In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
free palestine an anti-jewish and terrorist slogan is used to harassed a Jewish Rabbi
That guy is an asshole, irregardless of his religion or the issue.
'Free Palestine' is not antisemitic.

There are lots of peaceful Jews who are against apartheid and against the occupation.
People who can have a dialog about Palestine without claiming its hate speech to talk about it.
Israel, by the way, just made flying the Palestinian flag illegal.



Well-known member
Oct 13, 2013
Both, time to use sanctions to end apartheid like we did in South Africa.
If they can do it, Israel can do it as well.

They have the West bank and had MANY chances to form governments. What theu formed were hateful vile terrorist organizations who said..deayh to Israel.

How the fuck can you made peace with anyone calling for the death of your entire group.

Why cant Jordan or Lebanon give them Land. Werent these countries part of the Ottoman empire where they lived.

Why dont you address how poorly Muslims treat each other. Keep in mind. I am from a Muslim country. I am educated thought.
I know the only thing stable in the Middle East is Israel. There are 10 different types of Arabs and Muslims in the Knesset. How many.

Thrle truth you dont like is...even other Arabs think Palestinians are cockroaches. You cant circle that square and you wont accept that Israel exists. Its borders are there.

Once you give ypur stolen land that you currently live in back to cant circle this square. If your argument is..Canada treats natives better than how Israel treats Natives. First of all..theyre very different situations. There were a million Jews in the Ottoman empire..what is now Israel AND Jordan. There were no whites here before there was a genocide against the natives.

Palestinians can live in Jordan in peace. Transjordan was a real place. They shouldve given a piece to Palestinians and a piece for their kingdom.

First worry about Muslims killing each other by the millions every year.

Israel exists..has a right to exist and will continue to exist. No other country had ever faced such situations and not only thriving. Every other country around it is a complete shithole. Is that also Israels fault?

This is why education is important. You can spew..Israel is apartheid without realizing theres a history..without realizing youre a hipocrite for living on stolen land and thinking..oh the natives are happy now....

This is delusional and bias..and its anti-semitic.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The Jordanian annexation of the West Bank formally occurred on 24 April 1950, after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, during which Transjordan occupied territory that had previously been part of Mandatory Palestine[1][2][3] and had been earmarked by the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 of 29 November 1947 for an independent Arab state to be established there alongside a Jewish state mainly to its west. The annexation tripled the population of Transjordan, from 400,000 to 1,300,000.[4]

During the war, Jordan's Arab Legion took control of territory on the western side of the Jordan River, including the cities of Jericho, Bethlehem, Hebron, Nablus and eastern Jerusalem, including the Old City.[5] Following the end of hostilities, the area that remained under Jordanian control became known as the West Bank.

During the December 1948 Jericho Conference, hundreds of Palestinian notables in the West Bank gathered, accepted Jordanian rule and recognized Abdullah as ruler. The West Bank was formally annexed on 24 April 1950, but the annexation was widely considered as illegal and void by most of the international community.[7] A month afterwards, the Arab League, having received assurances from Jordan, resolved to treat the annexed area as being held in trust until the Palestine question was resolved. Recognition of Jordan's declaration of annexation was granted only by the United Kingdom, the United States, and Iraq, with disputed claims that Pakistan also recognized the annexation.[8][9][10][11][12]

When Jordan transferred its full citizenship rights to the residents of the West Bank, the annexation more than doubled the population of Jordan.[5] The naturalized Palestinians enjoyed equal opportunities in all sectors of the state without discrimination, and they were given half of the seats of the Jordanian parliament.[13]

After Jordan lost the West Bank to Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War, the Palestinians there remained Jordanian citizens until Jordan renounced claims to and severed administrative ties with the territory in 1988.

Jordanian annexation of the West Bank - Wikipedia

The occupation of the Gaza Strip by the United Arab Republic refers to the time period in which the present-day Palestinian territory known as the Gaza Strip was occupied by Egyptian forces of the United Arab Republic from 1949 to 1967. The Egyptian occupation of Gaza began with the inception of the territory in 1949 following the First Arab–Israeli War, and ended after Egypt's defeat to Israel in the Third Arab–Israeli War of 1967, after which the Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip commenced. Egyptian rule in Gaza before the 1967 war had been continuous with the exception of a brief period from October 1956 to March 1957, when Israel invaded and occupied Gaza as well as the Sinai Peninsula during the Suez Crisis.

