I watched the first two episodes, it's about as funny as recent Simpsons and Family Guy... which is not at all except for maybe a laugh or two.
Rather annoying to see the laugh track go off every time anyone says anything or does anything.
Hello <huge laughter>
That paper is white <huge laughter>
I've been shot <huge laughter>
I'll probably keep watching it for Melssa Rauch's eye candy looks because I am kinda desperate and pathetic that way but otherwise, no.
Aside from Tulsa King [which wasn't actually on TV and only lasted 9 episodes] the last time I watched and kept watching a new show was Young Sheldon and that was 6 seasons ago. It isn't all that great, nowhere near as good as TBBT, 2.5 men or HIMYM but I guess much like Simpsons and Family Guy, inertia. At least it is somewhat interesting.
It's been a month since anything decent dropped from the kdrama world, I used to be able to count on 2 to 4 episodes a week from that source as I've binged watched everything worth watching a while ago.