Jordan Peterson says Ontario psychologist licence may be suspended over public statements


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Lots of brilliant people out there. Doesn't make them right or even sane (Tesla with his pigeons for example).

Chomsky is a brilliant, well spoken person. Does that mean you think his commentary on social and political issues are correct too?
Honestly I like Chomsky. *lol*

But I’ve always like edgy thinkers who mean well, no matter their POV.

Never heard of the Tesla pigeons but I’d buy him dinner any day to hear his side.

There really aren’t that many Jordan Peterson or Elon Musk level people on this earth. They get a few bogeys IMHO.


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
I came across this on twitter, lost the link but someone alluded to Peterson basically being controlled opposition for everything that's going on today in Canada.
What's going on with Peterson is a big warning to the rest of Canadians that if they speak against the government they will bring down the hammer on you. Someone in a comment replied to the original tweet and posted this video of him being a "gatekeeper" as well, since he made videos telling Christians and Muslims on how to be and didn't make any videos about any other religions or religious people.
This video is four years old and it's eye opening to hear someone asking this question considering the current environment of the world now, comments are a good read.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2013
Yes, 'I did my own research'. The hallmark of the 'free thinker'.
Just as long as it doesn't include the actual charges, evidence and rules posted by the CPO.

I am very familiar with this type of 'research' here.
And its totally fair to call it willful ignorance if you were given the opportunity to check what the CPO standards are, what they say that Peterson did that broke those standards and and how they decided on what punishment and then you chose not to read those posts. More so when you post 'Certainly haven't seen anything specific' when Mandrill, I and others have posted the specifics.
Imagine you got fired for making anti-Israel comments.... bet you would change your tune very quick about how free your speech is..

Everyone cries when their 'team' gets the same treatment they are proponents of others to receive.


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
Opening the Overton window takes time if it's to be done at all. Those that push too quickly end up like Tate or worse.
lol that was the other "theory" running about, Tate was controlled opposition as well. Guy comes out of nowhere and claims to be insanely wealthy, warning everyone of the things to come, lockdowns, chips, CBDCs, then Greta and him have a back and forth on twitter and he goes to jail with matrix talk and free mason hand gestures as he's being escorted by police.
What a bizarre time we're living in.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Imagine you got fired for making anti-Israel comments.... bet you would change your tune very quick about how free your speech is..

Everyone cries when their 'team' gets the same treatment they are proponents of others to receive.
That kind of thing happens all the time, I'm not sure what your point is here.
Sort of like this:

Is that a glorious anti woke move or is it stifling free speech and education?

Though you missed the point that this isn't about free speech, its about Peterson and the CPO's professional standards.
As in, is it ok for a psychologist to suggest to someone that they kill themselves.
Peterson can say that if he wants, but the CPO won't want to pay the malpractice if a patient takes that advice.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
lol that was the other "theory" running about, Tate was controlled opposition as well. Guy comes out of nowhere and claims to be insanely wealthy, warning everyone of the things to come, lockdowns, chips, CBDCs, then Greta and him have a back and forth on twitter and he goes to jail with matrix talk and free mason hand gestures as he's being escorted by police.
What a bizarre time we're living in.
How far down does the rabbit hole go, Jubee?


The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
I came across this on twitter, lost the link but someone alluded to Peterson basically being controlled opposition for everything that's going on today in Canada.
What's going on with Peterson is a big warning to the rest of Canadians that if they speak against the government they will bring down the hammer on you. Someone in a comment replied to the original tweet and posted this video of him being a "gatekeeper" as well, since he made videos telling Christians and Muslims on how to be and didn't make any videos about any other religions or religious people.
This video is four years old and it's eye opening to hear someone asking this question considering the current environment of the world now, comments are a good read.
That was great,lol.....It's not very often he just can't answer. What a loaded question.

Good for him for not answering.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2013
That kind of thing happens all the time, I'm not sure what your point is here.
Sort of like this:

Is that a glorious anti woke move or is it stifling free speech and education?

Though you missed the point that this isn't about free speech, its about Peterson and the CPO's professional standards.
As in, is it ok for a psychologist to suggest to someone that they kill themselves.
Peterson can say that if he wants, but the CPO won't want to pay the malpractice if a patient takes that advice.
Malpracrice is misleading people to think they have so much to live for. Some people have nothing and will never have nothing. It just makes others feel good to tell clinically depressed people 'it gets better'. Sometimes it doesnt and sometimes it gets more crippling daily.

Why do people keep bringing up DeSantis lol. Arent we in Canada? What channel or medium are you guys getting the same talking points.

Just be a person. Dont always attack the left or right. Just be a centered human.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
But - let me put this politely - most of us agree that the CPO is the best judge of what ethical rules are appropriate and when they are breached. Because they know more about the field than you. Right?
Political yardsticks seeped into all areas of society including commerce and medicine. Right?

Wouldn't it be reasonable to ask the question given Peterson's political notoriety, yes?

In any event, I don't believe I've been speaking in absolute terms but my words really never matter to you. I basically said I just don't know if the COP has a black and white case.

By the way, "most of us agree that the CPO is the best judge of........ethical rules" seems quite a bit manipulative. Yeah, so what? You're on TERB. This isn't exactly scientific polling here. This is more like calling into a radio station to vote for your favorite song of 2022 twenty times in one hour.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
But if LLP said "Trump was a loser", that's an off the cuff opinion. Not something with any professional weight behind it.
What if Peterson diagnosed Trump from afar? Forget that. What am I saying. That would never happen. No psychologist would do that.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I guess Earp's insight into professional standards doesn't include getting the body's name right.
It is the College of Psychologists, oui? I have no idea why anyone would get so inside baseball on this.

Some of us talk about political idealism and its inflexible nature. Others talk about the improper use of abbreviations.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
College of Psychologists of Ontario


Since you are in the US, do you know where Ontario is?? ;)
I dropped mentioning Ontario a long time ago in the thread because I thought everyone knew who we were talking about. Perhaps I should have referenced the CoP.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Yes, I read this.

IMHO, the CPO standards in this case are very weak. First of all, none of these people who complained were JP's clients. I doubt the CPO would care if the Psychologist who was being being sanctioned was a left leaning Psychologist.

For example, if this left leaning Psychologist, appeared on Rosemary Barton Live, and said that, "Trump was a loser", then chances are the CPO wouldn't do anything. IMHO, the CPO is a hypocritical left leaning college.
Thanks for reading and looking into it yourself.
It's clearly not an " open and shut" thing since anything like this involves judgment calls.

Your example of someone appearing on Rosemary Barton and saying "Trump was a loser" is a good one.
I doubt anything would happen, either.
After all, Peterson's been saying shit for years now and wasn't sanctioned.

The CPO complaint document goes again and again into how this is a repeated pattern of behavior and one he insists he won't change or modulate.

Hell, in that video up in 522 he talks about how much he wants vengeance.

So for me, the question always was about how Peterson is characterizing it.
After reading the CPO report and the correspondence Peterson put up, his characterization of it as a political witch hunt that is completely unreasonable and some kid of conspiracy of the woke and an attempt to silence him and force him into " re-education" just comes across as not credible to me. He's milking this for the views and to highlight his profile. (And it is working very well for him - he's become very good at that.)


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
That was great,lol.....It's not very often he just can't answer. What a loaded question.

Good for him for not answering.
I'm trying to figure out how him not answering a loaded question about whether the Jews were provoking the US to demonize Russia to get revenge on the Christian Ukrainians means he is "controlled opposition".
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