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Famous Men Who Claim To Have Had Sex With The Most Women


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2017
Fidel Castro - 35,000
Wilt Chamberlain - 20,000
Warren Beatty - 12,775
Ric Flair - 10,000
Charlie Sheen - 5,000
Gene Simmons - 4,800
Mick Jagger - 4,000
Hugh Hefner - "How could I possibly know?"
Other names: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Nicholson, Simon Cowell, Lamar Odom, Dennis Rodman, Dustin Diamond,
35000 women % 365 days a year = almost 96 years.
He would have to fuck 2 to 4 women a day. Depending at what age he started and finished.


Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
If Mick is allowed to include men, then he wins hands down.
Mick did darting tongues with Eric Clapton, it's been rumoured.

Not sure why Gary Cooper isn't included in the list, maybe some folks want to protect his stoic hero image...he was an extreme party animal who lived his 60 years to the fullest.

Charlemagne isn't known as The Father of Europe for no reason. He kicked ass and split beavers with gay abandon. He did the Byzantine Empire a huge favour when he destroyed the Avar Khanate.

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Jul 3, 2020
Maybe Harvey Weinstein should be on the list, or the late Jeffrey Epstein?

I'll bet that the presidents of major Hollywood studios have had their share. Milton Berle perhaps. He had quite the reputation for size.

David Lee Roth?

At the other end of the spectrum, there's Tim Tebow and Roger Staubach, with one.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2017
Going way back to the 1940s and 50s, the actor who was apparently a huge womanizer was Errol Flynn who had a reputation that included many non consensual encounters.
I guess Errol never practised safe sex. He died in Vancouver in 1959 and this is part of the autopsy report.

"The autopsy concludes that the movie star's death was due to a number of factors associated with his flamboyant lifestyle, including heart disease, diverticulosis, and cirrhosis of the liver. However, during the final moments of the examination, MacDonald and Chief Pathologist Tom Harmon make another interesting discovery: a number of sizeable venereal warts on the end of Flynn's penis."


Aug 23, 2001
I guess Errol never practised safe sex. He died in Vancouver in 1959 and this is part of the autopsy report.

"The autopsy concludes that the movie star's death was due to a number of factors associated with his flamboyant lifestyle, including heart disease, diverticulosis, and cirrhosis of the liver. However, during the final moments of the examination, MacDonald and Chief Pathologist Tom Harmon make another interesting discovery: a number of sizeable venereal warts on the end of Flynn's penis."
When I was a kid, I borrowed my parents' copy of David Niven's autobiography "The Moon's a Balloon", which was racy for the 70's. DN used to hang with Errol and noted that Errol was on the LAPD's hit list for hanging around high schools offering free rides and other goodies to underaged girls. IIRC, Flynn had a private chat down at the station and was told to stay away from teenaged girls or face a bust.

Posthumous controversies
In a 1982 interview with Penthouse magazine, Ronald DeWolf, son of the author L. Ron Hubbard, said that his father's friendship with Flynn was so strong that Hubbard's family considered Flynn an adoptive father to DeWolf. He said that Flynn and his father engaged in illegal activities together, including drug smuggling and sexual acts with underage girls; but that Flynn never joined Scientology, Hubbard's religious group.[111]

Relationship with Beverly Aadland
In 1961, Beverly Aadland's mother, Florence, co-wrote The Big Love with Tedd Thomey, alleging that Flynn had been involved in a sexual relationship with her daughter, who was 15 when it began.[113][114] The memoir was adapted in 1991 by Jay Presson Allen and her daughter Brooke Allen into a one-woman play, The Big Love, which starred Tracey Ullman as Florence Aadland in its New York premiere.[115][116]

In 1996, Beverly Aadland gave an interview to Britain's Channel 4 documentary series Secret Lives corroborating the sexual relationship, and claiming that the first time she and Flynn had sex, he "forced himself" on her. She also said she loved him and wished they had more time together.[117] "I was very lucky. He could have had any woman he wanted. Why it was me, I have no idea. Never will."

Charles Higham biography
In 1980, author Charles Higham wrote a highly controversial biography, Errol Flynn: The Untold Story, alleging that Flynn was a fascist sympathiser who spied for the Nazis before and during the Second World War, and that he was bisexual and had multiple same-sex affairs.[118] He claimed Flynn had arranged to have Dive Bomber filmed on location at the San Diego Naval Base for the benefit of Japanese military planners, who needed information on American warships and defence installations.[119] Higham admitted that he had no evidence that Flynn was a German agent, but said he had "pieced together a mosaic that proves that he is."[120] Flynn's friend David Niven criticised Higham for his unfounded accusations.[121] In his autobiography, Iron Eyes Cody: My Life As A Hollywood Indian, Iron Eyes Cody also trashed Higham's book and described Flynn as "super straight".

