Maine School Social Worker Secretly Gender-Transitioned 13-Year-Old Girl with Chest binder to flatten her breast.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
You make a good point, I would likely show Carlson then show all the way he spreads hate and disinformation.
Then show a legit source and how you can tell they are legit.

Teaching good research skills would be smart, you know.
Of course, a parent wouldn't be qualified to deal with their child's issues but you are qualified to determine who gets to see what
and only through the lens of your perspective.
Different rules for you?

Can you address these issues that you brought up?
You said I want to tell people what they can and can't do, what people, who specifically?
Also, find anything I've written against gay or trans people.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Of course, a parent wouldn't be qualified to deal with their child's issues but you are qualified to determine who gets to see what
and only through the lens of your perspective.
Different rules for you?

Can you address these issues that you brought up?
You said I want to tell people what they can and can't do, what people, who specifically?
Also, find anything I've written against gay or trans people.
You're mischaracterizing what I've written.
Ideally parents talk to their children, but if they don't they need to be able to speak with counsellors who won't tell their parents what they said unless they are a danger to themselves or others.
Kids can't now and shouldn't ever be able to make medical decisions without parental approval, but that's not what this was about.
You appear to be saying that if a kid was gay and their parents were against it the counsellor should tell the parents. Same issue with some kid considering transition, they should talk to their parents but they should have someone they can talk to if their parents are gay bashers.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
You're mischaracterizing what I've written.
Ideally parents talk to their children, but if they don't they need to be able to speak with counsellors who won't tell their parents what they said unless they are a danger to themselves or others.
Kids can't now and shouldn't ever be able to make medical decisions without parental approval, but that's not what this was about.
You appear to be saying that if a kid was gay and their parents were against it the counsellor should tell the parents. Same issue with some kid considering transition, they should talk to their parents but they should have someone they can talk to if their parents are gay bashers.
You keep shifting.
This is not about gay bashing, it never was, and you know it.
You just keep diverting and dreaming up scenarios because your narrative is indefensible.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You keep shifting.
This is not about gay bashing, it never was, and you know it.
You just keep diverting and dreaming up scenarios because your narrative is indefensible.
Dreaming up scenarios?
This entire thread is filled with right wingers dreaming up weird scenarios, like 6 year olds masturbating, kids touching penises, 14 year olds cutting off their breasts.

The entire subject is right wing fear mongering over things that don't happen.
Its all about the right wing taliban trying to implement 'conservative' values like their anti abortion stance, women's rights like what they can wear and now how public the LGBTQ community are allowed to be.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
Dreaming up scenarios?
This entire thread is filled with right wingers dreaming up weird scenarios, like 6 year olds masturbating, kids touching penises, 14 year olds cutting off their breasts.

The entire subject is right wing fear mongering over things that don't happen.
Its all about the right wing taliban trying to implement 'conservative' values like their anti abortion stance, women's rights like what they can wear and now how public the LGBTQ community are allowed to be.
Yea, keep changing the subject, keep distracting with other issues.
You want to turn this into a political issue rather than deal with why people are rejecting your agenda.
I'm not right wing, I'm not religious, I'm not anti gay, I'm not anti Trans. And there's lots like me.
So? I guess we're just not as progressive or broad minded as you, right?

Nobody's telling the LGBTQ community how they have to be. It's LGBTQ community that's telling everyone how they have to be, what they have to believe.
You are so self entitled and self righteous, you can't see how absurdly hypocritical you are.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yea, keep changing the subject, keep distracting with other issues.
You want to turn this into a political issue rather than deal with why people are rejecting your agenda.
I'm not right wing, I'm not religious, I'm not anti gay, I'm not anti Trans. And there's lots like me.
So? I guess we're just not as progressive or broad minded as you, right?

Nobody's telling the LGBTQ community how they have to be. It's LGBTQ community that's telling everyone how they have to be, what they have to believe.
You are so self entitled and self righteous, you can't see how absurdly hypocritical you are.
Its not my agenda.

Just answer this.
What do gay and trans kids do if their parents won't listen or let them choose their own sexual identification?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Its not my agenda.

Just answer this.
What do gay and trans kids do if their parents won't listen or let them choose their own sexual identification?
If gay and trans kids should be allowed to "transform" at a young age...should we start jailing young crime offenders? There's a reason why restrictions are in place...because the decision making at a young age is highly questionable...if we're allowed to be behind a wheel at 16 take alcohol at 19...maybe that's when kids are allowed to make decisions if they want to "transform"...


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
If gay and trans kids should be allowed to "transform" at a young age...should we start jailing young crime offenders? There's a reason why restrictions are in place...because the decision making at a young age is highly questionable...if we're allowed to be behind a wheel at 16 take alcohol at 19...maybe that's when kids are allowed to make decisions if they want to "transform"...

This was never about medical transition, or even hormone therapy. One of which is reversible but both of which require parental consent as they are medical.
This thread was about a kid getting private counselling at school, a place where they can talk if they can't talk to their parents.

