Maine School Social Worker Secretly Gender-Transitioned 13-Year-Old Girl with Chest binder to flatten her breast.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
What type of hate do you think gays are receiving from a bunch of 6 year olds?

As I said they understand getting to your kid is a must and they will get to them anyway possible.

These god damn gay-bashing 6 year olds. Completely out of control.
Those 6 year olds likely won't grow up to want to take assault weapons on LGBTQ.
I expect that this clown who was arrested looked more like this at 6.



Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
There is no reason to be so explicit or direct with children that age.

I said way back in this thread, they know what they are doing. They understand getting to these kids early in necessary.
What is explicit about waiving a flag. Not you must go really crazy on Canada Day.


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
I love how sinister and ominous this gets.

It's like a line in a movie trailer.
It's almost unreal. but it's happening.

That's the whole discussion, isn't it?
Unless you believe that everyone's rights are unlimited (or, since that is unworkable, that one group's right is always unlimited over another group's) then you have the situation where you have judgment calls or agreements in society about what is reasonable when and why.

That you see a "sinister agenda" behind this incident- especially when we don't know what happened - is telling.
And when did we have this agreement on what and why is reasonable on this topic? We never did and you know the reason why we never did. This has never been an issue until know. It's not a coincidence.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
How can you assume any child will grow up to do that?

Stop using children as political pawns and let them be children.
Are you seriously suggesting that grooming kids with guns at a young age won't influence them but waving a rainbow flag will?


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
You keep a avoiding the question. What is explicit about waiving a flag.
Explicit - stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
It's explicitly sending a clear message saying we got in the schools now. First contact complete.

Letting the people know, we're here.
I'm not avoiding the question. The answer is right there.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
You're lying. This is what you wrote:

It wasn't about any objections to anything, it's about what you "feel is a more accurate representation", and that you "doubt" what he meant.
In seeing what he was posting, I changed it to what I thought he really meant.
He has since gone on to confirm it, posting how showing gay pride flags (note - he isn't putting up pictures of kids with trans flags) are being groomed.

Sorry that fucks with your narrative here.

And Btw, that laughing emoji you left for that video of the little girl rubbing the genital area of that adult drag queen is very telling. It's ok to celebrate this depravity isn't it, sexualizing little children like that.
This is bordering on mental illness.
No. It's ok to mock the rampant paranoia and desperate flailing of some people here.
Oh look, here's an clip to try and make you outraged.
It's hilarious because it's so tired as a tactic.
(That it works on people is an indictment of social media and how bad people are at realizing they are being played, but that's a broader issue.)


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
You are making shit up. You don't even have children, I would bet my life, a parent would never say something so absurd.
You have less than zero understanding about parent/child dynamics.
You all decided to frame this as "obviously the parent is great and has a wonderful relationship with the child which is being contaminated by the evil Trans agenda as that social worker groomed and tricked the child" despite having no evidence to go on.

So I decided to frame it as "the child and parent are at odds and the child can't trust the parent to support them which is why they are reaching out to others for help".

Just as likely as your version.

I didn't decide to go "the parent is obviously abusing the child" because I thought it would divert the conversation in no helpful way.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
All it says is gay people are welcome.
Which is, it seems, the "agenda" he is so horrified is "right in your face".

(And, to be fair, it represents more than just gay people.)

and that's exactly my point. This flag represents something. We know it's not a country, so what does it represent?

It represents the agenda being pushed on people. It's right in your face.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
To a group of children looking like they are in the 1st grade?

Why would they need to let gay people know they are welcome?
Because maybe some of those kids would like to know that their parents and family members are welcome?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
And still you can not state what policy or law. You tried the 14th amendment but failed and now you dropped the broke the law claims.
Not entirely.
He can point to the policies available on the AOS 93 site.
You can read their transgender policy and make the argument that he was obligated to notify the parents.
(I think it is less clear than that.)

The whole bit about breaking laws and violating the constitution is just nonsense unless someone points me to something I haven't seen yet.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Listen, I won't hold you to it, but it was very distasteful.
"Hold me to it"?

Look, if you are upset that I implied you were being a bigot, then address that.

Don't pretend you have any standing about the word queer.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Gay/Lesbian people are not confused about their gender. It's very clear to them M/M or F/F.

If it is all extremely complicated then why push the agenda to kids?
Trans rights aren't complicated - the political history of why the movements are intertwined is.
No one is suggesting teaching something that level of political history to kids.
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