Steeles Royal

In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The trailblazing female Muslim Arab IDF major
Known as “Captain Ella,” Ella Waweya from Qalansawe had to conceal her service from her family when she joined the military.

(January 2, 2023 / JNS) She is a Muslim Arab woman.

She’s an iconoclast and a pioneer.

An army officer who has received both the President’s Award of Excellence and that of the minister of defense, she is the first Muslim Arab woman to publicly become a major in the IDF.

Meet Ella Waweya, 33, internationally known as “Captain Ella” (even after her promotion), the IDF’s deputy spokesperson for the Arabic media.

Captain Ella’s unconventional life journey begins in the central Israeli city of Qalansawe, located east of Netanya, where virtually all the residents are Muslim Arabs. Although she was born into a conservative, religious family, from a young age Waweya felt that she wanted to be part of Israeli society.

The trailblazing female Muslim Arab IDF major -


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
p.s. Your 'news' stories are pathetic.

First off, what exactly is "Christian Land"? I thought you were all for equal rights but now you're saying that there are places that can only belong to Christians. Especially funny that your own article says the land was leased to the JNF for 99 years and the specific property mentioned has had extensive legal oversight about the validity of the ownership by a Jewish group.

And then you go on with your racist crap about Jews visiting Al Aqsa/Temple Mount as coordinated by the Islamic WAQF is an invasion. You are parroting extremist Islamic talking points just to ratchet up violence.

Everything you post shows quite clearly you have zero interest in equal rights.
Oh right, sorry to bring up Christians.
Netanyahu was very clear on who all the land belongs to now.
Terribly sorry to confuse you by asserting that Palestinians and Christians might have any rights under Israeli rule.
I'll just post this as a reminder of who is in charge in apartheid Israel.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The people hired by the human rights abusers council because of their pre-stated bias may have said that and it's amusing that you're happy to swallow their propaganda.

And thanks for posting that screenshot of the UN vote.
Voting For: China, Russia, Iran, North Korea
Voting Against: Canada, Germany, UK, Australia.
You're sounding like CanadaMan now.

All of a sudden you hate the UN (though the IAEA is ok except when they mention Israeli nukes).
You seem to hate Amnesty, HRW, B'tselem and human rights organizations.

Now there are 20 more Israeli rights organizations you're going to have to hate.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Right. That pressure needs to be on both sides though because as of now, there aren't many Palestinian leaders that would accept either a One State or a Two State peace.
No, its an occupation.
The pressure should be on the occupying power, not the native victims of the occupation.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Oh right, sorry to bring up Christians.
Does this mean you don't want to defend your claim that there is "Christian Land" or your religious incitement that a Jew visiting a holy site as approved by the Islamic WAQF is an invasion?

Ben Gvir probably wants to replace the Mosques with a new Temple and ban Muslims from the site which is plainly racist. Don't see how it could be any less racist to ban Jews (even though pragmatism should keep the status quo to prevent extremist groups like Hamas from using it as yet another excuse to attack Jews).

Most asinine is that Christians (and Muslims) in Israel have much more rights than in much of the Middle East. For that matter, you don't seem to have any issues with Jordan or PA controlled land that officially bans Jews from owning land and makes it a capital crime to sell land to them.

No, its an occupation.
The pressure should be on the occupying power, not the native victims of the occupation.
Ah, the terror propagandist again. I know your elitism has you demanding the Palestinians do whatever you want them to but in the real world, peace can only be achieved if both sides agree to it.
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The problem with Breaking the Silence
breaking the silence another anti-israel and anti-semitic source that fanky likes to read. why do Franky likes to cite hate propaganda from hate sites?


On Nov. 13, Congregation B’nai Amoona will host a program sponsored by J Street and the New Israel Fund with Breaking the Silence, known in Hebrew as “Shovrim Shtika.” There is much controversy as to whether or not mainstream Jewish organizations should allow Breaking the Silence (BtS) to speak in their facilities.
BtS was founded in 2004 by former soldiers from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) who felt compelled to share testimonies about disturbing events that had occurred during their military service.

