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Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
If the right kept their deplorables on a leash like the dogs they are nobody would care what they watch
your problem is you want to control others period
a despicable trait common to the loonie left

again you always have the option to change the channel should FOX appear on your telly
but your pathological need to control what others watch is far too important to you

nobody on the right expects AOC or Bernie Sanders to be put on a leash
We are quite confident they will self destruct & that the public recognizes them for the delusional irresponsible fools they are
Justin Trudeaus lies & corruption will push him out of office in the next election
then the long difficult task of fixing his mess will begin

nobody on the right expects Justin Trudeaus to be put on a leash
We just prefer his occupation be more aligned to his skill set

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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
because I did not realize you are so slow you can not put two and two together
if i watched it on the telly it is in the package my cable company offered to me

not as embarrassed as you should be that you can not put two and two together
i have no embarrassment that CNN appears on the telly, so why would I be embarrassed about FOX on the telly

where do you watch 90% of news casts on the telly?

yeah ok
these control freak liberals want to censor the internet via the CRTC, bill c-11 but they have nothing to do with Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

yes the loonie left are pretty pathetic
get your own life in order before demanding you get to control others behaviour

but i just apply common sense & good judgement


nope, no-one least of all that corrupt moron Justin Trudeau should dictate what others can watch

RT ?????

that is your opinion, not a fact
flip side of the coin is CNN , please do not try to pretend they do not hate republicans

flip side of the coin is CNN

you always have the choice of changing the channel id fox appears

your problem is you want to control what others watch
a despicable trait common to the loonie left
I don't want to control anyone or anything. And if you had an individual thought, you would know that our airways have always operated in this fashion. When Fox was first proposed to go on Canadian cable, there were the same arguments back then about the disinformation and hate speech. Things have only gotten worse. But, as I've pointed out to you, Fox isn't banned in Canada.

Now, if we want to talk about which side is really into trying to control people, I look at the neo-fascist movement the US right has embraced, and how it slowly coming to Canada. THey're the ones who are trying to control what people can say or read. They are even punishing companies that disagree with their "conservative" values. Sounds a lot like they want to tell people what to think or say. Aren't those things you say the "loonie left" are trying to do? Why aren't you outraged with that censorship? You're just like Elon Musk who claims to be a free speech absolutionist, but bans people who criticize him or things he believes in.

So, basically the right-wing echo chamber or fever swamp...whatever you wanna call it, is inconsistent and hypocritical about this stuff. They rail against "woke-ness" because they loved it when white people could say the n-word without getting punched in the face, beat the shit out of some queers, POCs kept their heads down, and a woman knew her place was in the kitchen.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I don't want to control anyone or anything.
gee demanding others not be able to watch fox tells a different story

And if you had an individual thought, you would know that our airways have always operated in this fashion. When Fox was first proposed to go on Canadian cable, there were the same arguments back then about the disinformation and hate speech. Things have only gotten worse. But, as I've pointed out to you, Fox isn't banned in Canada.
but you want to ban others from watching fox

Now, if we want to talk about which side is really into trying to control people, I look at the neo-fascist movement the US right has embraced, and how it slowly coming to Canada. THey're the ones who are trying to control what people can say or read. They are even punishing companies that disagree with their "conservative" values. Sounds a lot like they want to tell people what to think or say. Aren't those things you say the "loonie left" are trying to do? Why aren't you outraged with that censorship? You're just like Elon Musk who claims to be a free speech absolutionist, but bans people who criticize him or things he believes in.
i have repeatedly stated, you are always free to change the channel

your comical diatribe above indicates you could use some balance in your views along with some medication & assistance from a mental health professional

So, basically the right-wing echo chamber or fever swamp...whatever you wanna call it, is inconsistent and hypocritical about this stuff. They rail against "woke-ness" because they loved it when white people could say the n-word without getting punched in the face, beat the shit out of some queers, POCs kept their heads down, and a woman knew her place was in the kitchen.
time to start taking your meds again
what a load of rubbish

racism , gays, gender issues, feminism

hey you pushed all the top tier political correctness buttons
you would be lost if you had to decide for yourself what is appropriate

I will give you a hint
trampling on free speech is not appropriate even if it offends you

you demonize others for not condemning politically incorrectness as you do you have that right, however you just paint yourself as an uncompromising, irrational ideologue incapable of thinking for himself.

just because someone does not scream commendation like a blithering fool ( see mirror) does not mean you have the first clue how he / she views the specific issue

in your strange world anyone not constantly complaining about race , gender issues as you do must be a racist, gay bashing, wife beater
the reality is most people do not support racism, gay bashing, wife beater , however most people prefer not to make a skeptical of themselves and keep their views private

but do not let reality get in the way of you canceling program
funny how so many of the fanatical show trail prosecutors in soviet Russia wound up in the defendants chair later on


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
gee demanding others not be able to watch fox tells a different story

but you want to ban others from watching fox

i have repeatedly stated, you are always free to change the channel

your comical diatribe above indicates you could use some balance in your views along with some medication & assistance from a mental health professional

time to start taking your meds again
what a load of rubbish

racism , gays, gender issues, feminism

hey you pushed all the top tier political correctness buttons
you would be lost if you had to decide for yourself what is appropriate

I will give you a hint
trampling on free speech is not appropriate even if it offends you

you demonize others for not condemning politically incorrectness as you do you have that right, however you just paint yourself as an uncompromising, irrational ideologue incapable of thinking for himself.

