Toronto Passions

Jordan Peterson says Ontario psychologist licence may be suspended over public statements


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Peterson engenders so much hatred from the Left I am not sure they are really trying to listen to him on an objective basis. This seems to based on conservatives embracing his words. Perhaps Peterson started playing into it a bit as well over time. I wouldn't necessarily cite him on the science of climate change, but he might know something about the psychology of angst surrounding the topic.

He espouses traditional values and he seems to be a Christian. Christianity taken without the Church per se isn't a terrible philosophy for well-being. I never heard him say anything challenging the Canadian healthcare system, advocating lowering taxes, outlawing abortion, etc.

On the matter at hand, I don't think the Left is all that keen on porn but probably for different reasons than JP.
Earp, it's pretentious, preachy daftness.

The fact that this jackass is purporting to tell people how to improve their lives by not viewing porn is intrusive censorship in the guise of "self improvement". Pretty much what ALL of Jordan's advice is.

How does he feel about prostitution btw? "Disgusting and unmanly" would be my guess.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Earp, it's pretentious, preachy daftness.

The fact that this jackass is purporting to tell people how to improve their lives by not viewing porn is intrusive censorship in the guise of "self improvement". Pretty much what ALL of Jordan's advice is.

How does he feel about prostitution btw? "Disgusting and unmanly" would be my guess.
You attacked the JP clip so you now have to defend your position.

I don't know what he would say about prostitution. I'm guessing he would say don't get dependent on it for your sexual life. Get out there and find a partner. This is pretty much what I tell young guys who are open to the world of courtesans.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
He's just a phenomenon of the new media.

Was he good at capitalizing on his sudden fame from thumbing his nose at the government and university? Yes.
Do I agree with him on everything or as passionately on the things we agree? No.
Is he a grifter? Not really. I don't think all of this was some master scheme. It's a cliche, but "luck is where preparation meets opportunity" works in his case.
Does his tendency to say outrageous things and say hateful things about target groups go against the general field of psychology and its practices?

That's why he's being censured, because psychologists want to make sure that trouble people, including trans, feel like they can get sessions from a psychologist who isn't going to spend their session ranting about their use of pronouns.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I'm guessing that the College has a "conduct unbecoming" section which he's broken a few dozen times.
Probably something fairly abstract without specific reference.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I dont think him espousing traditional values is really that much of a big deal with the left. Infact I think its a pretty unoriginal recommendation. I mean how many conservatives have talked about family values over the last few decades?

I think the problem people on the left have with him is his apparent hate for trans people, his arguments against feminism and him arguing for equality of outcome for incels (while denouncing it for others). People feel he has used this grift to make money.
"Arguments against feminism"? This argument is fairly unoriginal. We have had several waves of feminism. No matter how popular the early waves people who were initially all in will question the later waves. This is a healthy debate of things that by no means are predestined or settled.

To criticize Peterson in generalities and labels kind of misses the mark because I think he is very expressive and didactic. He is no means the loudmouth, orange haired politician to the South.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Does his tendency to say outrageous things and say hateful things about target groups go against the general field of psychology and its practices?

That's why he's being censured, because psychologists want to make sure that trouble people, including trans, feel like they can get sessions from a psychologist who isn't going to spend their session ranting about their use of pronouns.
Very well put Frank, but I don't think clinical psychologists sign on to abdicating opinions and a public persona.

University campuses where I suppose much of the clinical psychology professional standards were developed were defenders of free speech and academic thought.


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
Arguments against feminism"? This argument is fairly unoriginal. We have had several waves of feminism. No matter how popular the early waves people who were initially all in will question the later waves. This is a healthy debate of things that by no means are predestined or settled.

To criticize Peterson in generalities and labels kind of misses the mark because I think he is very expressive and didactic. He is no means the loudmouth, orange haired politician to the South.
I don't disagree about your comments on feminism. I infact agree with Jordan Peterson on some aspects on multiple topics.

I am simply commenting on why the left hates JP.

That said, he may or may not make the right points. But he is primarily a grifter who has taken political sides and leveraged it to his benefit.

