Low testosterone level


Nov 25, 2018
First off, a Happy New Year to all here!

I got COVID about 2 months ago and started to notice a decline in my sexual desires, among other post-COVID symptoms, soon after. I asked my family doctor for advice and he asked me to do some blood work. Long story short, he told me I now have low testosterone level (I will use low T from now on, to keep it short) but he said there is no scientific evidence to attribute COVID (or the vaccines, I am triple-vaxxed) to this.

He prescribed AndroGel and I have started to use it for the last week or so. I am a mid-40 year old guy, with no underlying health conditions that I am aware of, so this is fairly devastating news to take but it's certainly not the end of the world. It may even save me some $ from this hobby, moving forward lol, but I am more concerned if there are bigger implications, health-wise, than just reduced sexual desire. I could lose a few pounds but I have never taken any steroids or crazy supplements or anything of that nature in the past so I am really puzzled why this is happening now.

I am wondering if anyone here was/is in the same boat and if you can offer any insight/feedback. Obviously we all have different medical histories and needs and I don't expect my T level to increase substantially in a short period of time (short of hormone injections) but any and all input is appreciated.

strip club guy

Booty Hunter
Oct 6, 2022
First off, a Happy New Year to all here!

I got COVID about 2 months ago and started to notice a decline in my sexual desires, among other post-COVID symptoms, soon after. I asked my family doctor for advice and he asked me to do some blood work. Long story short, he told me I now have low testosterone level (I will use low T from now on, to keep it short) but he said there is no scientific evidence to attribute COVID (or the vaccines, I am triple-vaxxed) to this.

He prescribed AndroGel and I have started to use it for the last week or so. I am a mid-40 year old guy, with no underlying health conditions that I am aware of, so this is fairly devastating news to take but it's certainly not the end of the world. It may even save me some $ from this hobby, moving forward lol, but I am more concerned if there are bigger implications, health-wise, than just reduced sexual desire. I could lose a few pounds but I have never taken any steroids or crazy supplements or anything of that nature in the past so I am really puzzled why this is happening now.

I am wondering if anyone here was/is in the same boat and if you can offer any insight/feedback. Obviously we all have different medical histories and needs and I don't expect my T level to increase substantially in a short period of time (short of hormone injections) but any and all input is appreciated.
Andro gel is a 50mg dose of test mostly prescribed for elderly men, a script of HCG from dr will and should restore ur level ,mind u men today genetics do fall off alot earlier today for alot of men, ,good diet steady exercises and get ur sleep should help build up ur immune system ,the other factor could be the vaccine not COVID also could be ur problem as alot of people now r reporting,if ur low on energy and feel sluggish those r definitely side effects of the vaccine


Aug 25, 2020
Wow, this is a good thread. Thank you for the information. I had no idea cold showers are helpful.
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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2017
@canabiz I have had low testosterone for over 40 yrs and have gone through oral meds, shots and finally Androgel. The shots were literally a pain in the ass (pun intended) as the testosterone was so thick they had to fill the syringe with a big needle and inject with a smaller (not much smaller!!) needle and it took a good 20 sec of pushing on the syringe to get it all in. The Androgel is easy to apply and works well. I started with 2 pumps a day but noticed that the effect was not as good as the shot and when I went to see my doctor I had already done some research and discovered that the Androgel in the states is a 1.6% testosterone and the Canadian stuff is only 1% so he boosted me up to 4 pumps a day and that did the trick. I have my levels checked yearly with the rest of my bloodwork and the levels on that doseage is well within the range and constant. Not only does it help with the obvious but also with my mood as the few times I have been off it for a week or so I would be very irritable and cranky which disappeared when I resumed the applications.
Fortunately I have a drug plan that covers 80% of the cost as I don't believe the Ontario Drug Benefit (for over 65) covers any of it.


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
I dont think this is abnormal. Could just be an age thing.

Also, it depends when you gave your bloodwork. Usually your T levels are highest in the mornings and then progressively decline throughout the day.

Take your medication, get 8 hours of sleep everyday, eat a high protein, healthy fat, low sugar/carb diet and most importantly lift weights. I remember my libido was at its highest when I was doing deadlifts. So those kind of compound movements coupled with a good diet and your medication, should elevate your T levels.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2016
My first reaction is that it's not covid related but remembered receptor COVID binds to (ACE2) is throughout body not just respiratory system

Do Google returns this


Feb 2, 2011
Low testerone is more common then most people realize. It's either your nuts aren't doing their god of the gland in your Brain isn't doing it's job, get them checked if they are good don't stress about it and enjoy. you'll mentally probably feel better then you ever have putting on muscle will probably be easier too


Aug 25, 2020
Maybe a silly question, but is there a good supplement one can purchase from a reputable supplement store?
Jun 4, 2022
On everyone's shit list
My first reaction is that it's not covid related but remembered receptor COVID binds to (ACE2) is throughout body not just respiratory system

Do Google returns this

With all due respect, I strongly suggest you consider making a better effort to present your opinions and theories in a manner that more clearly conveys your level of expertise surrounding the subject matter.