From September 1948, until its dissolution by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1959, the Gaza Strip was officially administered by the All-Palestine Government. Although largely symbolic, the government was recognized by most members of the Arab League. Following its dissolution, Egypt did not annex the Gaza Strip but kept it under military rule, pending a resolution of the Israel–Palestine question.

After World War I, the League of Nations granted the United Kingdom authority over the Mandate for Palestine composed of former Ottoman territory, including the Gaza Strip.[1] What became known as the British Mandate for Palestine was formally confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations on 24 July 1922 and which came into effect on 26 September 1923.[2]

Three years after World War II on 15 May 1948, the British Mandate for Palestine ended. Prior to this, on 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly approved the 1947 UN Partition Plan to create in Palestine two states, one Jewish and one Arab. The 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine broke out in response. On 14 May 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared the independence of the state of Israel and the following day the armies of Egypt, Jordan and Syria declared war and invaded, aided by soldiers sent from Iraq, starting the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Egypt made gains early in the war, but these were reversed in late December 1948 when the Israeli army, in "Operation Horev", drove Egyptian forces out of the Negev and encircled the Egyptian Forces in the Gaza Strip, forcing Egypt to withdraw and accept a ceasefire. On 7 January 1949, a truce was achieved. Israeli forces proceeded to withdraw from Sinai and Gaza, leaving them to be occupied by Egypt.

On 24 February 1949, the Israel–Egypt Armistice Agreement was signed in Rhodes. Under the agreement, the armistice line was drawn along the international border (dating from 1906) except near the Mediterranean Sea, where Egypt remained in control of a strip of land along the coast, which became known as the Gaza Strip.[3] (See 1949 Armistice Agreements.)

Egypt Occupation: All-Palestine Protectorate (1948–1950s)
The All-Palestine Protectorate was an entity established by the Arab League on 22 September 1948, during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, purportedly to provide Palestinian governance for Palestine. After the war, the Gaza Strip was the only former-Mandate territory under the jurisdiction of the All-Palestine Government. However, the members of the Government were consequently removed to Cairo, and had little or no influence over events in Gaza.[4]

According to Avi Shlaim:

[T]he contrast between the pretensions of the All-Palestine Government and its capability quickly reduced it to the level of farce. It claimed jurisdiction over the whole of Palestine, yet it had no administration, no civil service, no money, and no real army of its own. Even in the small enclave around the town of Gaza its writ ran only by the grace of the Egyptian authorities. Taking advantage of the new government's dependence on them for funds and protection, the Egyptian paymasters manipulated it to undermine Abdullah's claim to represent the Palestinians in the Arab League and in international forums. Ostensibly the embryo for an independent Palestinian state, the new government, from the moment of its inception, was thus reduced to the unhappy role of a shuttlecock in the ongoing power struggle between Cairo and Amman.[4]
In 1956, Egypt blockaded the Gulf of Aqaba, assumed national control of the Suez Canal, and blocked it to Israeli shipping—both threatening the young State of Israel and violating the Convention of Constantinople of 1888. France and the United Kingdom supported Israel in its determination that the canal should remain open to all nations as per the Convention.

On October 29, 1956, Israel, France and the United Kingdom invaded the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula initiating the 1956 Suez War. Under international pressure, the Anglo-French Task Force withdrew before the end of 1956, and the Israeli army withdrew from the Sinai and Gaza in March, 1957.

In 1959, the Gaza Strip was officially merged into the short lived United Arab Republic (which united Egypt and Syria). In 1962 the UAR government established a Palestinian Legislative Council elected by the population. The constitutional document began with the following:[5]

The Gaza Strip is an indivisible part of the land of Palestine and its people are part of the Arab Nation. The Palestinians in the Gaza Strip shall form a National Union composed of all Palestinians wherever they may be - its aim being the joint work to recover the usurped lands of Palestine, and the participation in fulfilling the call of Arab Nationalism. The National Union shall be organized by a decree from the Governor-General.
When the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded in 1964, Nasser proclaimed that it would hold authority over Gaza, but that power was never granted in practice.[6] A year later, conscription was instituted for the Palestinian Liberation Army.[6]

On June 5, 1967, weeks after Egypt blockaded the Straits of Tiran and cut off Israeli shipping, Israel attacked Egypt, initiating the Six-Day War. It quickly defeated the surrounding Arab states and occupied the Gaza Strip, along with the West Bank and other territory, ending Egypt's occupation.

