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Oprah had to be physically restrained


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
Prince Harry and Oprah lose millions in SVB collapse
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank yesterday was the second largest bank in US history to collapse, second only to Washington Mutual in 2008.
Prince Harry may have lost $1.2 billion, and Oprah lost $590 million in the collapse of the SVB bank in California yesterday. The FDIC insures accounts only up to $250,000. You’d think they would have known…
This "article" you linked to to support the veracity of the twitter posts, just shows a repost of the original twitter posts with no supprting paragraphs.
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
It looks like the contagion is spreading, partially fueled by the drop in crypto. The bizarre part, Bitcoin's share price as gone up while three banks have already failed. Those of you with Bloomberg subscriptions log in, those of you without



Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
It looks like the contagion is spreading, partially fueled by the drop in crypto. The bizarre part, Bitcoin's share price as gone up while three banks have already failed. Those of you with Bloomberg subscriptions log in, those of you without

Not only that. The bottom is falling off the commercial real-estate as well. The rising interest rates are really hurting the noncommercial mortgage business too, with more hikes on the way. And the retail is threading water(at best) due to increasing household expenses like energy. The economy in America is in deep, deep trouble.
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K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Actually, if you want to blame absence of bank regulations, the cause would be Clinton's repeal of the Glass Steagall act in 1999.
The Dodd Frank act, that Trump repealed was not nearly strict enough. As matter of fact, Barney Frank was a board member of one of the failed banks.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Well so far they haven't used taxpayer money to bail out investors. Which is a good thing.

The question is this the real beginning of what I believe is a nasty recession on the way. I've battened down the hatches already to make sure my household is fine. But I see lots of people getting hurt.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Actually, if you want to blame absence of bank regulations, the cause would be Clinton's repeal of the Glass Steagall act in 1999.
The Dodd Frank act, that Trump repealed was not nearly strict enough. As matter of fact, Barney Frank was a board member of one of the failed banks.
"President Donald Trump's rollback of some of the Dodd-Frank rules was not a factor in the collapse of either SVB or Signature Bank, Frank said. The changes that Trump put in place eased regulations and decreased the amount of money that was spent on compliance for midsized banks such as Signature."
Dodd-Frank Co-Author, a Director of Failed Signature Bank, Touts Reforms - TheStreet
Clinton Housing Policy Wrecked Economy, Not 1% | Investor's Business Daily (


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
My understanding is that the cost of protecting customers' deposits will be funded by increased FDIC premiums on the healthy banks. Not one cent from taxpayers, other than the taxpayers that are the healthy banks paying the higher premiums.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
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Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
"President Donald Trump's rollback of some of the Dodd-Frank rules was not a factor in the collapse of either SVB or Signature Bank, Frank said. The changes that Trump put in place eased regulations and decreased the amount of money that was spent on compliance for midsized banks such as Signature."
Dodd-Frank Co-Author, a Director of Failed Signature Bank, Touts Reforms - TheStreet
Clinton Housing Policy Wrecked Economy, Not 1% | Investor's Business Daily (
This is a very confusing article.
It states:
" But Frank is standing by the banking regulation reforms he sponsored and said that without the passage of Dodd-Frank the bank failures could be more widespread."
" “The vindication of the bill is that nobody is talking about anything like 2008,” he told Bloomberg. “If the bill hadn’t been passed, we’d be seeing a lot more damage these days. We got a lot of the vulnerability out of the system.” "
It seems he says that this regulation was excellent and kept many banks from going under but then goes on to say:
"President Donald Trump's rollback of some of the Dodd-Frank rules was not a factor in the collapse of either SVB or Signature Bank, Frank said."
Seems he is blaming the failure on cripto currency, not on the lack of protections his regulation would have provided.
I will have to take a deeper look into his views as well as Chris Dodds to see if they are on the same page.on this
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
President Obama's big mistake was not prosecuting the main players of 15/09/2008, James Cayne, CDO Czar Joseph Gregory and AIG speculator Joseph Cassano all rode quietly into the sunset. After Cayne drove Bear Sterns into the ground the wound was allowed to fester for over a year. JP Morgan Chase absorbed their toxic assets, unfortunately it also put them out of commission for anyone else. The Lehman Bros (Gregory) mushroom cloud caught everyone unawares. This time the Fed is acting swiftly, they should be able to contain it before the contagion goes rogue.

As for Donato, why did he waste his time with NFTs when he would have made a bigger fortune selling farts in a jar.
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