In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Rumor had it that Sam will perform in Gaza. ROTFLMFAO!!!
Bummer, they could have killed him outright then for his support.

Israel killed a few more civilians and children today.
Of course you're more concerned with Sam.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Its about time that you admitted the death squads are military ...
Your diatribes are pretty pathetic. What generally happens is they show up and demand the suspect come out. When the suspect and other people shoot at them, the authorities fire back.

Again, all you want to do is pretend that Palestinians have the right to shoot at Jewish civilians and military and the Israelis have no right to shoot back.

International law says if they are militants they are legit targets.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
According to B'nai Brith and Israeli right wingers, you mean.
And there you go again claiming that Jewish groups have manipulated Canada's and other democratic governments. No wonder you keep defending that anti-semite hired by your dictators group.

I agree with numerous leaders of rights respecting democratic countries while you push conspiracy theories about Jews controlling the world.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Palestinians: More Human Rights Violations No One Talks About

The death on May 1 in an Israeli prison of Khader Adnan, a senior member of the Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) organization, has received worldwide coverage in major media outlets, including CNN, BBC, The Guardian, Reuters, and The New York Times.

Meanwhile, two Palestinian men detained by the Islamist organization Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, died after a supposed unexpected "deterioration" in their health conditions in just the past month.

The deaths of the men in Hamas custody, however, was not given nearly the same attention by the international media and human rights organizations as the death of Adnan. The same newspapers and media organizations that highlighted the case of Adnan -- who died after an 86-day hunger strike -- chose to ignore the deaths of the two Palestinian detainees in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

The United Nations, whose "experts" are now demanding "accountability" from the Israeli government following Adnan's death, also remained silent over the death of the two men held by Hamas.

The attitude of the mainstream media in the West, international agencies and human rights organizations towards these deaths expose their double standards and their ongoing obsession with Israel. The failure to report the deaths of the two prisoners in Gaza underscores their apparent lack of concern for the human rights of Palestinians living under the rule of Hamas, an extremist group designated as a terror organization by the US, Canada, and the European Union, among others.

The media seem more worried about the human rights of Palestinian terrorists than the rights of victims of Palestinian terrorists. Note, for example, how Omar Shakir, the "Israel and Palestine" director of Human Rights Watch, hailed the leader of the Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad, also designated by many countries as a terror group. Has Shakir condemned the deaths of the two Palestinian men in Hamas custody? Not yet.

Adnan was neither tortured nor mistreated in Israeli prison. He chose to go on hunger strike after his arrest in February 2023 on charges of membership in a terror group and incitement to violence. He even refused to undergo medical evaluation or receive medical treatment during the hunger strike.

Adnan was fully aware that he was putting his life at risk by refusing food and medical care. He made a conscious decision, knowing full well it could lead to his death.

This also was not Adnan's first hunger strike in an Israeli prison. In the past, he went on a hunger strike for several weeks, again putting his life at risk. Then, after receiving assurances from Israeli authorities that his detention would not be extended, he had ended his hunger strike.

The stories of the two Palestinian men who died in Hamas custody are vastly different from that of Adnan.

The first man, Mohammed Al-Sufi, 43, was an Islamic preacher from the town of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. On April 20, the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Interior announced the death of Al-Sufi.

Al-Sufi's 16-year-old son, Abdullah, told the Palestinian Center for Human Rights that his father and he were arrested on April 19 by Hamas security officers shortly after they returned home from a visit to Egypt. Abdullah said that he was punched and beaten by the officers, who accused his father and him of smuggling drugs into the Gaza Strip. He also said that he heard his father being interrogated in a nearby room and denying the charges. After a while, he heard the officers calling his father to wake up. Hours later, at Abu Yusef Annajar Hospital, Al-Sufi was pronounced dead.

Al-Sufi's family insist he died from torture while in Hamas custody. They say he was arrested because he had criticized Hamas for serving as a proxy for Iran, which he said was responsible for killing Muslims in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and the Gaza Strip. The family has threatened to avenge his death at the hands of the "Hamas gangs."

