The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
At what age are squats not an option?
Most men doing TRT are middle aged.

How many fifty year olds do you see at the squat rack at your local Goodlife?

Most of these guys are either not doing legs at all or are doing leg extensions or Hamstrings curls standing or lying down. A few might be doing leg presses.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
i'm pretty sure using it before affects your body's ability to produce it which is why I haven't done it yet - I don't want to be reliant on it unless I need to be. If I do decide to do it, I think i'll have to accept doing it for the rest of my life

maybe your previous use has made production more difficult? Do you plan on sticking with it indefinitely/forever?
Yes, good point. The fact that he used it before probably explains his low T today. Another reason not to take hormones.


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2001
Bioidentical testosterone is made from yams or soy.

There is no evidence that TRT contributes to prostate cancer. Abraham Morgentaler in his book Testosterone For Life. Makes the case that the overwhelming majority of men diagnosed with prostate cancer have low testosterone levels.
Bioidentical, really? From yams and soy? Plants have the same hormones as humans do.

I have know women who took soy derived hormone replacement therapy for yrs and have developed ovarian cancer, not just one.
Also ladies that were on the pill and got breast cancer or some form of cancer.
Any form of hormone not from the human body is harmful. With regards to low testosterone and cancer that is a inaccurate cause and effect correlation. How many of those men were using steroids before or some form of androgen inhibitor? What's interesting is that testerone will promote prostate cancer if you already a risk of prostate cancer.

"As men age, their testosterone levels can fall: by one estimate, 39% of men aged 45-85 have blood testosterone levels considered low (less than 300 ng/mL). Many have no symptoms, but some men may experience symptoms such as low mood, low energy, weight gain, and low sex drive, leading them to seek evaluation and treatment. In consultation with their doctor, they may consider testosterone supplements. Testosterone supplementation is becoming more common: between 2000 and 2011, the number of prescriptions of testosterone filled by U.S. pharmacies increased tenfold.

What does this have to do with prostate cancer
? Prostate cancer is related to male hormones, and medications that block testosterone are used to treat certain types of prostate cancer. Men taking testosterone supplements might worry whether they are putting themselves at risk for prostate cancer in the future. Patients who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and who previously took supplements may wonder: did the testosterone cause my cancer?

Fuel for existing prostate cancer

In his 2018 book The Virility Paradox (BenBella Books), PCF’s President and CEO, Dr. Chuck Ryan, wrote extensively on the complicated role of testosterone in the human body. He notes that testosterone does not cause prostate cancer, but it can fuel prostate cancer that already exists. Biologically, there is a difference between initiating cancer vs. promoting cancer once it has already started. Testosterone does the latter for prostate cancer
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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
Most men doing TRT are middle aged.

How many fifty year olds do you see at the squat rack at your local Goodlife?

Most of these guys are either not doing legs at all or are doing leg extensions or Hamstrings curls standing or lying down. A few might be doing leg presses.
What older men DO at the gym has no bearing on what I SUGGEST they do.

I see a few doing these things, myself included. Most people in general don't do squats at the gym. They are too busy admiring themselves doing endless curls with 5 lb dumbells.

I have seen no reason not to do squats MERELY because you are older. I find that to be a defeatist, "I Can't Wait to Slide Gently and Safely into my Coffin" attitude.

You may be implying that they have problems with joints etc, and therefore cannot do them, but that can apply across all age groups. Sure, older men are more likely to have that problem, but I don't even think it is the majority.

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Active member
Jul 8, 2021
Thanks for your input. I’ll try to add a little more info to answer some of your questions.
As stated earlier, I’m 55 yrs old. Used steroids to n my 20s 30s and 40s. Not continuously of course. Maybe a total of 2 years on. I did not obtain them through a doctor. At times my dosages were high. 1500mg test plus other compounds such as stanozolol or nandrolone. Among many others. (Dianabol, Anadrol, test e, test c test p, sustanon, equipoise, winstrol v…..Never used clomid. all of it was pharma human grade except for V. I have not used in approx 12 years. Currently I’m showing all symptoms of low T. Otherwise my health is good. I still hit the gym but anymore than 3 sessions a week ( I still squat but not heavy) and I feel symptoms of over training. I work shifts. 4 days on. 4 off. 12 hour shifts. I’m extremely busy at work, which I’m sure adds to my fatigue. My sex drive is meh. I can go weeks without even thinking about it. My diet is pretty clean but not perfect. I’ll drink the odd beer ( more during summer months) but nothing crazy. Im 99% sure that blood work would indicate low T. I am interested in starting medically supervised testosterone supplementation. Some docs prescribe dosages based on numbers. Others prescribe based on client response. Basically how they feel at certain doses. 200 mg a week is considered high. Either way, I’d like to find a clinic where a doc can prescribe and monitor.


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2001
Thanks for your input. I’ll try to add a little more info to answer some of your questions.
As stated earlier, I’m 55 yrs old. Used steroids to n my 20s 30s and 40s. Not continuously of course. Maybe a total of 2 years on. I did not obtain them through a doctor. At times my dosages were high. 1500mg test plus other compounds such as stanozolol or nandrolone. Among many others. (Dianabol, Anadrol, test e, test c test p, sustanon, equipoise, winstrol v…..Never used clomid. all of it was pharma human grade except for V. I have not used in approx 12 years. Currently I’m showing all symptoms of low T. Otherwise my health is good. I still hit the gym but anymore than 3 sessions a week ( I still squat but not heavy) and I feel symptoms of over training. I work shifts. 4 days on. 4 off. 12 hour shifts. I’m extremely busy at work, which I’m sure adds to my fatigue. My sex drive is meh. I can go weeks without even thinking about it. My diet is pretty clean but not perfect. I’ll drink the odd beer ( more during summer months) but nothing crazy. Im 99% sure that blood work would indicate low T. I am interested in starting medically supervised testosterone supplementation. Some docs prescribe dosages based on numbers. Others prescribe based on client response. Basically how they feel at certain doses. 200 mg a week is considered high. Either way, I’d like to find a clinic where a doc can prescribe and monitor.
It maybe the steriods but it could be natural. Se men genetically have low T at this age. I experienced it from the age of 50, noticed the drop-off in desire, energy and weight gain.i never did steroids and don't plan on TRT. My doctor suggested it but I am ok, I had enough pussy for a lifetime lol.. I plan to retire from the hobby soon. To get my desire up I use maca, and help of the blue pill lol


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
i'm pretty sure using it before affects your body's ability to produce it which is why I haven't done it yet - I don't want to be reliant on it unless I need to be. If I do decide to do it, I think i'll have to accept doing it for the rest of my life
What is TRT please and pardon my igorance. What is PAWG chicks and pardon me if I am on
maybe your previous use has made production more difficult? Do you plan on sticking with it indefinitely/forever?
e of them. I take testosterone injections from my Dr for extra energy and as a side effect they make me super horny. Is that what TRT is?


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Thanks for the input. I don’t have a family doctor at the moment. He retired. How would the process work if I walked into an TRT clinic? Exam/ bloodwork then prescription if needed? Im hoping to keep it simple. The alternative is very simple but not quite as safe
The food list is golden. I thought I was the only one who ate garbanzo beans (called chick peas by mere peasants)...
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