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Jordan Peterson says Ontario psychologist licence may be suspended over public statements


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Peterson has said that he intends to make public the allegations when possible while following legal and ethical restrictions.
What legal, ethical or other restrictions is he concerned about exactly? Kind of an odd statement from a so-called guardian of free speech.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Jordan Peterson for PM !!! Fuck Justin the Groper. The college of psychologists are going after him because he called Justin Groper a puppet. I hope he sues the fuck out of them. This all from a bunch of liberals that support the teachers to show children how to be Trans at school.

Jordan Peterson asks Ontario court to review disciplinary proceedings that violate free speech

Conrad Black: Defamatory charges against Jordan Peterson should be 'thrown out like a dead mouse'
This proceeding is a disgrace, an outrage and an affront to every thinking and civilized person in Canada

I always enjoy it when Connie Black makes a moral statement. Maybe Connie can sell his bullshit English lordship title to Jordy half-price, since Connie pretty much defiled it and shat all over it when he went to jail.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Jordan Peterson for PM !!! Fuck Justin the Groper. The college of psychologists are going after him because he called Justin Groper a puppet. I hope he sues the fuck out of them. This all from a bunch of liberals that support the teachers to show children how to be Trans at school.
Didn't read that in the NatPO article. Maybe you can point out where it is?
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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
I always enjoy it when Connie Black makes a moral statement. Maybe Connie can sell his bullshit English lordship title to Jordy half-price, since Connie pretty much defiled it and shat all over it when he went to jail.
I dont understand how all these prominent “conservatives” can’t keep their asses out of jail.

it reminds me of a convo that I happened to overhear where a lawyer at a party was asked if a criminal record would prevent someone to be licensed as a tow truck driver. The lawyer responded “prevent? I thought it was a prerequisite!”

King 21

It's good to be The King
Dec 11, 2022
A good article to read and ponder over and correlate woke ideology and how it can (and has) affected society. "Fringe " groups have infiltrated society in many different factions over time. We are in the midst and it is men like Peterson, Rogan, Walsh, Crowder to continue to talk about it and bring to light their concerns, for their family, their friends and society as a whole. You don't have to agree, but you can certainly understand why and maybe take a moment to think and not react like so many do "just because".



Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
A good article to read and ponder over and correlate woke ideology and how it can (and has) affected society. "Fringe " groups have infiltrated society in many different factions over time. We are in the midst and it is men like Peterson, Rogan, Walsh, Crowder to continue to talk about it and bring to light their concerns, for their family, their friends and society as a whole. You don't have to agree, but you can certainly understand why and maybe take a moment to think and not react like so many do "just because".

It's paywalled. Maybe you can help tell us the signs that our society is falling apart?

Maybe it's because a government lawyer I know has "pronouns" on her web profile and apologizes to the whatever Indian tribe we collectively stole land from back in 1700-something. After I read that stuff, I looked out my window expecting to see King Street immediately collapsing in ruins around me in a moment of ultimate apocalypse. But King Street didn't collapse and I phoned the lawyer concerned and we discussed our stuff and then I went to have lunch.

Maybe society takes a day or two to collapse after someone writes "pronouns" on his / her/ their bio. Help me with this, I'm puzzled.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
a government lawyer I know has "pronouns" on her web profile and apologizes to the whatever Indian tribe we collectively stole land from back in 1700-something.
Bill Maher recently said about that: either give that land back or shut the fuck up...
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
The pathetic treatment of Jordan B Peterson proves that Trudeau’s fear is real

Canada, under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is extending its political interests to such an extent that now it is even willing to harness the freedom of speech and go even beyond the democratic constitution of Canada which guarantees that all citizens can have an opinion. Since Mr. Trudeau assumed office in 2015, this is yet another incident where the government’s fear of leaving office has come true, this time it feared an intellectual of the University of Toronto, Psychologist and Author Dr. Jordan Peterson. This shows Canada’s decreasing standards of governance and the limits to which the government can go.

The Shaking walls:
Dr. Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychologist, and the author could lose his license to practice clinical psychology because he shared political posts on social media. Peterson was disciplined by the College of Psychologists of Ontario, which oversees the profession in his home province and regulates it. Peterson shared political tweets on Twitter. Jordan B Peterson claims his retweeting of posts about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Leader of the Conservative Party Pierre Poilievre, Trudeau advisor Gerald Butts, and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, among others, got him into trouble with the College. In an effort to “modify his objectionable behavior,” the College has mandated that Jordan B Peterson undergo mandatory retraining in social media communication. It is unclear what aspects of the Tweets or their dissemination may be in violation of the College’s Code of Ethics.

