Jordan Peterson says Ontario psychologist licence may be suspended over public statements


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
About fucking time. The guy should lose his license for spreading hate and bigotry and being an overall piece of shit.

The unfortunate reality is that he's filthy rich and he has a community of circlejerks (like most of the people on this thread) so the worst he would get is a light slap on the wrist.

Hey Peterson I have news for you - you are not a victim, so quit whining like an infant and take responsibility for the shit that you say.

As for the people who support Peterson on this thread - why? You do realize anything positive you say about him will only feed his big fucking ego because he's a narcissist who wouldn't give two shits about you or what you think. But yeah, continue to use him as a convenient outlet on how much you are "oppressed" for being a cis-gender heterosexual male.
Why? Peterson can say anything he wants. It's a free country!!


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
I think that his "religious grounds" has got to give way to the rights of minorities. This isn't the USA where religion trumps everything else. It's Canada.
Yes, but he still should be allowed to attend school. He's already lost, most of his grade 11 year.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
Lucky that high school kid just happened to have a lot of media there, huh?

Wonder how that all just happened to occur?
IMHO, this Josh Alexander is so charismatic, that he could probably get a job at rebel news or true north, right now. Even though, he is only 16 years old.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
IMHO, this Josh Alexander is so charismatic, that he could probably get a job at rebel news or true north, right now. Even though, he is only 16 years old.
Yup. He can be the "special correspondent" for high schools..... 😹
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Yes, but he still should be allowed to attend school. He's already lost, most of his grade 11 year.
He can study at home, like the other expelled kids do.

But he's too busy parading around screaming through a megaphone about Jesus.
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Crimson Mire

Active member
May 22, 2018
Why? Peterson can say anything he wants. It's a free country!!
Likewise, I can say whatever I want about Peterson. He's a bigoted, sexist piece of shit. It's a free country!!!

So what's your point exactly? That only certain people are entitled to free speech? What about the people who speak out against him? Do they not deserve the same rights?


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
Likewise, I can say whatever I want about Peterson. He's a bigoted, sexist piece of shit. It's a free country!!!

So what's your point exactly? That only certain people are entitled to free speech? What about the people who speak out against him? Do they not deserve the same rights?
Sure go ahead and speak out against Peterson. What do I care??


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

Medical regulatory bodies say they’re facing more abuse, harassment as public frustration mounts


Health workers look at an anti-vaccine mandate protest outside Toronto General Hospital in Toronto on Sept. 13, 2021.CHRIS HELGREN/REUTERS

Medical professionals and regulatory bodies are increasingly the targets for complaints, harassment and threats across Canada, as public frustration mounts toward the health care system. Exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and fuelled at times by misinformation, abuse directed at health workers is a concerning sign of eroding trust in medical institutions, experts say.
Last month, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario announced limits to public access to its headquarters as a result of an increase in serious threats that pose a safety concern. In recent weeks, the social-media pages of the College of Psychologists of Ontario have been flooded with abuse after it ordered Jordan Peterson, a high-profile member, to take a coaching program to “address issues regarding professionalism in public statements.” The order came in response to complaints about some of Dr. Peterson’s controversial tweets and other public expressions. Some physician leaders say people who disagree with their public statements about COVID-19 and other matters are launching official complaints against them with their regulator.
“The tenor has changed,” said Cynthia Johansen, registrar and chief executive officer of the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives. “I think COVID amplified a situation that was already getting bad. Frustrations may have already been there, but now there’s just so much more cause for it.”
Colleges that regulate nurses, doctors and other medical professionals are responsible for protecting the public and ensuring that members are qualified, competent and held to account if they engage in unethical, illegal or other problematic activities.
In recent years, particularly since the start of the pandemic and rise of misinformation on social media, regulators are increasingly being asked to step in when medical professionals promote false or harmful information online. They’re also seeing more complaints from members of the public who are angry about a professional’s public discussion of health issues that have become more polarized during the pandemic.
Katharine Smart, the former president of the Canadian Medical Association, said someone filed a complaint against her with the Yukon physician regulator after she spoke publicly in support of vaccines. In many of these cases, the regulator ultimately rules these complaints as vexatious, but they take time and resources away from other more important cases, she said.
Lawrence Loh, who was the medical officer of health in Ontario’s Peel region during much of the pandemic, said he was the subject of eight or nine complaints, all of which were filed by people who were upset by COVID-19 measures. The complaints were all dismissed.
“For me, I think it really reflects a change in societal expectations and understanding of the role of various institutions,” said Dr. Loh, who is now the executive director and CEO of the College of Family Physicians of Canada. He added that misinformation and the rise of an on-demand culture means that more people expect medical regulators to rule in their favour when they launch a complaint, while the reality is that each complaint is assessed based on its merits.
Gus Grant, registrar and CEO of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia, said complaints against physicians have tripled in the last decade, which he believes is linked to lack of access, long waits and other system-wide challenges, rather than a sudden decline in the performance of the province’s doctors.
“Most of us in this space see it as a barometer of the pressure on the system, the frustration the public has with the medical profession,” Dr. Grant said. “Where we find ourselves is at a vulnerable, volatile place where public unrest collides with the medical system.”

In recent years, he said they’ve had to increase safety measures at their office as a result of abuse and threatening behaviour. The office is now only accessible with a key fob, the receptionist is seated behind plexiglass and a security guard often has to be present at disciplinary hearings.
“There’s a lot of fomenting of unrest toward the regulator.”
The rise of misinformation during the pandemic has accelerated this trend, Dr. Grant said, adding that medical regulators across the country have all experienced an uptick in derogatory comments and abuse online.
Ms. Johansen said regulators need to act when members engage in public behaviour that undermines their professionalism and ability to do their job. She cited the case of Amy Hamm, a nurse who has been involved in a disciplinary hearing for making discriminatory remarks against transgender people, saying that all patients need to know they are safe and will be cared for.
“There is the interpersonal connection that you make with a patient and client, and the trust that they have in you that you will provide them with absolute care and attention,” she said. “The moment that trust is broken, that for me is what is at stake here.”


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
Ontario’s College of Physicians and Surgeons limits building access after threats

The group that regulates the practice of medicine in Ontario says it is limiting public access to its buildings due to safety concerns.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario says it has been receiving up to 200 emails a month consisting of serious threats against staff and council members.
The public can now observe the group’s quarterly council meetings via a livestream, as the college says its safety is a priority.
In an email to The Canadian Press, a spokesperson for the college sent excerpts of some messages it has received in recent months.
Some messages indirectly threaten the group’s members stating they should “settle their affairs.”
Others call the group “satanists” and “monsters” for encouraging injections of COVID-19 vaccines to curb the spread of the virus.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Yes, but JP will fight the CPO, tooth and nail, before that happens----LOL
He’s not going to win. You can’t be a member of the CPO and go around publicly embracing views that are the antithesis of the CPO’s standards and practices. The CPO is doing it’s job; this is exactly what it is supposed to do.

Let me explain it to you with an example I am sure you will understand: Remember when Liz Cheney got kicked out of the GQP for publicly stating that Trump tried to overthrow the government? You can’t be a member in good standing of the GQP and go around stating things that the party does not support.

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