Flynn developed a reputation for womanising, hard drinking, chain smoking and, for a time in the 1940s, narcotics abuse.[85] He was linked romantically with Lupe Vélez,[86] Marlene Dietrich and Dolores del Río, among many others.[citation needed] Carole Lombard is said to have resisted his advances, but invited him to her extravagant parties.[87] He was a regular attendee of William Randolph Hearst's equally lavish affairs at Hearst Castle, though he was once asked to leave after becoming excessively intoxicated.[88]

The expression "in like Flynn" is said to have been coined to refer to the supreme ease with which he reputedly seduced women, but its origin is disputed.[89] Flynn was reportedly fond of the expression and later claimed that he wanted to call his memoir In Like Me. (The publisher insisted on a more tasteful title, My Wicked, Wicked Ways.[90][91])

Flynn had various mirrors and hiding places constructed inside his mansion, including an overhead trapdoor above a guest bedroom for surreptitious viewing. Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood toured the house as a prospective buyer in the 1970s, and reported, "Errol had two-way mirrors... speaker systems in the ladies' room. Not for security. Just that he was an A-1 voyeur."[92] In March 1955, the popular Hollywood gossip magazine Confidential ran a salacious article titled "The Greatest Show in Town... Errol Flynn and His Two-Way Mirror!"[93] In her 1966 biography, actress Hedy Lamarr wrote, "Many of the bathrooms have peepholes or ceilings with squares of opaque glass through which you can't see out but someone can see in."[94]
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Jul 3, 2020
I guess Errol never practised safe sex. He died in Vancouver in 1959 and this is part of the autopsy report.

"The autopsy concludes that the movie star's death was due to a number of factors associated with his flamboyant lifestyle, including heart disease, diverticulosis, and cirrhosis of the liver. However, during the final moments of the examination, MacDonald and Chief Pathologist Tom Harmon make another interesting discovery: a number of sizeable venereal warts on the end of Flynn's penis."


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2001
In a place far, far away
I'd put my money on the great Fucker-kings of France in the 1600's and 1700's. Those dudes fucked continuously whoever they liked. Louis XIV and Louis XV.

Ghengiz Khan is supposed to have fathered most of Northern Asia. And I'm guessing some of those barbarian warlords in the Dark Ages did some pretty massive fucking as well.
Talk about some serious brother and sister from another mother :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:,16 million descendants living today.

Genghis Khan, the fearsome Mongolian warrior of the 13th century, may have done more than rule the largest empire in the world; according to a recently published genetic study, he may have helped populate it too.

An international group of geneticists studying Y-chromosome data have found that nearly 8 percent of the men living in the region of the former Mongol empire carry y-chromosomes that are nearly identical. That translates to 0.5 percent of the male population in the world, or roughly 16 million descendants living today.

The spread of the chromosome could be the result of natural selection, in which an extremely fit individual manages to pass on some sort of biological advantage. The authors think this scenario is unlikely. They suggest that the unique set of circumstances surrounding the establishment of the Mongol empire led to the spread.

"This is a clear example that culture plays a very big role in patterns of genetic variation and diversity in human populations," said geneticist Spencer Wells, one of the 23 co-authors of the paper. "It's the first documented case when human culture has caused a single genetic lineage to increase to such an enormous extent in just a few hundred years."

Legacy of Genghis Khan
To have such a startling impact on a population required a special set of circumstances, all of which are met by Genghis Khan and his male relatives, the authors note in the study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

Khan's empire at the time of his death extended across Asia, from the Pacific Ocean to the Caspian Sea. His military conquests were frequently characterized by the wholesale slaughter of the vanquished. His descendants extended the empire and maintained power in the region for several hundred years, in civilizations in which harems and concubines were the norm. And the males were markedly prolific.

Khan's eldest son, Tushi, is reported to have had 40 sons. Documents written during or just after Khan's reign say that after a conquest, looting, pillaging, and rape were the spoils of war for all soldiers, but that Khan got first pick of the beautiful women. His grandson, Kubilai Khan, who established the Yuan Dynasty in China, had 22 legitimate sons, and was reported to have added 30 virgins to his harem each year.