Jordan B Peterson said,“Canada has been given over to the commissars,”, “something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime.” He says he’ll make the issue public in the days ahead.

Jordan B Peterson is not being asked to rethink his online actions towards a fellow psychologist; rather, he is being asked to participate in social media training because of his political statements. Peterson asserted that no individuals who have filed complaints are customers or have any connection to customers. Although Peterson hasn’t hurt them personally, they want to punish the good doctor.

In 2023, this is Canada, a nation that supports free speech but intends to prevent its citizens from exercising that right. Although organizations like the College of Psychologists of Ontario aren’t part of the government, they are regulated and sanctioned by the government. They have been given the responsibility of administering professions on behalf of the provincial government through legislation. In April 2017, For the first time in his academic career, Jordan B Peterson was also turned down by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for a federal research grant. Bill C-16 surrounding gender, pronoun use, freedom of speech, and the rights of transgender and gender-diverse Canadians haven’t gone well with Dr. Peterson.

According to Jordan B Peterson, the new law forces speech that is allegedly invented to have a political connotation, and is anti-scientific, whereas the country’s hate speech laws have previously restricted speech.

Freedom of Speech?
Canadians frequently refer to their fundamental right to free speech. But this is a case where Canadians mistake themselves for Americans, as with many other misconceptions. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees “freedom of expression,” but there is a significant omission. This freedom is explicitly subject to “reasonable limits” in the Charter’s preamble. The other section of the Charter also says that provincial governments can take away any freedom they want, as long as they say so publicly.

In 2017, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on World’s Press Freedom Day stated that Canada widely respects press freedom and rights but his actions suggest something different. Press freedom was protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms during his father’s time as president. Legal media protections have made slow progress after more than 30 years. The Canadian media are subjected to intrusive surveillance, the possibility of imprisonment, and government obstruction for carrying out their duties.

According to a Reporters Without Borders (RSF) annual index, press freedom in Canada has decreased significantly. Journalists can be criminalized, even though journalism is not a crime. This was never more evident than when journalist Mohamed Fahmy was wrongfully convicted and given a seven-year prison term in Egypt’s maximum-security prison. In the World Press Freedom Index conducted by RSF in 2017, Canada came in at number 22 out of 180 nations, down four spots from 2016.

Canada has reached an alarming stage where the freedom of speech is not so free as it might seem. Imagine having eyes and not seeing, having a voice but not able to speak, having ears but not able to hear, such is the case of Canadians under Justin Trudeau. The Canadian constitution and laws have been “personalized” by the government, exceeding the spirit of democracy.

Leftists are all for diversity......As long as its aligning with what they are thinking.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece

Canada to re-educate Jordan Peterson for ‘wrongthink

Wokeism has destroyed Canada. We knew the situation was bad when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau froze the bank accounts of protesters in order to silence political action against his regime’s appalling abuses of human rights. It became unsalvageable when Trudeau followed up this behaviour by speaking about his love of China’s dictatorial powers over citizens.

Long gone are the days of suffocating niceness from our northern cousins. Now, professionals who disagree on social media with Canada’s ruling elite find themselves ruthlessly threatened by institutions that are meant to stand for liberty of thought.

That ‘stuffy’ and outdated value is scorned by the younger generation who prefer the comfort of ‘approved truth’ and safe nests feathered with media ‘consensus’.

While most Western regimes find themselves under attack from a mixture of neo-Marxism, eco-fascism, gender extremism, and whatever ‘ism’ TikTok culture involves – it is Canada that leads the way on policing ‘wrongthink’. They have readily embraced the insidious idea that the government and its bureaucracies have a right to ‘re-educate’ those who dissent.

In a series of tweets today, Dr Jordan Peterson reported his situation at the hands of these lunatics:

‘BREAKING: the Ontario College of Psychologists @CPOntario has demanded that I submit myself to mandatory social-media communication retraining with their experts for, among other crimes, retweeting @PierrePoilievre and criticising @JustinTrudeau and his political allies.

‘I am to take a course of such training (with reports documenting my “progress” or face an in-person tribunal and suspension of my right to operate as a licensed clinical psychologist.

‘About a dozen people from all over the world submitted complaints about my public statements on Twitter and [Joe] Rogan over a four year period (out of the 15 million who follow me on social media) claiming that I had “harmed” people (not them) with my views.

‘In its wisdom @CPOntario decided to pursue these complaints even though they could have dismissed them as vexatious.