Since then, BtS has grown to an organization with more than $2.4 million in revenue. According to annual reports, donations from foreign countries, including European governments, comprised almost 60 percent of total donations from 2012-2016. Additionally, BtS has received funding from George Soros’s Open Society Institute and NDC, the Palestinian non-governmental organization that promotes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel.

BtS is active in promoting “war crimes” charges against Israel. These charges are often based on anonymous and unverifiable hearsay “testimonies” — thus, they cannot be investigated by the IDF. Former soldiers who speak for BtS primarily visit audiences outside Israel who know little to nothing about the conflict with the Palestinians. BtS presentations paint a biased picture of the IDF that gives little to no context regarding the situation in which IDF military operations occur. Typically, open discussion is not allowed after BtS presentations; all questions must be submitted on note cards, and BtS presenters pick and choose the questions to which they respond.

Anti-Israel campaigns that have been supported by BtS include a claim that Israeli settlers poisoned a Palestinian well in 2004. NGO Monitor reports that this allegation is completely unsubstantiated, and was never proven. It appears to be based on a single complaint from 2004, which was investigated by the Israeli police and was closed due to lack of evidence. Additionally, in September 2010, BtS members and anti-Israel activists Yonatan and Itamar Shapira, were on the “Jews for Justice for Palestinians” boat Irene, which sought to violate Israel’s security-based policies regarding naval traffic into Gaza.

According to NGO Monitor, an Israeli watchdog group based in Jerusalem, Richard Boyd Barrett, a member of the Irish Parliament, cited BtS during an anti-Israel demonstration in Dublin in 2014: “[The state of Israel] was born in blood it was born in racism… it was born in apartheid…. there is no two sides. There is Israeli, terrorist, apartheid regime ruthlessly cruelly, murderously killing innocent civilians…we had former Israeli soldiers for Breaking the Silence, came in to us on the door last week, everybody should read their book so we understand that everything Israel does is absolutely, deliberately murderous, these were the people who’ve did it and they’ve documented how they were ordered to kill, to intimidate innocent people and they were told specifically by their commanders to attack innocent people.”

Analysis by Israeli journalist Amos Harel in Haaretz in 2009 concluded that “Breaking the Silence…has a clear political agenda, and can no longer be classed as a ‘human rights organization.’ Any organization whose website includes the claim by members to expose the ‘corruption which permeates the military system’ is not a neutral observer. The organization has a clear agenda: to expose the consequences of IDF troops serving in the West Bank and Gaza. This seems more of interest to its members than seeking justice for specific injustices.”

A group of former IDF soldiers have established a counter organization to BtS called “Reservists on Duty.” However, BtS members have refused to appear at joint panel discussions with Reservists on Duty.

When listening to former IDF soldiers talk about their experiences, it is imperative for audiences to understand that the IDF is conducting operations against a population in which it is frequently difficult to distinguish between terrorists and civilians. In Gaza, it is well documented that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields” and intentionally sends them into the line of fire, hoping that they get killed, in order to score a propaganda victory. This tactic has been the subject of study by many military experts, including British Army Col. (retired) Richard Kemp, former Commander of the British Forces in Afghanistan, and a world-renowned expert on security, intelligence, counter-terrorism and defense.

Kemp has repeatedly praised the IDF for taking extensive actions to safeguard civilian lives. Following Operation Cast Lead in Gaza in 2014, the United Nations released the Goldstone Report, which falsely alleged that the IDF engaged in “war crimes” and which relied on testimonies from Breaking the Silence. In response, Kemp made a speech to the UN Human Rights Council, stating “During Operation Cast Lead, the IDF did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.”

Sadly, civilian losses are part of most modern wars. Israel’s performance compares favorably to that of other Western states. The percentage of civilian casualties in Gaza in 2014 was 45 percent, compared to 76 percent in Iraq from 2003- 2007 and 57 percent in Afghanistan from 2001-2011 (source: JCPA, Gaza War Casualties). BtS’ approach is anti-Semitic in that it holds the IDF to a different standard than that of other armies in the world. If the IDF is guilty of war crimes, then so, too, are the armies of the United States and the United Kingdom.