You cannot claim he is didactic when he is so partisan anyway.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2020
I always say.....Their body their rules.
But some guys don't respect that, they like to force themselves, they do the same here even if you don't talk to them.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
If one thing I noticed about Peterson is that he tends to downplay the struggles of woman and minorities in the business world. I think he tends to imply the struggle is over. I suspect this might be a bit influenced by his experiences in Canadian culture.

In my opinion, his arguments aren't altogether irrelevant and are worthwhile discussing. It's a complicated subject and people hate JP simply for saying things like woman have to work as hard and be as competitive as men to succeed.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Very well put Frank, but I don't think clinical psychologists sign on to abdicating opinions and a public persona.

University campuses where I suppose much of the clinical psychology professional standards were developed were defenders of free speech and academic thought.
Yes, actually, they do sign on to not spouting out hate towards targeted groups of their clientele.
They are perfectly within their rights to decide that Peterson's 'free speech' doesn't represent the attitudes of the profession.

Peterson remains free to talk about whatever he wants, just not as a psychologist.
He can be as accredited as Tucker Carlson is a journalist and talk about whatever he wants.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
If one thing I noticed about Peterson is that he tends to downplay the struggles of woman and minorities in the business world. I think he tends to imply the struggle is over. I suspect this might be a bit influenced by his experiences in Canadian culture.

In my opinion, his arguments aren't altogether irrelevant and are worthwhile discussing. It's a complicated subject and people hate JP simply for saying things like woman have to work as hard and be as competitive as men to succeed.
This isn't a left right issue.
This is the group representing psychologists stating publicly that Peterson's attitudes aren't welcome in the industry.
Psychologists are not left wing.
Stop making a professional issue be about politics.
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2013
As a graduate of U of T...i am so proud for people like Jordan Peterson were my professors.

His words and thoughts are taken CO PLETELY out of context in the media. None of these idiots actually listen to his entire thesis. Just talking points that are used as him being mosogynist, transphobic etc...

I can ASSURE you. He has many many trans supporters. Gay supporters. Supporters of ALL races.

He is against compelled speech which literally means that the government is forcing certain speech. Forcing you to say certain words. NOT making it illegal to say words but making it illegal to not say words lol. This would be the first such law and it sets dangerous precendence.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
As a graduate of U of T...i am so proud for people like Jordan Peterson were my professors.

His words and thoughts are taken CO PLETELY out of context in the media. None of these idiots actually listen to his entire thesis. Just talking points that are used as him being mosogynist, transphobic etc...

I can ASSURE you. He has many many trans supporters. Gay supporters. Supporters of ALL races.

He is against compelled speech which literally means that the government is forcing certain speech. Forcing you to say certain words. NOT making it illegal to say words but making it illegal to not say words lol. This would be the first such law and it sets dangerous precendence.
Except it's not the "government", it's the elected governing body of the College of Psychologists. He could organize his peers, get a few elected and repeal or re-draft the provisions that he claims oppress him.

You know, that weird old concept called "democracy".


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2013
Except it's not the "government", it's the elected governing body of the College of Psychologists. He could organize his peers, get a few elected and repeal or re-draft the provisions that he claims oppress him.

You know, that weird old concept called "democracy".
Here we go. You did zero research. This is about bill C-16. It started with his refusal to be part of compelled speech laws which has evetualpy lead to this current situation. Stop partaking in cancel culture. Dissent is democracy. You clearly have a problem with dissent.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Here we go. You did zero research. This is about bill C-16. It started with his refusal to be part of compelled speech laws which has evetualpy lead to this current situation. Stop partaking in cancel culture. Dissent is democracy. You clearly have a problem with dissent.
This is not about a 6 year old bill, check the thread title.
Its about Ontario psychologists.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2013
This is not about a 6 year old bill, check the thread title.
Its about Ontario psychologists.
Bills get updated all the time...

And yes it started from C-16. Thats why they want to shut him down and take his license. They want to CANCEL him for free speech..

Makes sense...

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Jordan Peterson is a grifter.

But the licensing board going after him for his personal opinions is misuse of power.
The problem is that he is representing his personal opinions as facts that are endorsed by a licensed psychologist when in fact they are in direct conflict with the College’s standards and practices.

Moreover, the CPO’s rules also prohibit conduct that might bring the profession of Psychology into disrepute. He has broken that rule countless times and they have let it go until now.
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