Jul 3, 2020
When I was a kid, I borrowed my parents' copy of David Niven's autobiography "The Moon's a Balloon", which was racy for the 70's. DN used to hang with Errol and noted that Errol was on the LAPD's hit list for hanging around high schools offering free rides and other goodies to underaged girls. IIRC, Flynn had a private chat down at the station and was told to stay away from teenaged girls or face a bust.

Posthumous controversies
In a 1982 interview with Penthouse magazine, Ronald DeWolf, son of the author L. Ron Hubbard, said that his father's friendship with Flynn was so strong that Hubbard's family considered Flynn an adoptive father to DeWolf. He said that Flynn and his father engaged in illegal activities together, including drug smuggling and sexual acts with underage girls; but that Flynn never joined Scientology, Hubbard's religious group.[111]

Relationship with Beverly Aadland
In 1961, Beverly Aadland's mother, Florence, co-wrote The Big Love with Tedd Thomey, alleging that Flynn had been involved in a sexual relationship with her daughter, who was 15 when it began.[113][114] The memoir was adapted in 1991 by Jay Presson Allen and her daughter Brooke Allen into a one-woman play, The Big Love, which starred Tracey Ullman as Florence Aadland in its New York premiere.[115][116]

In 1996, Beverly Aadland gave an interview to Britain's Channel 4 documentary series Secret Lives corroborating the sexual relationship, and claiming that the first time she and Flynn had sex, he "forced himself" on her. She also said she loved him and wished they had more time together.[117] "I was very lucky. He could have had any woman he wanted. Why it was me, I have no idea. Never will."

Charles Higham biography
In 1980, author Charles Higham wrote a highly controversial biography, Errol Flynn: The Untold Story, alleging that Flynn was a fascist sympathiser who spied for the Nazis before and during the Second World War, and that he was bisexual and had multiple same-sex affairs.[118] He claimed Flynn had arranged to have Dive Bomber filmed on location at the San Diego Naval Base for the benefit of Japanese military planners, who needed information on American warships and defence installations.[119] Higham admitted that he had no evidence that Flynn was a German agent, but said he had "pieced together a mosaic that proves that he is."[120] Flynn's friend David Niven criticised Higham for his unfounded accusations.[121] In his autobiography, Iron Eyes Cody: My Life As A Hollywood Indian, Iron Eyes Cody also trashed Higham's book and described Flynn as "super straight".

Flynn developed a reputation for womanising, hard drinking, chain smoking and, for a time in the 1940s, narcotics abuse.[85] He was linked romantically with Lupe Vélez,[86] Marlene Dietrich and Dolores del Río, among many others.[citation needed] Carole Lombard is said to have resisted his advances, but invited him to her extravagant parties.[87] He was a regular attendee of William Randolph Hearst's equally lavish affairs at Hearst Castle, though he was once asked to leave after becoming excessively intoxicated.[88]

The expression "in like Flynn" is said to have been coined to refer to the supreme ease with which he reputedly seduced women, but its origin is disputed.[89] Flynn was reportedly fond of the expression and later claimed that he wanted to call his memoir In Like Me. (The publisher insisted on a more tasteful title, My Wicked, Wicked Ways.[90][91])

Flynn had various mirrors and hiding places constructed inside his mansion, including an overhead trapdoor above a guest bedroom for surreptitious viewing. Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood toured the house as a prospective buyer in the 1970s, and reported, "Errol had two-way mirrors... speaker systems in the ladies' room. Not for security. Just that he was an A-1 voyeur."[92] In March 1955, the popular Hollywood gossip magazine Confidential ran a salacious article titled "The Greatest Show in Town... Errol Flynn and His Two-Way Mirror!"[93] In her 1966 biography, actress Hedy Lamarr wrote, "Many of the bathrooms have peepholes or ceilings with squares of opaque glass through which you can't see out but someone can see in."[94]
Almost like reading Hollywood Babylon all over again.

In his autobiography, Iron Eyes Cody: My Life As A Hollywood Indian, Iron Eyes Cody

Iron Eyes Cody is best remembered as The Crying Indian, (1970 PSA):

but both of his parents were Italian. I think he looks a bit like two-time Formula 1 World Champion Emerson Fittipaldi:

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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
And Ava Gardner. According to Jack Woltz in The Godfather, she was "the greatest piece of ass I've ever had, and I've had 'em all over the world".
Mickey Rooney once declared in an interview, with a smile, that Ava was wicked.

He was married to her when she was 20 or so and an up and coming starlet. The marriage didn't last long.
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