The military has been over burdened in the last few years. Either we stop doing peacekeeping missions Add military ventures. Or we let genocide go crazy Rwanda another places and mind your own business. Or we do the opposite of these And take a military wing to help with the world .And Canada's population is 40 mil, Israel 10 mil and Switzerland 9 mil.
Did they academically teach you math in the army?
Quite apart from it, Canada cannot fight the US and all Canada needs geopolitically is for Russia to have their teeth knocked out which is best to do economically right now anyway.
What's the real purpose of the service, to train children to be obedient monkeys? Good old fashioned conservative values?
As long as we have immigration as part of our platform the world is also our backyard. thus we need a military Until we change our policies. Most Canadians have unrealistic view points and where the money comes from To do all the things they want.
I'm all 4 changing the Canadian military mandate To fighting forest fires And limited strategic pc keeping initiatives. I was against Afghanistan not because it was a bad idea but because we would not commit the forces needed to succeed. We went with joke forces and accomplished nothing except for loss of life And false hope for the people there.
Do you like good people die and And do The military on the cheap. Or start to give the money and make them effective.
Conscription is necessary to make them affected at this point. women are better soldiers in the modern world than men. There are higher educated at more diplmatic. In a tech based world war strength is no longer needed.