In 1978, Israel and Egypt signed the historic Camp David Accords which brought an official end to the strife between them. The second part of the accords was a framework for the establishment of an autonomous regime in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Egypt thus renounced any territorial claims over the Gaza Strip.

Demographics and economy
The influx of over 200,000 refugees into Gaza during the 1948 war resulted in a dramatic decrease in the standard of living. Because the Egyptian government restricted movement to and from the Gaza Strip, its inhabitants could not look elsewhere for gainful employment.[7] In 1955, one observer (a member of the United Nations Secretariat) noted that "For all practical purposes it would be true to say that for the last six years in Gaza over 300,000 poverty stricken people have been physically confined to an area the size of a large city park."[7]

Occupation of the Gaza Strip by the United Arab Republic - Wikipedia


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Given that Hamas are confined to the world's largest open air prison, Gaza, t...
And more excuses for terrorism and racism from mainstream Palestinian parties. It's pretty racist of you to deny Palestinians any agency in their actions and choices.

Hamas and much of the PLO has spent over 100 years saying Jews have no right to be in historic Palestine and has been using attacks against civilians this whole time but your only concern is a fringe Israeli politician who only has some sway because of the nature of proportional representation.

Even your Amnesty doesn't try to justify terrorism with the excuses you make.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

For the Israeli Right, the New Government Represents a Return to Its Fascist Roots
But the fascist, repressive Palestinian governments....

Based on past posts, all of you guys are not upset that Israeli's current government is far right but are simply using this as an excuse to continue pretending Israel has no right to exist.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
They have the West bank and had MANY chances to form governments. What theu formed were hateful vile terrorist organizations who said..deayh to Israel.

How the fuck can you made peace with anyone calling for the death of your entire group.

Why cant Jordan or Lebanon give them Land. Werent these countries part of the Ottoman empire where they lived.

Why dont you address how poorly Muslims treat each other. Keep in mind. I am from a Muslim country. I am educated thought.
I know the only thing stable in the Middle East is Israel. There are 10 different types of Arabs and Muslims in the Knesset. How many.

Thrle truth you dont like is...even other Arabs think Palestinians are cockroaches. You cant circle that square and you wont accept that Israel exists. Its borders are there.

Once you give ypur stolen land that you currently live in back to cant circle this square. If your argument is..Canada treats natives better than how Israel treats Natives. First of all..theyre very different situations. There were a million Jews in the Ottoman empire..what is now Israel AND Jordan. There were no whites here before there was a genocide against the natives.

Palestinians can live in Jordan in peace. Transjordan was a real place. They shouldve given a piece to Palestinians and a piece for their kingdom.

First worry about Muslims killing each other by the millions every year.

Israel exists..has a right to exist and will continue to exist. No other country had ever faced such situations and not only thriving. Every other country around it is a complete shithole. Is that also Israels fault?

This is why education is important. You can spew..Israel is apartheid without realizing theres a history..without realizing youre a hipocrite for living on stolen land and thinking..oh the natives are happy now....

This is delusional and bias..and its anti-semitic.
Wow, that's a lot of bile and hate in that post.

Canadians value equal rights.
If you want to live in Canada you need to support equal rights.
That includes not supporting apartheid.

That includes not calling any people of any race 'cockroaches'.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And more excuses for terrorism and racism from mainstream Palestinian parties. It's pretty racist of you to deny Palestinians any agency in their actions and choices.

Hamas and much of the PLO has spent over 100 years saying Jews have no right to be in historic Palestine and has been using attacks against civilians this whole time but your only concern is a fringe Israeli politician who only has some sway because of the nature of proportional representation.

Even your Amnesty doesn't try to justify terrorism with the excuses you make.
That's not what the Hamas charter says. Hamas has also largely stopped from using terrorism while Israel has increased its use of terrorism.
I still say take both Hamas and Israel to the ICC on all charges of targeting civilians and war crimes based on human rights reports.
Treat them equally before the law.
I know, you'll say that is racist as well.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Funny when people live on Canadian soil and say 'Israel stole land'. Youre living on stolen land that was actually taken brutally. First give your house and land back to a native person then you can discuss your idiotic views.
Can't use that comparison because Canada isn't ruled by Jews....... Except for foreign policy where Franky and others say they do.

