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Oprah had to be physically restrained


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
So you are telling me this if fake news? It's all false?
No, I telling you if CNN lied once they can always lied again. That why I prefer other independent new sources they have not lie yet.
That why I don’t or rarely watch CNN news! I don’t trust them. They lost their credibility. I am sure sometimes they will report facts and real new, but I don’t trust them anymore . And I rather don’t want to waste my time watching CNN wondering if that piece of new they report have been falsified or some part of news in the story have omit certain facts!


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
The billionaires will be fine, it's all for show to show that "they're hurting too". Not falling for that shit.
I know, I know.

I mean look at TERB's very own billionaire, John LaRue. He ain't crying over a few hundred mill spill. He's a regular Jim Dandy.

"Unfettered, rampant grift capitalism is the bedrock of capitalism" - TERB's very own and sole billionaire.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
You are full of shit Franky about Dodd-Frank regulations could prevent this bank failures blaming on Donald Trump!!
This is about the decades of relentless easy money ( cheap money) handed out! MMT ( Magic Money Tree) pushed by the the fed government and resulted the FED Reserve unlimited spending like bailouts , like uncontrolled deficits , like forgiving bad student loandebt, like pandemic loan, all the free money given out, etc!

Lots of really bad takes about SVB. Let’s try and correct This is not a solvency crisis like 2008. Bad loans or poor investments were not made. Money was not lost. So, everyone is going to get their money back. (And please no takes about no interest rate hedging.
Asset/liability mismatches are how banking works.)

Instead this is an old fashion 1930s liquidity crisis. Too many depositors demanded cash at once (as in right now) and SVB (and SI) could not convert loans and securities (and crypto) to cash that quickly. So, everyone is getting their money back from SVB (and SI), just not at 8AM Monday. And, yes this is a big problem as this is working capital for a lot of companies. They have payrolls to meet and vendors to pay next week. And if they don’t pay bills and employees, they in turn don’t pay their bills and this can quickly cascade into a major economic problem.

The important question is why so many demanded their money back at once. And I’m not referring to the last two days. I’m asking about the days/weeks leading up to this last two days forcing SVB to sell securities and realize a $1.8B loss, necessitating a capital raise. Why were depositors withdrawing in big enough amounts before Thursday/Friday? First, welcome to the world of mobile banking. Gone are the frictions of standing in line with tellers instructed to count money slowly. (Media images of lines Friday were largely gawkers)

How did $42 billion get withdrawn Friday alone without thousands in line? Answer, your phone! This is not the Bailey Savings and Loan anymore. This should scare the hell of bankers and regulators worldwide. The entire $17 trillion deposit base is now on a hair trigger expecting instant liquidity. Add in social media and millions get a message, like Peter Thiel telling Founders companies to pull out, or Senator Warren gloating that SI went under, and pick up their phone open a Chase account and Venmo-ed their life savings into it in 10 minutes. Instant liquidity (not solvency) crisis with everyone still in bed.

Banking will never be the same. The second, and I did a long thread on this on Friday … banks are over-reserved, after 14 years of QE, and are still paying 0.50% on accounts when T-bills are yielding 5.00%. They don’t need to compete for deposits. Initially as rates passed 2%, 3% and 4%, the public did not notice. So bankers thought deposits were well anchored at their bank and not moving regardless of the interest rate paid. But at 5% the public finally noticed, and millions reached for the phone at once and transferred to a money market account or Treasury direct to buy T-bills.

Banks were squeezed to convert loans and securities to cash instantly so depositors could leave for better rates. Add in the bleed out from tech firms struggling, and Senator Warrens tweeting with glee about SI going out of business, and depositors at SVB got the message and picked up their phones and acted. This is why I have been tweeting that this has to stop now.

The Fed is meeting Monday at 11:30. Too late! They need to meet today (Sunday) at 11:30. What needs to be done? Two things. The FDIC needs to raise the deposit insurance ceiling to unlimited as they did this in 2008. Besides $250k is a made up number anyway. So make up a bigger number. Banks need to get their deposit base to stop figuring out how to buy a 4.5% money market fund. They need to raise the interest rates they pay 3.00% - 3.50%, from 0.50%, immediately.

Yes, this will kill bank profitability so expect Bank Execs to balk at doing this. This way the public gets the message that you money is safe, no matter the bank, or the amount, and the rate paid on your money is at least competitive with other alternatives. So, do nothing. Otherwise, if we are all waiting for the Fed to START a meeting at 11:30 Monday, hundreds of billions of deposits will have moved by phone and it will be far worse.