"My first reaction is that it's not covid related..."
Okay - could have been worded in a less authoritative way - but not an egregious misrepresentation of yourself within a stand-alone statement. Fair enough!

"...but remembered [the] receptor COVID binds to (ACE2)..."
Now you're making a statement that infers you have above-average domain expertise on the subject. That makes your previous observation appear to come from a credible source when instead I highly suspect it was actually an uneducated guess from a layperson pretending to be smarter than they are in service of their ego.
(Though, I may very well be wrong because I don't know a thing about you!) <----- See how easy it is to voice an opinion without making it sound like you actually know what you're talking about?

It's hard to learn anything if you pretend to know everything.

CheapSecondhandCougar-max-1mb.gif EXbzyHgX0AIme8S.jpg


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2016

With all due respect, I strongly suggest you consider making a better effort to present your opinions and theories in a manner that more clearly conveys your level of expertise surrounding the subject matter.

"My first reaction is that it's not covid related..."
Okay - could have been worded in a less authoritative way - but not an egregious misrepresentation of yourself within a stand-alone statement. Fair enough!

"...but remembered [the] receptor COVID binds to (ACE2)..."
Now you're making a statement that infers you have above-average domain expertise on the subject. That makes your previous observation appear to come from a credible source when instead I highly suspect it was actually an uneducated guess from a layperson pretending to be smarter than they are in service of their ego.
(Though, I may very well be wrong because I don't know a thing about you!) <----- See how easy it is to voice an opinion without making it sound like you actually know what you're talking about?

It's hard to learn anything if you pretend to know everything.

View attachment 202427 View attachment 202439
Sorry I'm lazy. I have a degree in microbiology and am published among other things. Good enough? Speaking of being condescending....

William St

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2018
First off, a Happy New Year to all here!

I got COVID about 2 months ago and started to notice a decline in my sexual desires, among other post-COVID symptoms, soon after. I asked my family doctor for advice and he asked me to do some blood work. Long story short, he told me I now have low testosterone level (I will use low T from now on, to keep it short) but he said there is no scientific evidence to attribute COVID (or the vaccines, I am triple-vaxxed) to this.

He prescribed AndroGel and I have started to use it for the last week or so. I am a mid-40 year old guy, with no underlying health conditions that I am aware of, so this is fairly devastating news to take but it's certainly not the end of the world. It may even save me some $ from this hobby, moving forward lol, but I am more concerned if there are bigger implications, health-wise, than just reduced sexual desire. I could lose a few pounds but I have never taken any steroids or crazy supplements or anything of that nature in the past so I am really puzzled why this is happening now.

I am wondering if anyone here was/is in the same boat and if you can offer any insight/feedback. Obviously we all have different medical histories and needs and I don't expect my T level to increase substantially in a short period of time (short of hormone injections) but any and all input is appreciated.
Poor nutrition, weight gains, irregular exercise, poor sleep, anxiety, stress, can all depress your testosterone levels. I'm afraid many of us are doing poorly on at least some of these life factors. Probably best to work on lifestyle improvements (as should all of us). Keep in mind as well that testosterone declines with age.
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Jun 4, 2022
On everyone's shit list
Sorry I'm lazy. I have a degree in microbiology and am published among other things. Good enough? Speaking of being condescending....
Thank you for enlightening me.

I apologize for being assumptive and unnecessarily condescending. I was wrong.

That behavior probably has something to do with my law degree. Or more likely my generally arrogant demeanor. (Thanks Mom!)

I'm working on it with a therapist on another message board. They seemed legit!


P.S. After reading the paper you linked to, I must admit there doesn't seem to be enough evidence to draw a solid conclusion - but it certainly suggests there may be a connection. Further study seems to be necessary.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2018
Thank you for enlightening me.

I apologize for being assumptive and unnecessarily condescending. I was wrong.

That behavior probably has something to do with my law degree. Or more likely my generally arrogant demeanor. (Thanks Mom!)

I'm working on it with a therapist on another message board. They seemed legit!


P.S. After reading the paper you linked to, I must admit there doesn't seem to be enough evidence to draw a solid conclusion - but it certainly suggests there may be a connection. Further study seems to be necessary.
Here you go again...
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