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Jordan Peterson says Ontario psychologist licence may be suspended over public statements


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
So what is this kid's argument here?
He says he was banned for insisting on his religious beliefs or something.
What did he actually do?

I'm ignoring the false equivalency of someone who has employee rights versus the rights of a student, since pretending those are the same is just the twitter poster being disingenuous.
The kid only wanted to acknowledge two genders.....male and female. Also he didn't want transgender men (or teenage boys), to use the women's washroom. The 16 yr old kid is a devout catholic, and is protesting under religious grounds.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
So what is this kid's argument here?
He says he was banned for insisting on his religious beliefs or something.
What did he actually do?

I'm ignoring the false equivalency of someone who has employee rights versus the rights of a student, since pretending those are the same is just the twitter poster being disingenuous.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
The kid only wanted to acknowledge two genders.....male and female. Also he didn't want transgender men (or teenage boys), to use the women's washroom. The 16 yr old kid is a devout catholic, and is protesting under religious grounds.
No one gets banned from schools for saying "I only want to acknowledge two genders".
What did he actually do.

Reading the Post article it is clear enough he got arrested because he specifically chose to trespass and get himself arrested.
(So he's media savvy.)

It also says
"He was hit with a suspension for allegedly organizing protests at his school against biological males in girls’ bathrooms and arguing in class that God created two unchangeable genders.
So it seems he led multiple protests. I wonder how long it took for them to suspend him?

There was a lot of negotiation - the Post article links to a letter from his Principal that points out Josh's legal counsel seems to refuse to meet (https://libertycoalitioncanada.com/...to-Josh-Alexander-RE-Conditions-of-Return.pdf) ("As I have previously mentioned, despite extending several requests to meet with you and Josh as part of the investigation, you elected not to meet with me.")

Josh appears to be dead naming at least one person and in conflict with two others. He claims he isn't bullying them, there was an investigation that seems to disagree but we don't have all the details here.

So thanks! It seems much clearer that he got himself suspended with quite a bit of effort.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

Jordan isn't putting up with any crap from the progressives anymore...
So let me understand this:....

Some far right dickhead has put an unflattering caricature of a lazy young person, labelled it a "leftie" and used it to ridicule the campaign for universal health care?!... The same universal health care that every western country except America has in place?......

And then Peterson - who is supposed to have intelligence and integrity - endorses the slander?!

This is your dumbest post yet.

This is Peterson's problem of perception. If he was some cranky, conservative, old prof, most people would give him the space to have his own ideas and voice. It's a free speech country. But he's so clearly a bandwagon-riding whore that he just ends up being annoying and loses the sympathy of all those outside the far right circle jerk.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The kid only wanted to acknowledge two genders.....male and female. Also he didn't want transgender men (or teenage boys), to use the women's washroom. The 16 yr old kid is a devout catholic, and is protesting under religious grounds.
I think that his "religious grounds" has got to give way to the rights of minorities. This isn't the USA where religion trumps everything else. It's Canada.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
This creature is going to be living in his mom's basement for many years to come.
But the point is: - The "creature" is someone who was created for this particular ad. This specific person doesn't really exist. He's a fictional person. He's made to be one-dimensional and contemptible because he's created by a PR company to be used in a political campaign.

The cartoonish persona is being used in a campaign to justify denying health care to the poor in the US.

SMH at how you don't understand this.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
But the point is: - The "creature" is someone who was created for this particular ad. This specific person doesn't really exist. He's a fictional person. He's made to be one-dimensional and contemptible because he's created by a PR company to be used in a political campaign.

The cartoonish persona is being used in a campaign to justify denying health care to the poor in the US.

SMH at how you don't understand this.
Okay understood, but you can't deny that such 'cartoonish' creatures actually exist, and in ever growing numbers.
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Crimson Mire

Active member
May 22, 2018
About fucking time. The guy should lose his license for spreading hate and bigotry and being an overall piece of shit.

The unfortunate reality is that he's filthy rich and he has a community of circlejerks (like most of the people on this thread) so the worst he would get is a light slap on the wrist.

Hey Peterson I have news for you - you are not a victim, so quit whining like an infant and take responsibility for the shit that you say.

As for the people who support Peterson on this thread - why? You do realize anything positive you say about him will only feed his big fucking ego because he's a narcissist who wouldn't give two shits about you or what you think. But yeah, continue to use him as a convenient outlet on how much you are "oppressed" for being a cis-gender heterosexual male.
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