Time to buy TESLA?


Jan 4, 2005
Fucking hell. I couldn't sell my Tesla stock today because it's a holiday. down another 10%. Stock market closed for four straigh days.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
I don't blame you. It really is 50/50.

On the one hand, evs are going to grow exponentially, and Tesla is the clear leader, no one comes close in terms of sex appeal and profitabilty.

On the other hand, there are soo many things can go wrong, and you have a madman at the helm.
That sex appeal is so gone lol
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Pleasure Hound

Well-known member
Dec 8, 2021
Fucking hell. I couldn't sell my Tesla stock today because it's a holiday. down another 10%. Stock market closed for four straigh days.
Holy Shit! By the time you can sell, the whole fucking thing could be gone! I didn't know that it was this bad!

Fuck You Elon!
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2020
It's fine to sell at a loss in order to prevent further losses. What is not fine is watching your stock go down, month after month, hoping that it will eventually reverse course and go back up so that you break even.
that's if you think Tesla is not gonna have another run up.

also, if you have liquidity needs then fine, but technically you shouldn't have so much invested in equities if you have liquidity needs.

otherwise, you just couldn't withstand the pain of volatility and or panic sold. with Tesla, one shoudk expect volatility, esp with an erratic CEO at its helm


Jan 4, 2005
Of course he does. He doesn't give two shits about anyone invested in any of his ventures. As long as he's wealthy, he never will.
He's joking about being a clown in the clown car, and posting "funny" memes and tweets. Meanwhile, there are people who have lost hundreds of thousand and millions (I asked on reddit).

I honestly believe he's a psychopath, based on his pathological lying, narcissm, and feeling no remorse.

Wow, fits him to a t:

What Is a Psychopath?
Psychopaths are people with a severe form of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), a serious and chronic personality disorder. All personality disorders interfere with a person’s mood, thinking, decision-making, and behavior, as well as affect their ability to function, interact with others, and maintain close, healthy relationships.2 Both sociopaths and psychopaths describe individuals with more severe forms of APSD, but psychopaths represent the most severe and dangerous form of this personality disorder.1,3,4
Psychopaths often engage in criminal, cruel, or socially irresponsible behavior, including lying, stealing, or even being violent or abusive towards others. Because psychopaths have no empathy for the feelings, needs, or rights of others, they also feel no remorse—even when their actions harm others. Because of these combined traits and deficits, psychopaths are much more likely to engage in crime, violence, abusive behavior towards others, and other forms of cruel or dangerous behaviors.1,3,4,6
20 Signs of a Psychopath
Many psychopathic people are pathological liars and master manipulators, which can make it much more difficult to spot the signs of a psychopath. Psychopathic traits and characteristics often become more obvious when you have more frequent interactions with a person, at which point the symptoms of psychopathy may become more evident.
Here are 20 signs of a psychopath to look out for:
1. Superficial Charm & Charisma
Psychopaths can be very charming, charismatic, and persuasive people. This can be especially so with female psychopaths, who area more social and emotional than their male counterparts. While they lack true empathy, they are often very skilled at “faking” prosocial behaviors like flattery, kindness, and false sympathy. They may use these skills to get things that they want from people, but eventually they are unable to keep up the act. Over time, the charm and charisma will probably wear off, unmasking an underlying coldness or cruelty.1,6
2. Unnecessary Cruelty or a Mean Streak
Once the superficial charm and charisma wears off, a psychopath will often demonstrate moments of cruelty or meanness. These may include gossip, biting comments, lashing out aggressively at others, or laughing or being entertained when they hurt or embarrass someone. Cruelty and meanness are hallmark signs of a psychopath, and often lead to a pattern of violating the rights of others.1,3,6
3. Lies, Exaggerations, & Dishonesty
Many psychopaths are prone to pathological lying. They may exaggerate the truth to get their way, inflate their ego, or get others to think, feel or do what they want them to. Most normal people feel guilty or at least a little worried about being caught in a lie, but a psychopath’s lack of conscience makes lying a guilt-free activity. In fact, deception is even a listed symptom of ASPD, and can even show up as a person ‘faking’ remorse, empathy, or care and concern for other people.2,6,7
4. Lack of Accountability & Playing the Blame Game
Psychopaths commit some of the most cruel, violent, and heinous acts in society, but they rarely take responsibility for their actions. Instead, they are more likely to blame other people, make excuses, and try to justify their actions, no matter how bad they are. This sign of a psychopath is indicative of their lack of morals, conscience, and empathy, meaning they do not have the same sense of ‘right and wrong’ that most people do.6,7
5. Need for Power, Control, & Dominance
Many psychopaths seek out positions of power and authority because they enjoy domination and control of other people. According to some research, psychopaths are slightly more likely to seek out and secure positions of leadership in the corporate world, suggesting there is a grain of truth in the stereotype of the psychopathic CEO.8 There is also a known overlap between psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism (immoral and exploitative tendencies), which can lead to a hunger for power and control.7,9
6. Sadistic Enjoyment of Pain & Suffering
Sadism is a word that describes a sick sense of pleasure from the pain and suffering of other people. In some psychopathic people, the pain of others is sexually arousing and in others, the pleasure is non-sexual and has more to do with excitement, power, or the ‘rush’ of the experience.3,6,7 Not all psychopaths are sadistic, but this quality is not an uncommon trait in a psychopath, which may explain why psychopathic traits predict violent and sexually violent crimes with 80% accuracy.1
7. Boredom & Thrill-Seeking Behaviors
Because psychopaths lack some of the normal emotional wiring that most people have, it takes a lot more to excite them, make them happy, or give them a thrill. Psychopaths are overall less impulsive than sociopaths because they aren’t driven by strong emotions, but their dulled emotional response may cause them to seek out thrills. This may be why psychopaths are more likely to engage in crime, violence, sexual promiscuity, and drug and alcohol use.1,3,6
8. Disregard for Rules, Laws, & Norms
Psychopaths do not follow the same code of ethics as most people in society, which is why they often behave in immoral or even illegal ways. These may include minor offenses like inappropriate comments or profanity or more serious offenses like crime and violence. While not all psychopaths are violent criminals, a very high percentage of people who commit crimes (especially violent crimes) have psychopathic traits.1,5,6
9. Unaffected & Unafraid of Consequences
While most people who engage in criminal behaviors live in fear of being caught, psychopaths don’t always have this same fear. This may be partially explained by the fact that psychopaths are believed to have abnormalities in areas of the brain that create normal fear responses, and also in the parts of the brain linked to impulse control and good long-term decision making.3,4
10. Detached, Cold & Callous Demeanor
Researchers believe that psychopaths do not have the same emotional wiring as normal people, which is why they often display a cold, callous, and apathetic demeanor.1,6,7 The differences in the structure of their brains is believed to limit their ability to experience a normal range of human emotions, making them less likely to experience strong emotions.3,4 In situations when others are sad, upset, anxious, or excited, a psychopath may seem oddly detached or apathetic.7
11. A History of Childhood Behavior Problems
Antisocial personality disorder can be diagnosed only after the age of 18, but the signs and symptoms of ASPD usually begin in childhood or early adolescence.2 Most psychopaths show signs of conduct disorder before the age of 15, and the most severe psychopaths may be able to trace their behavioral issues to before the age of 10.5 Some common signs of a psychopath in childhood include frequent fights, lying, stealing, cruelty to animals or other children, and a disregard for rules or authority.2,5
12. A Trail of Short, Broken Relationships
Psychopaths lack the ability to empathize with other people, so it makes sense that they have trouble forming and maintaining close relationships with people. While they may be able to use their charm or powers of persuasion to fool people into liking them, they usually lack the ability to maintain these relationships over time.7 This is why most psychopaths have very short, shallow relationships with people, as well as many people who they’ve betrayed, hurt, or turned into enemies.
13. Exploitation of Others for Personal Gain
A psychopath will use, abuse, and exploit other people, especially when it means getting something they want. In their pursuit of power, wealth, fame, and so forth, there are no lengths they won’t go to in order to get what they want. This is bound to leave many casualties in their path, and a psychopath will have no remorse when they need to throw someone under the bus in order to get ahead, even when this is someone who has helped them along the way.1,3,5,6,8
14. Calculated & Strategic Planning
While sociopaths are more driven by emotions, a psychopath is more cool-headed and calculated in their decision-making.1,3,6 This can make them more dangerous because it’s not as easy to predict what they will do or when they will make their move. Some psychopaths devise detailed plans on how to con, exploit, or take advantage of people who are naturally generous, kind, and trusting. While psychopaths are not generally patient individuals, they are generally less impulsive than sociopaths.3,6
15. A Lack of Conscience
Even when they harm another person, a psychopath will not feel genuine remorse for their actions, and they may not even be phased by the consequences of their actions when they get in trouble. This also makes them especially dangerous because they are less likely to limit their behavior based on fears of getting caught, feeling guilty after, and are also less likely to learn from their mistakes.
16. Abnormal Ways of Thinking
Abnormal thoughts are common in psychopaths because their brains are wired differently. This could cause them to make strange, odd, or off-putting comments or observations during normal conversations. Also, a psychopath may occasionally provide a disturbing view into their twisted minds when talking about strange things they like, mean comments about others, or statements that make it clear they don’t care about other people.
17. Poor Attention Span & Loss of Interest
One of the less commonly known signs of a psychopath is a poor attention span, which can show up in similar ways as symptoms of ADD or ADHD. A psychopath becomes easily bored with activities, tasks, and people, and is always looking for something more exciting or entertaining to do or see. This can also lead them to quickly lose interest in goals, projects, or relationships that seemed very important to them. This may also be linked to a pattern of irresponsible decision-making, or abandoning obligations or projects before finishing them.6,7
18. Violent Tendencies, Abuse, or Aggression
One of the most dangerous signs of a psychopath is a tendency towards violence, aggression and abuse. Psychopathy is one of the strongest predictors of violent behavior, including violent crimes and sexual violence. Unfortunately, many violent psychopaths will re-offend, even after receiving treatment, rehabilitation, or serving prison time or having other legal consequences.1,3,4,6
19. Hostile & Oppositional by Nature
Another one of the psychopath traits that is less commonly known is a hostile and oppositional demeanor. While psychopaths can pretend to be friendly, kind, and charming for a short time, their true nature is much more aggressive. Psychopaths are more likely to hold racist, sexist, or misogynistic views towards others, and also more likely to treat people in hostile or unkind ways.1,6 They may also be more argumentative and combative, seeking out conflict and confrontation (while most people try to avoid it).
20. Masters of Deception
A final warning sign of a psychopath is a person who seems to be especially skilled at the art of deception. Psychopaths are masters of deception, and use lies, distortions of truth, gaslighting, and other dishonest tactics to emotionally manipulate other people and falsely represent the truth. Unfortunately, psychopaths in treatment may use these deceptive tactics to fool counselors and treatment providers into thinking they have improved. One study found that psychopaths with the highest treatment success scores were most likely to reoffend.9
Is There a Psychopath Test?
The most commonly used psychopathy test is the Psychopathy Checklist, or PCL-R, which is a 20 question survey that is used to identify the traits, characteristics, and signs of a psychopath.6 Technically, psychopathy is not a diagnosable condition listed in the DSM 5, but is instead a more severe form of APSD.2
Psychopaths display the symptoms of APSD and also a range of other traits, characteristics, and behaviors, including those listed in this article. The only way to formally be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder is to set up an appointment with a licensed health or mental health provider. During this appointment, the clinician will ask questions to determine whether or not a person reports the symptoms of APSD, and can verify whether or not a person has the disorder.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
He's joking about being a clown in the clown car, and posting "funny" memes and tweets. Meanwhile, there are people who have lost hundreds of thousand and millions (I asked on reddit).
Really? That's despicable.