Al-Sufi's family and friends published a poster on social media with his picture alongside a caption reading:

"I'm Sheikh Mohammed Al-Sufi. I was assassinated by Hamas on orders from Iran because I criticized the killers of Muslims in Syria and Iraq."
Hussein Foujo, a Palestinian resident of the Gaza Strip who dared to speak out against the death of Al-Sufi in Hamas detention, said he received threats from a relative of the Hamas security officers involved in the arrest and alleged torture of the Islamic preacher.

The second detainee, Ahmed Al-Louh, 56, died on May 1 after being rushed from a Hamas prison to Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. According to sources in the Gaza Strip, Al-Louh was arrested by Hamas security officers on March 8 for "criminal-related offences." Hamas said that he, too, died after a "sudden deterioration in his health condition."

Foreign journalists covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have so far failed to report about the death of the two Palestinians. Foreign journalists did not visit, or even try to contact, the families of the two men who died in Hamas custody in the Gaza Strip. The UN and human rights organizations -- who expressed so much concern over the death of the hunger striker in an Israeli prison -- have yet to comment on the suspicious deaths of the two Palestinians in Hamas detention in the Gaza Strip, which could constitute crimes against humanity.

No one cares about the two men who died in Hamas custody, apparently because Israel is not associated with their deaths. Had Al-Sufi and Al-Louh died in an Israeli prison, they would have made headlines in The New York Times, the BBC and CNN.

The newspapers and media organizations turning a blind eye to human rights violations committed by Hamas against Palestinians are implying, through their failure to cover these suspicious deaths, that there is nothing newsworthy about Palestinians reportedly being tortured to death in Palestinian prisons.

The media's indifference to these deaths appears the result of the "racism of low expectations." "They treat Muslims like monkeys in a zoo," said Egyptian scholar Hamed Abdel Samad.

It is as if journalists and so-called human rights groups assume that Muslims are such savages that it would be laughable even to expect civilized behavior from them; so why report it at all?

The cases of Adnan, Al-Sufi and Al-Louh further show how consistently foreign journalists and professed human rights groups covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict spend their waking hours hunting down stories that reflect negatively on Israel. Some of these "correspondents" appear so blinded by their bigotry that, under the banner of being "pro-Palestinian," they are ready to give Hamas a free pass to arrest, torture and kill as many of their fellow-Palestinians they wish.

There is much damning evidence (here, here, here, here, here and here) of anti-Israel bias in the mainstream media and so-called human rights organizations in the West. Those who ignore human rights violations committed by both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority against Palestinians do a massive disservice to the Palestinians whom they claim to support, but who remain horribly mistreated by their own leaders (here, here, here and here).

Failure to publicize these human rights abuses simply allows Hamas to continue its crimes against the Palestinians with callous impunity -- and without an iota of concern about criticism from the media, the UN, the international community or self-professed human rights groups.

Bassam Tawil is a Muslim Arab based in the Middle East.
Palestinians: More Human Rights Violations No One Talks About :: Gatestone Institute


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I support Canadian laws against hate speech just as much as I support Canadian views ...
Yet you have never condemned anti-Jewish hate speech and you just said a bunch of assholes targeting Jewish children with celebrations of terrorism is free speech. Why is it you think it's hate speech when Jews do it but free speech when Jews are the targets? And just a reminder, you are justifying the targeting of a bunch of Jewish children in the UK simply because you hate Israel existing.

Just another case where you show your concern has absolutely nothing to do with human rights but simply about hating Jews living in the Middle East.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Bummer, they could have killed him outright then for his support.

Israel killed a few more civilians and children today.
Yet you're never concerned when jewish children are killed and instead try to pretend that these children are somehow militants.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Your diatribes are pretty pathetic. What generally happens is they show up and demand the suspect come out. When the suspect and other people shoot at them, the authorities fire back.

Again, all you want to do is pretend that Palestinians have the right to shoot at Jewish civilians and military and the Israelis have no right to shoot back.

Another celebration for dead Palestinians?
No remorse at civilians killed, no demand that both sides obey the law, no offer of a peaceful solution.
Just more killing.

