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Question on child support


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
I got a few questions. Trying not to get too much into my own personal life. But one of my kids is going through issues with the baby momma. She has kids with multiple people. One of the fathers she lives with, one of them is my son, and another far father is just not involved.

My kid pays child support.

The original baby daddy, signed off his rights to his kid, and does not pay a dime.

Is that how it works? Really?

My kid fucks up and does not pay on time and FRO crawls up his ass… and the other guy gets to keep his license, his taxes, his wages…? No cares in life for being a douchbag.

Is that the law… or is it just the baby momma has decided on her own not to go after the guy to keep him out of her life.
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Apr 21, 2019
I got a few questions. Trying not to get too much into my own personal life. But one of my kids is going through issues with the baby momma. She has kids with multiple people. One of the fathers she lives with, one of them is my son, and another far father is just not involved.

My kid pays child support.

The original baby daddy, signed off his rights to his kid, and does not pay a dime.

Is that how it works? Really?

My kid fucks up and does not pay on time and FRO crawls up his ass… and the other guy gets to keep his license, his taxes, his wages…? No cares in life for being douchbag.

Is that the law… or is it just the baby momma has decided on her own not to go after the guy to keep him out of her life.
I'm not a lawyer but if you are looking for a specific answers, it would be best to see a lawyer.

It could be one or a combination of mother didn't care, doesn't know the system, or had a terrible lawyer? 🤷‍♂️

Again, if you want real answers, please talk to a lawyer. Good luck.
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
I'm not a lawyer but if you are looking for a specific answers, it would be best to see a lawyer.

It could be one or a combination of mother didn't care, doesn't know the system, or had a terrible lawyer? 🤷‍♂️

Again, if you want real answers, please talk to a lawyer. Good luck.

I get what you are saying… But I don’t have a dog in the fight.

I am just wondering why my kid is being crucified (and to a point, rightfully so)… while another guy does not owe a dime.

As it does not affect me personally… not sure I will see a lawyer. More curious on if anybody had a more concrete answer that what I understand.


Apr 21, 2019
I get what you are saying… But I don’t have a dog in the fight.

I am just wondering why my kid is being crucified (and to a point, rightfully so)… while another guy does not owe a dime.

As it does not affect me personally… not sure I will see a lawyer. More curious on if anybody had a more concrete answer that what I understand.
I understand where you are coming from. Unfortunately, I do not have an actual/concrete answer to your son's situation.

As I have mention before, if you want more concrete answers or solutions to your kid's circumstance. It will be best to ask a lawyer. Because custody battle, child support, alimony et cetera are such a complex, and subjective manner it can change swing either side of the parties. There is no one-solution/answers that fits everything.

For that reason, not all lawyers, and judges have the same mindset on interpreting the law regarding child support et cetera.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
I got a few questions. Trying not to get too much into my own personal life. But one of my kids is going through issues with the baby momma. She has kids with multiple people. One of the fathers she lives with, one of them is my son, and another far father is just not involved.

My kid pays child support.

The original baby daddy, signed off his rights to his kid, and does not pay a dime.

Is that how it works? Really?

My kid fucks up and does not pay on time and FRO crawls up his ass… and the other guy gets to keep his license, his taxes, his wages…? No cares in life for being a douchbag.

Is that the law… or is it just the baby momma has decided on her own not to go after the guy to keep him out of her life.
Basically yes. If she is not fighting it, then the courts are not going to do anything. So she has to take him to court, get the order, Have it tossed to FRO and then the baby daddy will be gone after and can have shit taken away. Until then, he gets away without paying.

This is why FRO should be involved from day one and all support arrangements should go through court. So that everyone is being treated equally and from
my understanding, FRO is now automatically involved unless BOTH parties opt out.

She has a responsibility to go after all baby daddies but you can’t force her
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I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
or is it just the baby momma has decided on her own not to go after the guy to keep him out of her life.
That's right, She gets shelter from one guy and looking to get finances from your son.

Did your son agree or sign to take care of the other kids?
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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2019
Sounds like she’s good with 2 outta 3 . She’s got a roof over her head from dad #2 and bank roll from your son.
Also she gets monthly checks$ from our tax paying pocket so she’ll probably pop out at least 2 more kids . It’s Better money then working at Tim’s.


Active member
Oct 25, 2022
My brother got divorced and has to pay a substantial amount of child support ( 3 kids ) his ex came after him big time she wanted full custody . If she got full custody that would mean more money for her every month . They wound up having a 50/50 split on time with the kids but he has to pay 70/30 cause he makes more money than his ex
I believe it is up to the mother to go to court and fight for her child support and we all know how expensive that can be , I believe my brother was something like 40k just to get divorced and split assets and such

Good luck bro it’s an ugly day lace to be as a man that wants to leave a relationship! The man is nothing more than an ATM machine in the courts eyes period
A man has to buy his way out and a women gets an allowance and she gets paid to leave. This is the question nowadays what is the actual benefit to get married as a man in the western world ?? I don’t see the point any longer way to many risks for a man to lose an awful lot of money


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2017
I got a few questions. Trying not to get too much into my own personal life. But one of my kids is going through issues with the baby momma. She has kids with multiple people. One of the fathers she lives with, one of them is my son, and another far father is just not involved.

My kid pays child support.

The original baby daddy, signed off his rights to his kid, and does not pay a dime.

Is that how it works? Really?

My kid fucks up and does not pay on time and FRO crawls up his ass… and the other guy gets to keep his license, his taxes, his wages…? No cares in life for being a douchbag.

Is that the law… or is it just the baby momma has decided on her own not to go after the guy to keep him out of her life.
How long has he been in the child’s life?
Did your son adopt the child ?
Was he married to the mother ?
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