Ashley Madison

80% of Canadians think our governments should tax the rich more, according to a newly released poll from Ipsos.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
let them leave for fuck sake. They already do not pay their tax. Can’t be worst;)
That is untrue.

" The share of income taxes paid by the top 1 percent (17.9 percent) is more than two-thirds (67.1 percent) larger than the share of total income earned (10.7 percent) by this group. Canada’s top income earners currently pay a disproportionate share of taxes relative to the share of income that they earn. Those who advocate higher taxes on top income earners are, in effect, arguing that top earners should be paying an even more disproportionate amount of taxes. This raises the question of how much is enough in terms of taxes paid by top income earners. But it is also important to recognize that taxes cannot be continually raised on top income earners without economic consequences. The reality is that higher tax rates would further erode Canada’s tax competitiveness, discourage economically productive activity (work effort, savings, investment, and entrepreneurship), hinder the country’s ability to attract and retain top talent, and dampen the incentives for income mobility "
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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
I do have what it takes to marry any status but the people with the most money are not the happiest
Good thing you don't want to make them unhappier, I salute you.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It's not about tax rate. It's about all the manipulation very rich do for paying any tax at all.
Exactly. When a corporation or individual's actual tax rate is 0%, they're no a contributing part of our society.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Exactly. When a corporation or individual's actual tax rate is 0%, they're no a contributing part of our society.
Majority of people do not understand how rich people work it out.

They borrow!!! A rich guy will borrow to buy his 1 million yacht. The bank will loan at a very low interest rate (like 1%..). because the loan is backed by a solid investment shares. While the rich guy has not took out any money out of is pocket, will still get 4 to 7 or8% on his investments and happily pay the 1%. interest..

All while not paying any yearly taxes because he did not pull out any money out of his investment account...

I know I know this is over simplified but that is basically the mechanic...



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Majority of people do not understand how rich people work it out.

They borrow!!! A rich guy will borrow to buy his 1 million yacht. The bank will loan at a very low interest rate (like 1%..). because the loan is backed by a solid investment shares. While the rich guy has not took out any money out of is pocket, will still get 4 to 7 or8% on his investments and happily pay the 1%. interest..

All while not paying any yearly taxes because he did not pull out any money out of his investment account...

I know I know this is over simplified but that is basically the mechanic...

That ride is over when interest goes back to it's historical average of 7%.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
"Trudeau is right: 40% of Canadians don’t pay income taxes, which means someone else is picking up the bill Back to video. On average, two of every five Canadian households do not pay anything towards federally and provincially funded expenses such as health care, education, community and social services, national defence, public safety and even the good old Canada Revenue Agency."

Another 40% draw 100% of their paycheque from taxes.

Trudeau is right: 40% of Canadians don’t pay income taxes, which means someone else is picking up the bill | Financial Post
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