Effects of hobbying


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2021
Not with me though since for the civi women I like, they have certain characteristics that SPs don't have including being extremely active in the same passions (non-sexual) as me. The demographics for me are completely different. I've never met a SP I would want to date although this is not being negative towards them. They just don't fit into my civi life.
Sure man :)


Apr 21, 2019
That's the thing. I want fun but eventually want to settle down with a family but not sure how everything will turn out and stuff
Do we truly know how to settle down with a family?

Can we predict our future?

To be honest, I don't think anyone at TERB.cc can answer those questions for you.

As I have mentioned before, when you decided to be with a civi woman; you have to know what you want in a relationship. You cannot just half-a$$ it (pardon my French).

When you said you want to have FUN but you WANT to settle down. It means you are not ready to settle down because you still want to have FUN in the bedroom.

Because being a father, husband and son-in-law it ain't easy. It takes a lot of courage and sacrifice. You have to give up your freedom, money, time, maturity and responsibility to take care of your wife, kids and your in-laws. If it was easy, there won't be a lot of single fathers, divorcees, and hobbyist in this forum.

Indeed, when you decided to settle down with a woman, it can't just be any woman. You have to take the time to understand them to see whether or not you are compatible with them. If not, your marriage won't last long. If you and your civi woman don't have the same mindset and the same beliefs - it will ruin your kid's future and your marriage too.

Honestly, marrying a woman and having kids with them is easy. But, being a good parent to your kids and a good husband to your wife. Now that is hard.

So, until you are 110% sure you want to settle down with a civi woman and start a family. You will know what to do and how to start. Cause you know yourself better than anyone else. No one can help you make the right choice(s) in life for you. Only you can.

Overall, if you want to have fun. Have fun. If you want to settle down with a good woman. Go settle down with her. If you want to be safe and not contact STI. Don't do any risky sexual activity. If you don't want your future kids to know about your hobbying life. Don't post any personal information on any social media that would compromise your identity.

I hope this helps. Good luck.


Well-known member
May 13, 2022
On the other hand, this little world did wonders for my confidence and its existence means I'll never get desperate. No more putting women, especially mediocre and entitled American women, on a pedestal.
Totally fair. I think that's a side of this industry that's rarely mentioned. You're getting an experience you likely will never get in the civilian world, and you can bring that experience with you to help build your confidence.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2021
Hello there, as someone who's young and have quite an experience with hobbying, how do you this affects relationships later down the line? Any guys here who used to hobby but settled down after? I guess they wouldn't be lurking here. Just a thought. It's just so damn easy to see these wonderful girls
I hobbied some in my early to mid-20s here in the U.S. (it was much cheaper back then). Got married in my late 20s and thought I was out of the game permanently. When my marriage fell apart after more than 20 years, I got back in the game five years ago. Some advice:
1. Find a girl for a relationship and quit this hobby. You're young. I'm old, soured on relationships and my options are limited, so I'll probably remain in the game until the end.
2. NEVER, ever, tell anyone you hobby or have hobbied, especially someone with whom you're entering a relationship. Even guys who don't hobby don't understand what we do and why we do it. Example: I mistakenly told a gym buddy who I thought would understand that I make occasional trips to the GTA for this. He cracked a joke about it and I sense he's looking down on me because of it. I don't give a rat's ass, fuck him and the high horse he rode in on, but it taught me a lesson to be ultra-discrete.
3. Hobbying shouldn't affect your relationship down the line unless you set unrealistic expectations for your mate. A relationship is more than just sex, so even if she's not a porn star in bed she'll satisfy your other needs, namely just being your soulmate.
4. Did I mention you should quit while you're young and find a girl?


