The only great war movie ever made.
BS You ignore Kelly's Heroes...
The only great war movie ever made.
My favourite is Platoon, but Thin Red Line is a close second.One of my favourite war movies is Thin Red Line.
I heard Oliver Stone say he went to Vietnam for the "experience". I guess to have street cred or rites of passage cred. Or looks good in his resume cred. Or bragging rights cred. Not too much mention of the completely wrong invasion and destruction of Vietnam and the deaths of millions of Vietnamese people, who living in a country the size of a postage stamp, somehow was a threat to America 8000 miles away. You see American vets (presumably) wearing T shirts saying "Freedom ain't free". Vietnamese certainly paid the price.While Apocalypse Now was a brilliant movie, it wasn't realistic. It was art-house. Kafkaesque even.
Platoon was cold hard in your face reality. You could almost smell the reality coming at you right from the screen. That's what made it so fucking incredible to watch. I had never seen anything like it by that point in my life. Still don't know if I have.
And when you add in that Oliver Stone (Writer and Director) who can only be described as a thinking man, a complex man, did two tours of duty in Vietnam (you heard me, two tours) in the army, it's fucking chilling. And he wasn't in the rear, he was on the front. Kubrick and Copola (especially) are both geniuses, however, they didn't do 2 tours in the jungles of Vietnam.
Superb war film. I would have been happy with any of those nominees winning that year they were all brilliant. Willem Dafoe was also nominated for the same film. But my choice would have been Dennis Hopper for Hoosiers.Just finished this doc and thought I'd post it for the few mongers out here in TERB-Land who have more than one dimension to their personalities. Maybe some will find it as fascinating as I did.
This doc is amazing. Awe inspiring the bond and the comradery between the actors who made this academy award winning movie that blew my 20 year old self away when it was released. I left that theatre in the dead of winter in Hamilton back in the day shaken to the core. Watching this documentary, it really takes you for a walk through your memories. Incredible the bonds that were formed with these young actors. And great to see Charlie Sheen not being a douche for the first time in decades. Who knew there was still a human being under there.
Oh, and Tom Berringer was robbed for the Best Supporting Actor
My bad! The Ride of the Valkyries scene in AN is probably the visually best war movie sequence I have ever seen. Not sure I ever bought into the Joseph Conrad remake idea though. I never saw Full Metal Jacket and probably should.What about Apocalypse Now or Full Metal Jacket?
Yes you should. And shame on you for not seeing it. Easily a top 5 war film in my books.My bad! The Ride of the Valkyries scene in AN is probably the visually best war movie sequence I have ever seen. Not sure I ever bought into the Joseph Conrad remake idea though. I never saw Full Metal Jacket and probably should.
Full Metal Jacket is a great movie as well. Hard for me to say one is better than the other as the stories are different. All have incredible actors.My bad! The Ride of the Valkyries scene in AN is probably the visually best war movie sequence I have ever seen. Not sure I ever bought into the Joseph Conrad remake idea though. I never saw Full Metal Jacket and probably should.
I'm glad you liked it.Incredible documentary, thanks for posting.
Everyone paid the price and neither side was innocent. Don't ever kid yourself.I heard Oliver Stone say he went to Vietnam for the "experience". I guess to have street cred or rites of passage cred. Or looks good in his resume cred. Or bragging rights cred. Not too much mention of the completely wrong invasion and destruction of Vietnam and the deaths of millions of Vietnamese people, who living in a country the size of a postage stamp, somehow was a threat to America 8000 miles away. You see American vets (presumably) wearing T shirts saying "Freedom ain't free". Vietnamese certainly paid the price.
I liked that opening scene in SPR as well. But I thought the script was just a Hollywood action movie with period costume.Full Metal Jacket is a great movie as well. Hard for me to say one is better than the other as the stories are different. All have incredible actors.
Another scene that is spot on (I have heard this from veterans), is the opening sequence to Saving Private Ryan. Extremely realistic and you are glued to your seat. Sounds incredible with surround sound.
Yeah. 15 / 20 years ago I watched it with my then girlfriend. And there was this rape scene where a few American soldiers in the Platoon rape a couple of young girls, (like 12 year old girls) and Chris (Charlie Sheen) stops the rape - trying to emulate his mentor Elias (Wilem Defoe) who stopped Barnes (Tom Berringer) from executing a kid in the scene before. Elias then comes upon Charlie Shern (Chris) and instead of supporting Chris, he just hollers at him "get out of there".
My then GF was completely outraged at Elias being non plussed about the whole rape scene. She felt completely betrayed and disgusted. I told her I understood the scene and why Elias was not outraged with the rapists and she got upset with me. -(I damn well should have known better.) I don't think she ever thought the same of me and we didn't last much longer.
Definitely not a movie for the women folk.
Well, I'd cut the side who didn't fly 8000 miles to invade the another country a little more slack the side who did.Everyone paid the price and neither side was innocent. Don't ever kid yourself.
fuck them.I'm glad you liked it.
I found it fascinating to see the various stars as young men, and how they all built deep friendships which have lasted lifetimes and there exists a comradery between them like no other relationships in their lives.
It reminded me very much of this scene from Band of Brothers where the German General spoke to his men after the German surrender and talked about the bond between the men that can only be forged in combat.
You mean the side that publicly beat to death political dissidents and their families?Well, I'd cut the side who didn't fly 8000 miles to invade the another country a little more slack the side who did.
Oh. That was the reason the US carpet bombed them. Same time period lynching was a sport in the American South.You mean the side that publicly beat to death political dissidents and their families?
So are the ukraines.Saw this back in 1987. Pretty good depiction of Ironically what the Russians are doing in the Ukraine right now.
Oh. They invaded Russia did they?So are the ukraines.