just because someone does not scream commendation like a blithering fool ( see mirror) does not mean you have the first clue how he / she views the specific issue

in your strange world anyone not constantly complaining about race , gender issues as you do must be a racist, gay bashing, wife beater
the reality is most people do not support racism, gay bashing, wife beater , however most people prefer not to make a skeptical of themselves and keep their views private

but do not let reality get in the way of you canceling program
funny how so many of the fanatical show trail prosecutors in soviet Russia wound up in the defendants chair later on
Its the right wing that is banning books, drag shows, education, 'don't say gay' and trying to shut down the CBC here.
Not the left wing.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
gee demanding others not be able to watch fox tells a different story

but you want to ban others from watching fox

i have repeatedly stated, you are always free to change the channel

your comical diatribe above indicates you could use some balance in your views along with some medication & assistance from a mental health professional

time to start taking your meds again
what a load of rubbish

racism , gays, gender issues, feminism

hey you pushed all the top tier political correctness buttons
you would be lost if you had to decide for yourself what is appropriate

I will give you a hint
trampling on free speech is not appropriate even if it offends you

you demonize others for not condemning politically incorrectness as you do you have that right, however you just paint yourself as an uncompromising, irrational ideologue incapable of thinking for himself.

just because someone does not scream commendation like a blithering fool ( see mirror) does not mean you have the first clue how he / she views the specific issue

in your strange world anyone not constantly complaining about race , gender issues as you do must be a racist, gay bashing, wife beater
the reality is most people do not support racism, gay bashing, wife beater , however most people prefer not to make a skeptical of themselves and keep their views private

but do not let reality get in the way of you canceling program
funny how so many of the fanatical show trail prosecutors in soviet Russia wound up in the defendants chair later on
Man...You don't believe in free speech. You just got your panties in a knot because a channel might not be on cable. Does that mean you cannot watch it? Does it mean you could face legal issues for watching it? Can you tell me how that is a ban? Just because the right-wing echo chamber tells you white men are so hard done by and are the ones facing discrimination doesn't make it true. You will likely have no issues watching your beloved Fox. I know they sell a subscription, so you'll always be on tops of the latest manufactured outrage or grievance. You demonize the left all the time. It's in virtually everything you post. And it's why none of us take you seriously. You are a joke. You're a one trick pony. You are intellectually bereft of ideas or concepts. You've bought into the whole idea that being considerate and kind to others, which is the basic definition of a bridge too far. That's why I say you miss the days of being able to say whatever racist, misogynistic or homophobic shit you want in public without fear of backlash.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Man...You don't believe in free speech. You just got your panties in a knot because a channel might not be on cable. Does that mean you cannot watch it? Does it mean you could face legal issues for watching it? Can you tell me how that is a ban?
are you that slow that you can not figure out the government banning a channel from being broadcasted is a ban

Just because the right-wing echo chamber tells you white men are so hard done by and are the ones facing discrimination doesn't make it true.
i do not need a right-wing echo chamber to see current discrimination against white men
its pay back time for perceived discrimination in the past

two wrongs do not make a right
discriminating against any group for the actions of their forefathers just perpetuates a cycle

but you must have your revenge or your virtue signaling approval ... your ideology demands it & your are forbidden to actually think about it

hiring policies with racial or gender quotas prevent the very best candidates from acquiring the position if these policies are applied on a statistically broad basis & that is happening

You will likely have no issues watching your beloved Fox.
you are such a fool
if it happens to pop up while channel surfing, i might watch
just like if CNN happens to pop up while channel surfing, i might watch.
i will mute CNN to avoid left wing infections but i will still check out their beautiful anchor women

I know they sell a subscription, so you'll always be on tops of the latest manufactured outrage or grievance.
just like CNN left wing manufactured outrage or grievance.
do i demand CNN must be banned?
of course not, I do not want to control what others watch as i am a rational person

You demonize the left all the time.
the loonie left sare not demonized
like other loonies, they need help

It's in virtually everything you post.
yes, its a mental health crisis

And it's why none of us take you seriously.
too funny
despite your desires you do not control others and you do not speak for anyone else but yourself

every time i see you have posted , i giggle and say, this should be absolute non-sense and soooo easy to refute
then after reading your ideologically driven drivel i am prove correct once again

You are a joke. You're a one trick pony.
i have a reasonably good sense of humor and I assure you I am anything but one dimensional

You are intellectually bereft of ideas or concepts.
too funny
you need politically correctness defined for you in-order to form an opinion

You've bought into the whole idea that being considerate and kind to others, which is the basic definition of a bridge too far.
being kind and considerate to others is plain common decency
demanding others share your over-the -top outrage and behave exactly as you demand they must, is the basic definition of Woke...and that is is a bridge too far

That's why I say you miss the days of being able to say whatever racist, misogynistic or homophobic shit you want in public without fear of backlash.
And you hit the nail on the head

freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear

you seem to think it is your job to ensure there is fear of backlash

people who prompt racist, misogynistic or homophobic shit run the risk of being ignored

and then there is the problem of who defines what is or is not racist, misogynistic or homophobic shit

example 5 candidates applying for a position
there is an obligation to the companies, shareholders/ owners, current employees, and customers to hire the best candidate

if the best candidate happens to be a white male, you scream racist, misogynistic or homophobic shit, when the reality is nothing of the sort

if the best candidate happens to be a black gay women, then i still want her to succeed
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