Are you different from these people?



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yet you're never concerned when jewish children are killed and instead try to pretend that these children are somehow militants.
4 Palestinian children were killed today by Israel.
Did you express any concern or remorse?
Why would you accuse me of something you do yourself?

That's the news and the subject of the day, stop this whataboutism.
Explain why you never express remorse at Palestinians being killed, even when they are children.

Only racist scum think self defence includes attacking civilians who were not engaged in acts of violence.

NOTHING justifies targeting of unarmed civilians. NOTHING. You would do well to remember that while living peacefully in Canada. Anyone who does is a fucking kook.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Your diatribes are pretty pathetic. What generally happens is they show up and demand the suspect come out. When the suspect and other people shoot at them, the authorities fire back.

Again, all you want to do is pretend that Palestinians have the right to shoot at Jewish civilians and military and the Israelis have no right to shoot back.

The racist fables of an anti Palestinian bigot.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Another celebration for dead Palestinians?
Amazing the shit you post.

Why is it you keep claiming that high level PIJ terrorists are civilians while a woman driving with her kids are 'militants'?
International law says if they are militants they are legit targets.

p.s. You really don't want to play the game of posting celebrations. Do you really want to compare small group of people celebrating the death of key members of a designated terrorist entity to the large celebrations that have occurred when Palestinian militants targeted Jewish civilians?

Oh that's right, you have no interest in morality or consistency, just about promoting racial hatred.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Are you so obsessive that you can't see who I responded to in that post? Or are you admitting your little buddy is actually another of your handles.

And no one believes you care about equal rights considering how many times you have claimed Jewish civilians were actually militants and claimed Palestinian militants in gun battles were actually civilians.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
4 Palestinian children were killed today by Israel.
PIJ honchos are legitimate targets and all those international laws you pretend to care about accept that civilian casualties are legitimate commensurate with the value of the target. Sucks that kids were also killed. I'd rather Hamas arrest the PIJ leaders :rolleyes: or Israel could target them away from civilians but since PIJ (and Hamas) decide to hide in civilian areas, the options are limited.

But considering you have repeatedly justified attacks specifically targeting what your own rights groups call civilians, you know you're full of shit.

And PIJ has fired at least 300 more war crime terror rockets today. They could legitimately retaliate by trying to knock off high level IDF officers or take their rage out on IDF soldiers but instead they choose to target civilians. That is why Canada considers your heroes to be terrorists and why even your rights groups say the rockets are completely unjustifiable.

It's just another aspect of your obsessive racism like when you keep justifying targeting Jews around the world and Jewish children because your racist hate for Israel. One day you'll wake up and realize how wrong your conspiracy theories about Jewish control and blaming Jews are.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
It's just another aspect of your obsessive racism like when you keep justifying targeting Jews around the world and Jewish children because your racist hate for Israel. One day you'll wake up and realize how wrong your conspiracy theories about Jewish control and blaming Jews are.
That’s pretty demented. I love it when you blame other people for your own thought processes, grandpa.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
PIJ honchos are legitimate targets and all those international laws you pretend to care about accept that civilian casualties are legitimate commensurate with the value of the target. Sucks that kids were also killed. I'd rather Hamas arrest the PIJ leaders :rolleyes: or Israel could target them away from civilians but since PIJ (and Hamas) decide to hide in civilian areas, the options are limited.

But considering you have repeatedly justified attacks specifically targeting what your own rights groups call civilians, you know you're full of shit.

And PIJ has fired at least 300 more war crime terror rockets today. They could legitimately retaliate by trying to knock off high level IDF officers or take their rage out on IDF soldiers but instead they choose to target civilians. That is why Canada considers your heroes to be terrorists and why even your rights groups say the rockets are completely unjustifiable.

It's just another aspect of your obsessive racism like when you keep justifying targeting Jews around the world and Jewish children because your racist hate for Israel. One day you'll wake up and realize how wrong your conspiracy theories about Jewish control and blaming Jews are.
He’s got your number
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