But it's worse for Franky's side than that. Jews have a huge historic connection to Israel while Europeans have no connection to the Canada. Jews have essentially been continually living in the region since antiquity but except for a short lived Norse settlement and occasional summer fishing trips, there is no European connection to the Canada. Half of Israeli Jews are descended of Ottoman Jews while no Europeans simply moved from nearby to Canada. Those Arab Jews moved to Israel primarily because Arab anti-semitism chased them from their homes while there's no comparison for Europeans being chased to Canada by other first nations.

But that's just the racist double standard when it comes to Palestinians vs. indigenous.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But the fascist, repressive Palestinian governments....

Based on past posts, all of you guys are not upset that Israeli's current government is far right but are simply using this as an excuse to continue pretending Israel has no right to exist.
What a lame straw man argument.
First, no country has a 'right to exist'. That's nonsense.
Second, nobody on this board has posted anything saying Israel has 'no right to exist'.

Apartheid has no right to exist in any country.
End apartheid, institute full and equal human rights.
Give everyone there the vote.
Make it a democracy.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2020
They have the West bank and had MANY chances to form governments. What theu formed were hateful vile terrorist organizations who said..deayh to Israel.

How the fuck can you made peace with anyone calling for the death of your entire group.

Why cant Jordan or Lebanon give them Land. Werent these countries part of the Ottoman empire where they lived.

Why dont you address how poorly Muslims treat each other. Keep in mind. I am from a Muslim country. I am educated thought.
I know the only thing stable in the Middle East is Israel. There are 10 different types of Arabs and Muslims in the Knesset. How many.

Thrle truth you dont like is...even other Arabs think Palestinians are cockroaches. You cant circle that square and you wont accept that Israel exists. Its borders are there.

Once you give ypur stolen land that you currently live in back to cant circle this square. If your argument is..Canada treats natives better than how Israel treats Natives. First of all..theyre very different situations. There were a million Jews in the Ottoman empire..what is now Israel AND Jordan. There were no whites here before there was a genocide against the natives.

Palestinians can live in Jordan in peace. Transjordan was a real place. They shouldve given a piece to Palestinians and a piece for their kingdom.

First worry about Muslims killing each other by the millions every year.

Israel exists..has a right to exist and will continue to exist. No other country had ever faced such situations and not only thriving. Every other country around it is a complete shithole. Is that also Israels fault?

This is why education is important. You can spew..Israel is apartheid without realizing theres a history..without realizing youre a hipocrite for living on stolen land and thinking..oh the natives are happy now....

This is delusional and bias..and its anti-semitic.
Very good points, its not that the Palestinians wanted the land, because they were under Jordan and Egypt for 19 years and had no complains. Its because the Israelis are Jews, they can't stand living with Jews. they hate Jews, Christians, Hindus and whoever is not Muslim. They even hate each other too, look at the constant murders and conflicts between the Shiites and the Sunnis. Every week they bomb each others Mosque, you can imagine how much they hate the non Muslims.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Can't use that comparison because Canada isn't ruled by Jews....... Except for foreign policy where Franky and others say they do.

But it's worse for Franky's side than that. Jews have a huge historic connection to Israel while Europeans have no connection to the Canada. Jews have essentially been continually living in the region since antiquity but except for a short lived Norse settlement and occasional summer fishing trips, there is no European connection to the Canada. Half of Israeli Jews are descended of Ottoman Jews while no Europeans simply moved from nearby to Canada. Those Arab Jews moved to Israel primarily because Arab anti-semitism chased them from their homes while there's no comparison for Europeans being chased to Canada by other first nations.

But that's just the racist double standard when it comes to Palestinians vs. indigenous.
This is about you arguing that the native Palestinian population has no rights and that only the Jewish people have rights there.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yes, Canada has a settler colonial history.
The big difference is we stopped the colonization about 100 years ago ...
Have you ever talked to an indigenous person? Canada is just starting to address their/our actions and role in nearly eliminating an entire people who did nothing wrong other than be here. All you are doing is making excuses to throw stones at others.

