In fairness, when I read his comment my first impression wasn't that he was particularly telling you that you were wrong. I took it as more an expression of shock that it's way more than the five you mentioned - that his emphasis wasn't on your mistake but on the actual reality of the situation. There are minimal ways to express obvious shock in a forum like this - emojis and text size of fonts. That's what I thought he was doing. But only he knows.
But on the actual issue - which is far more important - people can have various opinions on gun control. But what can't really be debated is that there is an overwhelming and pervasive gun culture in the United States which leads to people who are a bit off kilter treating guns as if they're the "solution" to whatever problem their minds have created.
He writes in red all the time. He changed it to black to stand out with the added exclamation point. He was getting a hard-on at my mistake. One only has to know his posting history and style to know that.
He knew it was a mistake. The artIcle says 5 this year. I didn’t realize it was a California publication. I thought it was a national one when reading. They just said 5 this year.
He knew that because he wrote that.
I don’t care that I made the mistake. It was a mistake. But I personally think screaming “wrong!” at the top of your lungs and getting a hard on over it is pathetic. But that is just me.
As for the rest - I don’t give a shit. Which is why I quoted the one word.
Edit, not that I don’t care about mass shootings and death. I don’t care about the gun debate because it goes no where