What do gay and trans kids do if their parents won't listen or let them choose their own sexual identification?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009

This was never about medical transition, or even hormone therapy. One of which is reversible but both of which require parental consent as they are medical.
This thread was about a kid getting private counselling at school, a place where they can talk if they can't talk to their parents.

What do gay and trans kids do if their parents won't listen or let them choose their own sexual identification?
It needs to be discussed between school, kid and can't leave out one party to it...counseling doesn't work if you leave one party in the dark...


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
Its not my agenda.

Just answer this.
What do gay and trans kids do if their parents won't listen or let them choose their own sexual identification?
That wasn't the issue. You're position was, and is, that an underage child can be counseled and transitioned without parents involvement. All based on the child's rights as a person, on the presupposition that the father may be a right wing nut, abusive, etc.
There's an age of consent for underage children re drinking, driving, voting, entering into legally binding contracts, having sex with older people, staying in school, etc.
But something as serious as transitioning is exempt and off the board. Hmm, that's interesting.

Government can administer hormone blockers to underage children against parents wishes but the government will virtually shut down an economy but not compel you to get your vac shot despite all the dangers and recommendations from top viral specialists.
Hmm, that's interesting.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
You're making shit up again.
You're characterization of the argument is either completely disingenuous or you have a comprehension issue.
Wait. Are you now saying the child wasn't transitioned behind the back of the parent for no reason whatsoever?

Ok, if I misunderstood that, I apologize.

What do you think happened here and why are you so upset about it, then?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
So you did lie, you said what you did because of your own feelings, nothing he had said to that point. You can't even admit when you're actually admitting it.
If you want to characterize interpreting something as being based on one's feelings, then sure.

So, what's my narrative, and let's see some proof, you couldn't find anything last time could you, and you avoided it.
I didn't try to find anything last time.

Go ahead, and try not to make shit up like you keep doing.
I just asked you above.
I had thought you believed that the social worker transitioned the child behind the parents' back, given who you were supporting in this thread with likes and how you were engaging when you finally jumped in with

"You think it's ok for someone who may not be qualified but is assumed to be because they're hired by the board, to counsel your child with no real understanding or context about your child's life, and not inform you that there are issues with your child and how your child is being handled.
Your child, the one you are responsible for loving, for health, safety, emotional and financial needs, and you get cut out of the picture over something this significant. "
If you actually don't think that, feel free to say what you think did happen.

Oh, and why did you put that laugh emoji on the post where that little girl was rubbing the drag queen's genitalia?
Because the "here is an outrage clip!" tactic is so sad and predictable as to be laughable.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
It has everything to do with kids.
You want to transition kids without parents' knowledge and this is the potential result.
Nothing in that article says that she transitioned or detransitioned without the knowledge of her parents.

would you show this clip to the underage child so she can make an informed decision?
I wouldn't inflict a Tucker Carlson clip on anyone without a good reason, but I am sure there are more clips of her talking about her experience.
Why wouldn't people want to show that?

Understanding that transition may not be right for you and that there are people who detransition is important as people weigh what is important to them.
You don't want people rushing into this kind of thing willy nilly.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
If you want to characterize interpreting something as being based on one's feelings, then sure.
Which confirms you lied because you said it was in response to something very specific he did.
You can't be trusted to have a genuine discussion with.
You just keep making shit up until you get called on it.

And you still won't answer why you put the laugh emoji on the post showing the little girl rubbing the drag queen's genital area. This is the third time I'm asking.
You think that's funny? Exposing kids to sexualized drag shows and having them rub their genital areas.
Unless you think this is a child's personal right that shouldn't be infringed upon.
Let's have it.
Last edited:


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
That wasn't the issue. You're position was, and is, that an underage child can be counseled and transitioned without parents involvement. All based on the child's rights as a person, on the presupposition that the father may be a right wing nut, abusive, etc.
There's an age of consent for underage children re drinking, driving, voting, entering into legally binding contracts, having sex with older people, staying in school, etc.
But something as serious as transitioning is exempt and off the board. Hmm, that's interesting.

Government can administer hormone blockers to underage children against parents wishes but the government will virtually shut down an economy but not compel you to get your vac shot despite all the dangers and recommendations from top viral specialists.
Hmm, that's interesting.
What are you babbling about?

No one is saying that parents should be cut out of these decisions as a default basis.
People are saying that there may well be a reason in some cases where a child wouldn't talk to their parents about it and that a social worker or institution would be right to support that.

Should that be the default? Are "parents the enemy" and so some sort of agenda to convince kids to transition without ever letting parents interfere must be implemented?

No one believes that.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Which confirms you lied because you said it was in response to something very specific he did.
You can't be trusted to have a genuine discussion with.
You just keep making shit up until you get called on it.
If you really believe this, stop engaging with me.

And you still won't answer why you put the laugh emoji on the post showing the little girl rubbing the drag queen's genital area. This is the third time I'm asking.
And I have answered every time.
You just don't seem to be able to process the answer.
This seems to be a recurring problem you have.