I know two friends who were also in Tesla. One kept listening to the other guy instead of me. Other guy really drank the Kool Aid and I think he is down $2 million if I do the math correctly. Other guy finally sold last week at $140 and still came out ok. I kept telling both of them that it only common sense that Tesla was NOT worth more than all the auto manufacturers in the world combined. That it was a pop culture stock gamble backed by some value but nowhere near a trillion dollars.

Although not a fanboi, I have to admit that I never realized what an asshole he really has shown himself to be in the past month or so.

My Space-X interest is not readily liquid and I do think it has immense, long term potential. So I'll just keep in with a Cool Hand Luke attitude and see how it works out over the next 5-7 years as I originally went in thinking.


Jan 4, 2005
well, that's what I mean ...know what youre getting into by buying a stock of a company run by an erratic CEO
Well, there is no way I will hold long term because of Musk. It's not worth dealing with all the shit. Also, there's no way Tesla is worth more than every other car manfufacturer combined.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
This fucking idiot is at again, criticizing Fauci and espousing right wing talk about it. He can't be that stupid. He must want the stock to tank for some reason. Unreal.

Somebody renew his Ritalin prescription.

How can a man who is the CEO of a groundbreaking automaker and aerospace company have time to be playing around on Twitter? Commenting on vaccines and politics ffs?

Answer is that unless he is neglecting those business', he can't have time.

This twit has lost all sense of personal impulse control and his fiduciary duty to his employees and shareholders.

Not even Jim Ballsilie of RIM was this bad.
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Jan 4, 2005
Today TSLA was up 3%, which means I lost 8% by not being able to sell yesterday. At this point, I might as well see if the rebound continues. Once it goes back up a signficant amount, I am out permanently. It's nothing but a hype stock.
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