And yes, you endlessly support the elimination of Israel and say Jews shouldn't be allowed in "Palestinian land" (while also claiming to support equal rights some how) while you happily live on stolen land.

As Canadian, we can definitely use the line of thought that we aren't personally responsible for the past centuries and can only try to strive to make things better but you still attack Israel for it's very existence.

The groggy/flubadub double standard at its best.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Both, time to use sanctions to end apartheid like we did in South Africa.
If they can do it, Israel can do it as well.
While at the same time arguing against sanctioning Iran who in addition to being one of the most repressive countries in the world has an extremely suspicious nuclear program.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
This is about you arguing that the native Palestinian population has no rights and that only the Jewish people have rights there.
What a pathetic response. You are just unhappy that I say the right of self defence does not include attacking random civilians.

All you have left is racist double standards, racist denial of Palestinian agency, and pathetic straw men.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That guy is an asshole, irregardless of his religion or the issue.
'Free Palestine' is not antisemitic.
It is when random Jews are targeted for criticism of Israel simply because they are Jews as you have defended many times. You and I would both agree that it's racist to walk up to a Canadian Muslim and chanting that terrorism is bad but you obviously don't give a shit about consistent morals.

And at the same time, you keep saying it's racist to identify Hamas, PIJ, PFLP and others as terrorist entities. You're a joke.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Have you ever talked to an indigenous person? Canada is just starting to address their/our actions and role in nearly eliminating an entire people who did nothing wrong other than be here. All you are doing is making excuses to throw stones at others.

And yes, you endlessly support the elimination of Israel and say Jews shouldn't be allowed in "Palestinian land" (while also claiming to support equal rights some how) while you happily live on stolen land.

As Canadian, we can definitely use the line of thought that we aren't personally responsible for the past centuries and can only try to strive to make things better but you still attack Israel for it's very existence.

The groggy/flubadub double standard at its best.
I work quite often with natives, so yes, I know their position. Like I said, Canada is moving towards truth and reconciliation while Israel is moving deeper into settler colonial racism.
The convicted terrorist supporter Ben Gvir storming the Al Aqsa is not about 'Jews not being allowed' its about abiding by decades long peace agreements, in this case the Status Quo. For you to try to frame breaking peace agreements as being about 'Jews being allowed to go wherever they want' makes you sound just like Netanyahu and Ben Gvir himself. Congrats.

Canada is trying to make things better while Israel institutes apartheid.
You already decided which you back.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It is when random Jews are targeted for criticism of Israel simply because they are Jews as you have defended many times. You and I would both agree that it's racist to walk up to a Canadian Muslim and chanting that terrorism is bad but you obviously don't give a shit about consistent morals.

And at the same time, you keep saying it's racist to identify Hamas, PIJ, PFLP and others as terrorist entities. You're a joke.
No, saying 'Free Palestine' is not racist.
That is an antisemitic trope where you try to conflate criticism of Israeli apartheid and the illegal occupation of Palestine with criticism of the Jewish people.
B'tselem, IJVCanada, IfNotNow, JStreet and a large number of other groups show that you are the one pushing antisemitic tropes.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That's not what the Hamas charter says. Hamas has also largely stopped from using terrorism while Israel has increased its use of terrorism.
I still say take both Hamas and Israel to the ICC on all charges of targeting civilians and war crimes based on human rights reports.
Treat them equally before the law.
I know, you'll say that is racist as well.
And back to the "Hamas doesn't use terrorism any more" excuse. By any more do you mean the past day? Week? Month?
Hamas member shooting at random cars - Dec 21, 2022

Lebanon trying to prevent Hamas attacks from there. - Jan 7 2023

But maybe Hamas hasn't committed any terrorism in the past couple hours o_O

You really are full of shit.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No, saying 'Free Palestine' is not racist.
That is an antisemitic trope where you try to conflate criticism of Israeli apartheid and the illegal occupation of Palestine with criticism of the Jewish people.
B'tselem, IJVCanada, IfNotNow, JStreet and a large number of other groups show that you are the one pushing antisemitic tropes.
Yes, it is anti-semitic to target Canadian Jews because you have an unhealth obsession with Israel.

Love your defence that it's anti-semitic to call out anti-semitism.
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