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I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
No, I telling you if CNN lied once they can always lied again. That why I prefer other independent new sources they have not lie yet.
That why I don’t or rarely watch CNN news! I don’t trust them. They lost their credibility. I am sure sometimes they will report facts and real new, but I don’t trust them anymore . And I rather don’t want to waste my time watching CNN wondering if that piece of new they report have been falsified or some part of news in the story have omit certain facts!
So you are telling me you're going with the story Prince Harry lost a billion dollars? You don't feel their maybe some lying there?


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
So you are telling me you're going with the story Prince Harry lost a billion dollars? You don't feel their maybe some lying there?
If there no bailout then he probably out 1.5 billion dollar. I think it irrelevant now. There will be a bailout! I rather trust a no name investor trading blog source then CNN… that what I am saying!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
If there no bailout then he probably out 1.5 billion dollar. I think it irrelevant now. There will be a bailout! I rather trust a no name investor trading blog source then CNN… that what I am saying!
If the dim Prince had $1.5B I don't think he would need to make money so hard.
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I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
If there no bailout then he probably out 1.5 billion dollar. I think it irrelevant now. There will be a bailout! I rather trust a no name investor trading blog source then CNN… that what I am saying!
You really believe Prince Harry has a billion sitting in the bank?

I guess if some unverified account online says so. It has to be true.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
You really believe Prince Harry has a billion sitting in the bank?

I guess if some unverified account online says so. It has to be true.
Queen Elizabeth died this year. How much the Queen worth? Guess there something call inheritance maybe Harry got a nice lump sum In inheritance from the death of her Grand Mother the Queen of England , For forty years, up until 1993, the British Queen enjoyed an income tax exemption thanks to the generosity of successive UK governments who played cat and mouse with Parliament and the media to keep the matter away from public scrutiny. Google Queen of England net worth at time of her death ! Queen of England worth $88 billion dollars!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
In a separate statement, the Fed said that this funding for other banks “will be made available through the creation of a new Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), offering loans of up to one year in length to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and other eligible depository institutions.”

Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP)
It pivot time!

Bank ~~> Buy
Term ~~>The
Funding ~~> Fucking
Program (BTFP)~~> Pivot rebranded as “Buy the fucking Pivot” previously known as ( Buy the fucking dip) !

BTFP~~> Buy the fucking pivot!
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  • Wow
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Queen Elizabeth died this year. How much the Queen worth? Guess there something call inheritance maybe Harry got a nice lump sum , the Queen of England don’t paid tax.
It is rumored that she left close to $1B to her dependants.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
It is rumored that she left close to $1B to her dependants.
Correction from previous post. Queen Elizabeth died this year. How much the Queen worth? Guess there something call inheritance maybe Harry got a nice lump sum In inheritance from the death of her Grand Mother the Queen of England , For forty years, up until 1993, the British Queen enjoyed an income tax exemption thanks to the generosity of successive UK governments who played cat and mouse with Parliament and the media to keep the matter away from public scrutiny. Google Queen of England net worth at time of her death ! Queen of England worth $88 billion dollars!

PS. Dont you wish you didn’t have to pay taxes for 40 years! Nice income tax exemption especially like not have to pay capital gain !


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
I'm out. This thread is Fake News. This man said the Queens was worth $88 Billion.

And for the record, the queen died in 2022, which would make it last year.
My bad. I didn’t google when she died. I thought she died this year .
ok she died
Queen Elizabeth II has died
8 September 2022

Queen Elizabeth's net worth: Who inherits her money and homes?
Sep 8, 2022While the monarchy as a whole is worth $88 billion, according to Forbes magazine, QueenElizabeth personally was worth a fraction of that. But $447 million of her own personal money should...

My bad I read the wrong in. I took the whole monarchy as whole from forbe which is worth 88 billion I which I google.

Queen Elizabeth's Net Worth: Who Will Inherit Her Fortune?
Sep 16, 2022Queen Elizabeth's personal wealth is separate from that of the Crown Estate, which Forbes estimates to be worth a whopping $19.5 billion. This estate includes official royal palaces and the...

Guess google also have a different amount.

My bad …
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
I'm out. This thread is Fake News. This man said the Queens was worth $88 Billion.

And for the record, the queen died in 2022, which would make it last year.
I see if I can find or google the more info on oprah freaking out . Which was your concern. Maybe I find more info on mainstream media to make you happy,
  • Haha
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Video of Trump SURFACES Showing his TOTAL CULPABILIT

Except that the repeal of the regulations (albeit idiotic and damaging) had nothing to do with this particular failure.
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