i sure came close 2 nights ago !
it took a lot of back and forth texting just to get her address, which was red flag 1.
before following through, i asked what her restrictions were, to which the answer was (none).
i found that odd, because the ad said safe gfe only. red flag 2.
i then asked to clarify if no restrictions meant (what we know it means).
let's just say the answer i got, again, did not match the ad. red flag 3.
my curiosity got the best of me, so i drove there, looked at the place and my gut was saying to turn around, so i did.
did i just dodge a bullet, or am i simply lactose intolerant?
the building/house (cyr/jeanne mance) looked like more than one person would live there. (maybe there was a surprise boyfriend waiting for me inside ?).
as much as i like the photos in the ad, i will hang back in case someone else here feels better about toftt to see what is behind that door.