These murder-suicides always go in the wrong order...
But, all that being said, the fact that it is so easy to buy weapons in the US is mind boggling. I mean, don't get me wrong, a Glock could kill a lot of people fairly quickly, and this dude took out six. But an AR-15, the weapon of choice for mass shootings,....the damage those bullets do is immense. I read that when they were first doing tests on this rifle back in Vietnam, a enemy soldier got shot in the ass....but the damage from the round was so massive they bled to death. Previous wounds like this would have been survival. ER doctors talk about this as well, when the victims of these shootings come in, the level of trauma is so severe the odds of survival are slim. But handguns are different. 50 Cent famously got shot like 9 times and lived. He was hit with a handgun. If it were an assault rifle, he'd be deader than disco.
I honestly have a difficult time understanding the American gun fetish. Like, I understand hunting rifles. They are just as powerful as the AR, but limited capacity ammo and what not. Who needs a weapon of war in their home???