing the non-Jewish birthrate in Israel is the only way to guarantee our demographic majority.

So that Jewish blood will continue to flow in the veins of the majority of its citizens.

Because in the land of the Jews, equality is for Jews alone. Non-Jews are only guests here. And guests must behave appropriately. And if they do not behave appropriately, we will not hesitate to expel them by force. From Taibeh to Tira, from Jaffo to Ahad [Arad], Israel is the home of the Jews and no other people. Because Jewish blood flows in the arms of the Jewish people.

Are you with us?”


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It is when you explicitly choose the targets based solely on them being Jewish.
How do you target anyone when you say 'Free Palestine'?
You used to believe in the two state solution, now you say its antisemitic to support it by saying 'Free Palestine'.
That's sad.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Berlin Police notice the link between "Pro-Palestinian" ideologies and anti-jewish and support for terrorism

Police in Berlin have banned two pro-Palestinian demonstrations set for the weekend, citing concerns about antisemitic agitation as the reason.

The demonstrations, on both Saturday and Sunday, had been billed as a protest to mark the 75th anniversary of the “Nakba” — the Arabic word for “catastrophe” that is used by many Palestinians to describe the founding of the State of Israel in May 1948. Police have yet to make a decision on whether to permit a third demonstration on May 20, which organizers have said is a protest “for the fundamental right to freedom of assembly and expression on the 75th anniversary of the Nakba.”

The bans come on top of the decision by police in the German capital to prevent several pro-Palestinian demonstrations in recent weeks because of the likelihood that antisemitic tropes would be on display, the Tagesspiegel news outlet reported on Friday. Last month, police launched an investigation after a cries of “Death to the Jews” were heard at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin’s Neukölln neighborhood.

Antisemitic incidents have risen steadily in Germany over the past decade, with many attacks involving young Muslims assaulting Jews or chanting antisemitic slogans during protests ostensibly directed against Israel. During the 11-day war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza during May 2021, more than 200 antisemitic outrages were reported.

Samuel Salzborn, Berlin’s antisemitism commissioner, on Friday defended the ban, arguing that it was warranted by the open display of antisemitism at past demonstrations.

“At these types of rallies we see a major escalation of antisemitism, from glorification of violence and calls for violence to actual physical violence against police officers and journalists,” Salzborn told the Judische Allgemeine news outlet.

Salzborn argued that the “Nakba narrative” — which depicts Israel as an illegitimate colonial entity solely responsible for the dispossession of 750,000 Arab refugees during the 1947-48 War of Independence — “ignores the historical context of the founding of the state of Israel, such as the aggression of its Arab neighbors.”

“This creates a one-sidedness that turns categorically against Israel and is not very inclined to consider dialogue-oriented or cooperative solutions,” he continued.

Separately, Germany’s federal parliament, the Bundestag, held a special debate on Friday to honor the 75th anniversary of Israel’s founding.

Among the speakers was Michael Roth, a representative of the center-left SPD Party, who warned that Germany’s post-Holocaust commitment to Israel’s well-being was wavering.

“The principle of Israel’s security as a German reason of state is increasingly being followed by a ‘but,’ and that ‘but’ is being said louder and more aggressively than ever,” Roth asserted.

Citing Concerns Over Antisemitism, Berlin Police Ban Palestinian ‘Nakba Day’ Demonstrations -


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
PCHR: The "human rights" NGO that proudly and explicitly supports terror

On Saturday, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights issued a press release claiming that a statement by Israel's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) was part of a "smear campaign" against them.

Yet in that very statement, PCHR published this bullet point:

PCHR affirms the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation by all available means, including armed struggle, all the way to achieve their legitimate rights, end the occupation, and establish their independent state.
"All available means, including armed struggle" means that this "human rights" organization officially supports terror attacks against civilians. There is no caveat there.

Indeed, PCHR has never, to my knowledge, said a word against Palestinian terror attacks or rocket salvos towards civilian areas.

Yet this terror -supporting "human rights" organization is still respected by the international community.

In a sane world, this statement would result in an immediate outcry and end to international funding of PCHR, which are listed on their website:

1 Al Maqdese for Society Development
2 Al-Quds Association Malaga-Spain
3 Arab Human Rights Fund (AHRF)
4 Bertha Foundation
5 Christian Aid
6 Dan Church Aid
7 European Commission through Oxfam
8 Foundation to Promote Open Society
9 Grassroots International
10 Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat

11 Iris O’Brien Foundation
12 Irish Aid
13 Kvinna Till Kvinna Foundation (KTK)
14 KZE through MISEREOR
15 NGO Development Center (NDC)
16 Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
17 Oxfam Novib
18 Representative Office of Finland
19 Representative Office of Norway

20 San Sabastian
21 San Sabastian council
22 Spanish Cooperation
23 Terre des hommes foundation (TDH)
24 Trocaire


Email these organizations and ask them if they are aware that they are funding a pro-terror organization. They might not have been impressed with the news that PCHR is strongly linked to the PFLP terror group, but when the organization says it supports terror explicitly, that is a little harder to ignore.

PCHR: The "human rights" NGO that proudly and explicitly supports terror ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Toronto Escorts