Congregation B’nai Amoona, J Street and the New Israel Fund have the right to host whatever program they choose. However, I sincerely hope that people who attend the presentation on Nov. 13 will understand that the goal of the BtS organization is not to improve the situation for Palestinians, but rather simply to discredit Israel in the eyes of the world.

The problem with Breaking the Silence - St. Louis Jewish Light (

Breaking the Silence smears Israel in ‘The Guardian’ – again
The group smeared a Ramadan meal between Jews and Muslims in Hebron, omitting key facts while speaking to an audience already unsympathetic to Israel.

With the emergence of the hard Left in the UK in recent years, many British Jews are worried about the rise of antisemitism.
At the same time as claiming to be anti-racist, papers like The Guardian and The Independenthave normalized the language of delegitimization. The constant stream of anti-Israel articles, unparalleled in intensity and level of scrutiny, have done much to create an atmosphere in which any justification of Israel’s right to self-defense is regarded as beyond the pale.

The Guardian displays a Pavlovian loathing for Israel. Anything, even something as simple as holding an international music contest, becomes an opportunity to censure Israel while exempting the Palestinians from even a modicum of criticism.

This is the newspaper selected by Yehuda Shaul, co-founder of the Israeli anti-occupation group Breaking the Silence (BTS), as the most appropriate place to publish an op-ed criticizing the presence of Israeli civilians and the IDF in Hebron, calling it “legal discrimination.”

One might think that the balance, so clearly weighted against Israel, should be redressed to show Israel’s side of the picture. Instead, BTS clearly believes that Israel isn’t being criticized enough.

The article, “Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ Hasn’t a Hope of Bringing Peace,” was provoked by a tweet shared by Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s Middle East peace envoy, from Uri Karzen, a leader of the Jewish community of Hebron. The tweet described an iftar celebration in Hebron attended by Israelis and Palestinians as “laying the groundwork for peace.” In Shaul’s eyes, however, Hebron is “not a model of coexistence, but rather of segregation.”

Shaul is entitled to his view. However, in omitting key facts while speaking to an audience already unsympathetic to Israel, his argument amounts to a vicious smear against the right of Jews to live in Judaism’s second most revered city, and whitewashes the extreme violence faced by Israelis in general, as well as by Jews living in and visiting Hebron.

Breaking the Silence smears Israel in ‘The Guardian’ – again - The Jerusalem Post (


Anti-Israel Group "Breaking the Silence" got Busted by Christian Israel Supporters (


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Ben Gvir probably wants to replace the Mosques with a new Temple and ban Muslims from the site which is plainly racist. Don't see how it could be any less racist to ban Jews (even though pragmatism should keep the status quo to prevent extremist groups like Hamas from using it as yet another excuse to attack Jews).
Now you think the agreement with Jordan over Al Aqsa is racist? Is that because you, like Ben Gvir and Netanyahu, think all the land is supposed to be Jewish there?
Or is it because Israel doesn't have a war going on there like with Syria, Lebanon, what could have been Palestine and your hopes for Iran?

Most asinine is that Christians (and Muslims) in Israel have much more rights than in much of the Middle East. For that matter, you don't seem to have any issues with Jordan or PA controlled land that officially bans Jews from owning land and makes it a capital crime to sell land to them.
More asinine are your denials of apartheid. They get more and more ridiculous every day, more and more like a CM post.
As Haaretz reports.

Ah, the terror propagandist again. I know your elitism has you demanding the Palestinians do whatever you want them to but in the real world, peace can only be achieved if both sides agree to it.
No, its an illegal occupation. Only the occupying army can end an occupation unless its done by force by the native population. That's not what you want is it? Its not what I want, which is why I support BDS.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Outcry over footage of men smashing cross at Jerusalem cemetery
Security camera footage of men wearing Jewish religious clothing smashing a stone cross in a historic Jerusalem cemetery has prompted claims that Israeli extremists are responsible for the desecration of more than 30 Christian graves.

