Wait - what is wrong with being over 40, single and an animal owner?? Why is there this idea that you are somehow unsuccessful in life if you are not married? Why must I want/need to get married???? LOL
What do I “need” a man for? I don’t want another relationship to have and maintain. Certainly not an intimate one with a man right now? Or that I can see in the future.
I just don’t get this type of insult or idea that being a “dog mom” is a bad thing.
I am not JUDGING AT ALL it is all an observation I have notice in the last 15 years but this has been going on from the beginning of time and only because of the cell / internet everyone thinks this is new.
Well said, congratulations, you finally said what I heard for the past 6 months from 7 women, who finally tell the truth. I guess other women finally cracked and told the truth which I had pretty much guessed this 10 years ago. Not disagreeing with you at all, but you are in the extreme end of the bell curve exception to the rule.
The other women I have met or worked with don't prostitute/escort like you do which you get extra income. Some don't need the extra income or see what you do as not balanced. Others every other weekend "hook" up with a man or one night stand - what ever you want to call it. But once they hit 50 - 52 years old that is when they buy the dildo for replacement, some don't and others get a partner to balance emotional and material/money. And yes they lie about their number which I don't care, it is what it is.
Other divorce women are just happy with their income and life and don't care if they hit the poverty line by the time they retire or die, some don't hit poverty because of their retirement fund. Some will look for a partner just to balance the budget which the man may do so or a female partner. There are other variations which I have seen but won't get into it, these are the majority in the western world or first world country. I am not even going to mention the codependents and Selfish, entitled, egotistic narcissist people.
But one BIG CIRCUMSTANCE or trait -more than 51 % - I have found to be common with single/divorce mothers is this they wanted a kid so they can be taken care of after they turn 65. But these are the Agenda Women/Men as I call it out. Sure there are other people - ( but mainly women) who fall into this because they married the wrong guy/girl, it happens I have nothing against them or the agenda people. IT IS LIFE.
But all agenda people should be honest with their partners what they are up to.
Now I am involved into Spirituality, karma , past life and other modalities that I will not get into an argument. I know my karma I maybe that 1 % other 9 % have an idea but don't act on it or are taking some time off and the rest don't care, they just try to live by the day. SO THE PET, sure either side can have one for what ever reason they like to believe - and your statement is right on - but the underlying real reason for many people is because people don't want to come to terms with themselves. Other people don't know who how to get there or they have come to terms with themselves but they still rather have a companion. That is fine the first part, but the second is people don't try to really find themselves. EGO.
In the end life is life and I just move on, I hope or wish the best for all. The PILL which ever colour, I think it has helped people to WAKE up from their Ignorant life which they thought EARTH is a fantasy castle.
Thanks for writing it Jenesis.