Moroccans rioting in Holland and Belgium after Morocco beat Belgium in Football World cup!! Is this the start of an era where dual citizen dis-loyalty


New member
Sep 17, 2017
Following Morocco beating Belgium there were celebration which turned into riots in cities of Brussels and Rotterdam. Apparently, many ppl with Moroccan flags started rioting and burning cars, e scooters etc. Are we entering the stage where people even though they were born in a country other than their ethnicity will still be more loyal and patriotic about the country where their parents come from?


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Following Morocco beating Belgium there were celebration which turned into riots in cities of Brussels and Rotterdam. Apparently, many ppl with Moroccan flags started rioting and burning cars, e scooters etc. Are we entering the stage where people even though they were born in a country other than their ethnicity will still be more loyal and patriotic about the country where their parents come from?
This is nothing knew. actually it's pretty much encouraged. Not melting pot but multiculturalism.

It's funny, during the 2 world wars we were putting people away because they might have caused a threat when back in the day when you moved to a country, you transferred your allegiances to your new nation 442nd Regimental Combat Team,.. Looking at you guys.
Whereas now we would never ever dream of doing that, but I don't think you can count on the loyality like you could in those days. Not saying everyone would support the old country but enough that it could cause problems. Of course this would vary depending on country or origin also.
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