The vandalism at the Protestant cemetery on Mount Zion, conducted in broad daylight on Sunday afternoon, has shocked church leaders and led to calls for Israel to crack down on racist far-right settlers.

The British consulate in Jerusalem said it was “the latest in a string of attacks against Christians and their property in and around the Old City”.

In 2021, Christian leaders in the Holy Land wrote in a joint letter that Arab Christian communities were under threat of being driven from the region by extremist Israeli radical groups.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Outcry over footage of men smashing cross at Jerusalem cemetery
Security camera footage of men wearing Jewish religious clothing smashing a stone cross in a historic Jerusalem cemetery has prompted claims that Israeli extremists are responsible for the desecration of more than 30 Christian graves.

The vandalism at the Protestant cemetery on Mount Zion, conducted in broad daylight on Sunday afternoon, has shocked church leaders and led to calls for Israel to crack down on racist far-right settlers.

The British consulate in Jerusalem said it was “the latest in a string of attacks against Christians and their property in and around the Old City”.

In 2021, Christian leaders in the Holy Land wrote in a joint letter that Arab Christian communities were under threat of being driven from the region by extremist Israeli radical groups.

And there should be an outcry, just like there should be an outcry of threats of violence to prevent Jews from visiting their holy sites.

Do you care to discuss this or is this handle simply to spam articles?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Now you think the agreement with Jordan over Al Aqsa is racist...
You seem to think it's a racist attack for Jews to follow that agreement.

Israel signed the agreement over pragmatism, figuring denying Jews rights would reduce the religiously incited violence from groups like Hamas. But yes, it is racist just like it would be racist if Kahanists got Muslims banned from praying at the site, only allowing Jews.

Amazing that you've convinced yourself you're for equal rights while claiming there is Muslim and Christian land while saying claims to Jewish land is racist.

p.s. Keep on denying the agency of Palestinians and their leadership. It shows how lowly you think of them.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
Your entire posting history(s) speaks otherwise.

If you had any interest in a productive peace, you would be encouraging both sides to negotiate. Instead you want an imposed solution that will satisfy no one and keep making excuses for Palestinians who reject the concept of peace.

BTW. that same polling organization has 57% of Palestinians opposing peace talks and 44% thinking armed action is the best way forward, and their most damning question which you refuse to even discuss...
View attachment 138688
The fact that this is even considered a reasonable question to ask speaks volumes.

A large number of jews are anti Semitic From the judges ruling. Well not impossible After all we did have Jewish people in The Nazi party Until expelled It does what make 1 pause . Self hate is very rare.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
You seem to think it's a racist attack for Jews to follow that agreement.

Israel signed the agreement over pragmatism, figuring denying Jews rights would reduce the religiously incited violence from groups like Hamas. But yes, it is racist just like it would be racist if Kahanists got Muslims banned from praying at the site, only allowing Jews.

Amazing that you've convinced yourself you're for equal rights while claiming there is Muslim and Christian land while saying claims to Jewish land is racist.

p.s. Keep on denying the agency of Palestinians and their leadership. It shows how lowly you think of them.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Former Massachusetts lawmaker under fire for accusing Israel of ‘being on a mission to kill Palestinians’

“She lies about Israeli genocide, yet ignores the fact that Israel’s Arab population has increased 10 times since 1948,” Zionist Organization of America National President Mort Klein said about former Democratic Rep. Jamie Zahlaway Belsito.

(January 5, 2023 / JNS) A former Massachusetts state legislator is being condemned by Jewish and Zionist organizations for accusing Israel of “being on a mission to kill Palestinians.”

During her final week in office, Democratic Rep. Jamie Zahlaway Belsito, who represents the fourth Essex district in the northeastern part of the state, took to Twitter on Dec. 29 to attack Israel and its new government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“The US must acknowledge that the @Israel administration is an apartheid run thuggery terrorist regime on a mission to kill Palestinians,” tweeted Belsito, whose last day in office was Wednesday. “Killing and land taking has nothing to do with anti-semitism. It is genocide.”