You think that's funny? Exposing kids to sexualized drag shows and having them rub their genital areas.
Unless you think this is a child's personal right that shouldn't be infringed upon.
Let's have it.
I put a laughing emoji because the "here is an outrage clip for you" is a tired tactic and I don't take it seriously.
That it works really well on you isn't my problem.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
That wasn't the issue. You're position was, and is, that an underage child can be counseled and transitioned without parents involvement. All based on the child's rights as a person, on the presupposition that the father may be a right wing nut, abusive, etc.
There's an age of consent for underage children re drinking, driving, voting, entering into legally binding contracts, having sex with older people, staying in school, etc.
But something as serious as transitioning is exempt and off the board. Hmm, that's interesting.

Government can administer hormone blockers to underage children against parents wishes but the government will virtually shut down an economy but not compel you to get your vac shot despite all the dangers and recommendations from top viral specialists.
Hmm, that's interesting.
Define what you mean by 'transitioning'.
If its medical/hormonal, I agree with you.
If its someone saying 'I think I'm a X in a Y body' that's different. Let them trying wearing skirts or pants and see.

Nobody is suggesting hormones or blockers without parental consent, nobody here and nobody in any other threads.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I see we have reached the "make violent threats against them" portion of the right wing debate playbook.

Seems we have a bit more of a statement from the school board now.

In its Jan. 14 statement, the committee said it cannot respond because of its “obligation to maintain the confidentiality of student and employee information, as required by Maine law.”
That's probably true so long as there are repeated threats to litigate.

Speaking of which, the mom and her lawyers seem to have switched tactics now that they have media attention, and look to be aiming bigger.

When reached for comment on Wednesday, Jan. 18, Lavigne, who previously said she planned on filing a complaint with the Maine Human Rights Commission, said she is “going a different route.” She declined additional comment and referred questions to her attorney, Brett Baber, of the Bangor-based Lanham Blackwell & Baber law firm.

Baber said that he and another attorney, who he was “not at liberty to disclose,” are preparing a complaint for federal court asserting that the school district violated Lavigne’s due process rights.

The complaint concerns a provision in the U.S. Constitution that “government entities may not violate the due process of citizens, specifically the rights of parents to be notified of governmental action concerning their children,” Baber said.

He said he expects the complaint to be filed within 30-45 days and a news release will be issued at that time. Baber declined further comment until the complaint is filed.
I was never sure why she thought the Human Rights Commission was the right venue, but saying this is about due process rights does make some sense.
The idea that parental rights to parent their child are in the constitution has a long history, although it is funny that these are based on the same "substantive due process" reasoning that the Supreme Court just said was bullshit in Dobbs.

(That's ok, though, no one expects Scalia and the others to be consistent in their legal reasoning.)

The school looks at the state law and sees a different set of rights here.

In its statement, the school committee said that federal and state laws both provide certain rights for parents and students with respect to education.

“While parents generally have a right to access the educational records of their children, the (school committee) must balance this right with the right of students in Maine who, regardless of age, have the right to access mental health services without parental consent (22 M.R.S.A. Section 1502 – Consent of Minors for Health Services), and the right to establish their own confidential counseling relationship with a school based mental health services provider (20-A M.R.S.A. §4008- Privileged Communications),” the school committee said in its statement.
So we'll see how that all shakes out.
It seems you have exactly the set up we said was the issue from the start - the child has a right to privacy and the parent has a right to parent - how do you balance those rights when in conflict?

That said, I'm not liking that the parents meeting where they were going to present their safety plan in light of the repeated bomb threats was cancelled due to "unforseen circumstances" - that doesn't sound good.
The right wing embrace of violence to get their way politically remains a problem.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I see we have reached the "make violent threats against them" portion of the right wing debate playbook.

Seems we have a bit more of a statement from the school board now.

That's probably true so long as there are repeated threats to litigate.

Speaking of which, the mom and her lawyers seem to have switched tactics now that they have media attention, and look to be aiming bigger.

I was never sure why she thought the Human Rights Commission was the right venue, but saying this is about due process rights does make some sense.
The idea that parental rights to parent their child are in the constitution has a long history, although it is funny that these are based on the same "substantive due process" reasoning that the Supreme Court just said was bullshit in Dobbs.

(That's ok, though, no one expects Scalia and the others to be consistent in their legal reasoning.)

The school looks at the state law and sees a different set of rights here.

So we'll see how that all shakes out.
It seems you have exactly the set up we said was the issue from the start - the child has a right to privacy and the parent has a right to parent - how do you balance those rights when in conflict?

That said, I'm not liking that the parents meeting where they were going to present their safety plan in light of the repeated bomb threats was cancelled due to "unforseen circumstances" - that doesn't sound good.
The right wing embrace of violence to get their way politically remains a problem.

We have been way past the threats of violence now for a few years and just stuck with actual violence and laws trying to curtail LGBTQ freedoms.
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