‘I have been accused of harming people (although none of the complainants involved in the current action were clients of mine, past or present, or were even acquainted with any of my clients).

‘And even though many of them falsely claimed that they were or had been clients of mine and were allowed by @CPOntario to have their complaints investigated despite this falsehood.

‘We are now in a situation in Canada under @JustinTrudeau where practising professionals can have their livelihoods and public reputations threatened in a very serious manner for agreeing with the Official Opposition and criticising major government figures.

‘If I comply the terms of my re-education and my punishment will be announced publicly. I have already had the second most serious category of punishment levied against me and have been deemed a high risk to “re-offend”.

‘Canadians: your physicians, lawyers, psychologists, and other professionals are now so intimidated by their commissar overlords that they fear to tell you the truth. This means that your care and legal counsel has been rendered dangerously unreliable.

‘Ask Queen’s U law professor @PardyBruce if he concurs on the legal front.

‘To reiterate: I face public disgrace, mandatory political re-education, disciplinary hearing, and potential loss of my clinical licensing for agreeing with @PierrePolievre and criticising our standing PM @JustinTrudeau.

‘I am willing (if @SPOntario concurs, which they won’t) to make absolutely every word of all this fully public so that everyone can decide for themselves what is actually happening.

‘And to let the chips fall where they will in consequence.’

It’s music to the ears of the Left, whose publications have delighted in calling him ‘dangerous’. The idea that speech is harmful has been fashioned into a political stick with which to whack away legitimate opposition to the madhouse of Justin Trudeau’s regime of fear and control that was brazen enough to misuse emergency powers to protect his political reputation during Covid.

The simple truth is that Jordan Peterson is not afraid of the new Left. He has spent his life studying the mannerisms of authoritarian states and knows, acutely, that he is living in one during the scaffolding stage. This makes him an essential target that must be publicly burned at the stake or else opposition to Wokeism and other dogmatic policy will build.

During an interview in December of 2022, Jordan Peterson said:

‘When the pandemic emerged, the totalitarians acted first and they acted in a totalitarian way which is, “Well, why don’t we just lock everyone down?” Which is sort of the totalitarian answer to everything. And in our herd-like panic in the West, we immediately imitated them. That’s the spread of a pathogen too. It’s the spread of a totalitarian pathogen of ideas and that also shook us up terribly in the West.’

For more than a year, questioning the ‘science’ of Covid policy was considered a ‘threat’ to public health, dangerous, and outright banned on social media platforms. Those who questioned absurd health advice were turned into public enemies to be isolated from society. It is still disallowed for Australian health professionals to openly speak against Covid vaccines, even if they believe their patients are being harmed.

Controlling speech is what the worst regimes do, and yet Western leaders have increasingly sought to punish individuals for ‘wrongthink’ to the cheers of university students, who have been raised to hate any and all voices that speak to liberty. Conformity has replaced inquiry as the chief virtue of the cafe class.

Will Peterson’s academic peers stand shoulder to shoulder with him in defence of freedom of speech and thought – the foundation of their industry?

Or is academia too timid, corrupt, sickly, or comfortably drip-fed from Trudeau’s treasury to mount a rescue mission for Canada’s soul?

And here have how Australians are viewing this...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Does that mean you won't be staying if our country is broken?
Correct... still earning and building the empire and will depart for greener pastures come early retirement.

You can keep your wokeism, homo-gyno-centric, hateful, identity politics, and commie systems until it all burns down around you.
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Sapere Aude, Carpe Diem
Jul 21, 2004
Can we move this discussion to politics, religion and international please
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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2020
A good article to read and ponder over and correlate woke ideology and how it can (and has) affected society. "Fringe " groups have infiltrated society in many different factions over time. We are in the midst and it is men like Peterson, Rogan, Walsh, Crowder to continue to talk about it and bring to light their concerns, for their family, their friends and society as a whole. You don't have to agree, but you can certainly understand why and maybe take a moment to think and not react like so many do "just because".

I can see you also have Mandrill on ignore 😂😂😂 The guy is here all day and keeps talking and quoting people that ignore him.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Can we move this discussion to politics, religion and international please
I agree, the guys from the politics forum come over to the lounge hoping to get more people involved in their propaganda. Click report at the bottom of the screen and ask the owners to move it.

King 21

It's good to be The King
Dec 11, 2022
I can see you also have Mandrill on ignore 😂😂😂 The guy is here all day and keeps talking and quoting people that ignore him.
Yep, and these guys keep quoting my posts and reply angrily, meanwhile, they might as well throw hot dogs down a hall way.😂😂😂
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