Jeremy Burton, CEO of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston, told JNS, “We vociferously reject and denounce her comments regarding the state of Israel.” He added that while harsh criticism of “any duly elected government and its policies, or of the ongoing relationship of occupation between Israelis and Palestinians, is legitimate—even when it is painful to hear,” Belsito’s attack crossed the line.

“Characterizing Israel—an American ally and itself the target of an enduring antisemitic campaign of elimination since its founding—as a ‘terrorist regime’ engaging in ‘genocide’ is both unacceptable and repugnant,” Burton said. “In using this language, Rep. Belsito comes dangerously close to invoking antisemitism rather than offering legitimate criticism.”

Belsito was elected to the state house in a special election in 2021 and did not seek re-election this past cycle after redistricting in the state. In her farewell speech to fellow lawmakers, she alluded to rhetoric similar to her tweet, yet did not mention Israel by name.

When discussing her achievements as the first Arab-American ever elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives and the first Syrian-American woman elected to an office in the commonwealth, she recounted how her grandfather’s family fled the Middle East.

“My grandfather’s family escaped genocide in Syria, settling in the South End [of Boston],” she said. “The genocide my family escaped may have ended, and in its place mass genocide has continued in the Middle East and we must acknowledge that truth.”

Belsito also criticized Israel and Netanyahu on Dec. 22, calling Netanyahu’s administration “alt-right” and urging U.S. President Joe Biden to “challenge” it.

“The world cannot allow a 60+ decade genocide to continue as they continue to kill Palestinians, bulldoze their homes and take over their land,” Belsito tweeted.

Zionist Organization of America National President Mort Klein called Belsito an “ignorant, vile, Jew-hater” in a statement to JNS.

“She lies that Israel’s goal is to kill Palestinian Arabs yet ignores the Palestinian regime paying Arabs lifetime pensions to murder Jews; she lies that Israel practices apartheid, yet ignores Palestinian leaders saying no Jew will be allowed in a Palestinian State,” he said. “She lies about Israeli genocide, yet ignores the fact that Israel’s Arab population has increased 10 times since 1948.”

Also in December, Belsito shared a tweet endorsing a film about Israel’s War of Independence, claiming that “the United States has ZERO understanding of what the #Nakba is”—referring to the Palestinian narrative (using the Arabic word for “catastrophe”) on the 1948 war.

She added that the “1948 European British Zionists created a hell on earth. This movie is about visceral hate, ethnic cleansing, terrorism and apartheid.”

The Anti-Defamation League’s New England regional office also condemned Belsito in a Twitter thread, calling it disappointing that she “would use her platform to spread false statements and sow division.”

“Rep. Belsito’s inflammatory comments go beyond criticism of Israeli policies and contribute nothing to fostering either the climate or conversations required for peace,” ADL New England added.

In April, Belsito compared the situations in Syria and Ukraine to the situation in Israel, and accused the Jewish state of being soft on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Russia has helped [Bashar] Assad extinguish and push out the Syrian people for the past 9 years, creating a worldwide refugee crisis that most people have forgotten or don’t care about. Israel continues to do the same to Palestinians and won’t condemn Putin,” she tweeted.

Israel has contributed millions in humanitarian aid, sent thousands of military gear items and taken in more than 33,000 Ukrainian refugees since the Russian invasion.

Jonah Cohen, communications director for the media watchdog CAMERA, called it “deplorable” that anyone with a capacity to influence people “would espouse the baseless, bigoted claims made by former Representative Belsito.”

“Israel is a multi-ethnic democracy in a region of autocratic and sometimes criminal states, like Syria and Iran, where human rights are brutally trampled. Belsito’s numerous, false comments are a disservice to her former constituents,” Cohen said.

Belsito did not respond to a request for comment from JNS.

Former Massachusetts lawmaker under fire for accusing Israel of ‘being on a mission to kill Palestinians’ -


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
Toronto Escorts