So, here's what I would do:
If you are ok with the risk, invest an amount that you are willing to lose, but would be very happy to quintuple. For me, I am ok with risking $50,000 to make $250,000. It would change my life.
Invest now, through your TFSA, as you will not get taxed a cent. BTCC is one of the Canadian ETFs holding 100% physical bitcoin for each one you buy. It's also a hell of a lot easier and lots less risk than buying Bitcoin directly.
Hold and wait until 2025. When Bitcoin starts to skyrocket, don't get greedy! It may got to $200,000, but I'd start cashing in at the $80,000-$100,000 mark, at staggered intervals. If Bitcoin starts to go up, wait longer between intervals to see if you can make more. If it goes downs rapidly, cash in rapidly. If you wait too long, Bitcoin will drop dramtically and this will be for nothing.
Remember, I believe Bitcoin is stupid. BUT it's 100% a ponzi scheme, and the elite are taking advantage of this ponzi scheme, there shouldn't be any reason you shouldn't be. A WHOLE lot of money is going to be pumped into Bitcoin and crypto between now and 2025 which will inflate the price. Lots of people are still into crypto, and the next generation is just getting started. A pyramid scheme, that is LEGAL! Take advantage of this one in a lifetime opportunity!
The biggest mistake people make is investing in things that THEY think are good, quality companies. The real way to make money is to invest in what you think OTHER people wil invest heavily in.
Not financial advice, but just something to consider! Good luck, everyone!