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Thing is I run a successful business so finance isn't that big of a problem. If it was, I wouldn't be here. That's also one of the downside, having too much on hand feel like I book anyone whenever I get horny 😂
Seriously don’t worry about it and enjoy your life. If money isn’t an issue for you and you won’t miss $20K+ a year just fuck hotties until you find a civvie you love then NEVER tell her how you got so good at fucking.
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Active member
Jan 14, 2017
2. NEVER, ever, tell anyone you hobby or have hobbied, especially someone with whom you're entering a relationship. Even guys who don't hobby don't understand what we do and why we do it. Example: I mistakenly told a gym buddy who I thought would understand that I make occasional trips to the GTA for this. He cracked a joke about it and I sense he's looking down on me because of it. I don't give a rat's ass, fuck him and the high horse he rode in on, but it taught me a lesson to be ultra-discrete.
Ain't this the truth. I was dating a girl two years ago and she started to open up and tell me her deepest/darkest secrets. A lot of it was messed up and I thought that I should reciprocate and tell her that I used to hobby before meeting her. In my mind hobbying paled in comparison to what she was hiding/keeping a secret. When I told her she said she was ok with it and even told me that she had a friend that was an sp who worked at an agency. I thought everything was fine and then she ended up ghosting me. So lesson learned. Do not under any circumstance tell anyone you hobby no matter how much you trust them or think that they would be cool with it.


Jun 25, 2018
The effects of hobbying ...

Walking around with a spring in your step and a smile on your face cause you're fucking hot young girls and loving it!
The anticipation and excitement of finding the next new hottie who may become your favorite.
The incredible variety of pussy you get like never before!!
Fulfilling a need I need to fill and feeling satisfied.
Happiness and Joy. It makes me feel younger.
And yes it takes a hit on my wallet but the pleasure, satisfaction, excitement etc. more than make up.

Keep on pounding boys!


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2015
I hobbied some in my early to mid-20s here in the U.S. (it was much cheaper back then). Got married in my late 20s and thought I was out of the game permanently. When my marriage fell apart after more than 20 years, I got back in the game five years ago. Some advice:
1. Find a girl for a relationship and quit this hobby. You're young. I'm old, soured on relationships and my options are limited, so I'll probably remain in the game until the end.
2. NEVER, ever, tell anyone you hobby or have hobbied, especially someone with whom you're entering a relationship. Even guys who don't hobby don't understand what we do and why we do it. Example: I mistakenly told a gym buddy who I thought would understand that I make occasional trips to the GTA for this. He cracked a joke about it and I sense he's looking down on me because of it. I don't give a rat's ass, fuck him and the high horse he rode in on, but it taught me a lesson to be ultra-discrete.
3. Hobbying shouldn't affect your relationship down the line unless you set unrealistic expectations for your mate. A relationship is more than just sex, so even if she's not a porn star in bed she'll satisfy your other needs, namely just being your soulmate.
4. Did I mention you should quit while you're young and find a girl?
thank you and sorry to hear!
Great advice
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Don't forget that hobbying is not the domain of just you young dudes. Many of us here are already late middle agers to even seniors who have already been through relationships, marriages, kids or even grandkids. We find ourselves single at our age and the civi women in our age groups who are available either look terrible, are 300 pounds or just have too much fracking baggage with their own kids. So we can spend our time sitting out in the street corner with other old dudes and play checkers all day long or choose to live it up a bit while we still can with hobbying. At our ages we recognize that we might not be able to stay sexual forever so might as well use it while we can and enjoy it. So young dudes - no need to try and give us any relationship vs hobbying advice as we have all been through relationships in civi life already for many, many years longer than some of you have been alive. We don't see any huge negative effects with hobbying at our age group because at some point we just physically won't be able to anymore! So we are doing it while we can among other fun things in life as a way to enjoy our retirement years.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
I hobbied some in my early to mid-20s here in the U.S. (it was much cheaper back then). Got married in my late 20s and thought I was out of the game permanently. When my marriage fell apart after more than 20 years, I got back in the game five years ago. Some advice:
1. Find a girl for a relationship and quit this hobby. You're young. I'm old, soured on relationships and my options are limited, so I'll probably remain in the game until the end.
2. NEVER, ever, tell anyone you hobby or have hobbied, especially someone with whom you're entering a relationship. Even guys who don't hobby don't understand what we do and why we do it. Example: I mistakenly told a gym buddy who I thought would understand that I make occasional trips to the GTA for this. He cracked a joke about it and I sense he's looking down on me because of it. I don't give a rat's ass, fuck him and the high horse he rode in on, but it taught me a lesson to be ultra-discrete.
3. Hobbying shouldn't affect your relationship down the line unless you set unrealistic expectations for your mate. A relationship is more than just sex, so even if she's not a porn star in bed she'll satisfy your other needs, namely just being your soulmate.
4. Did I mention you should quit while you're young and find a girl?
Absolutely perfect advice Jethro! Well done.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
The effects of hobbying ...

Walking around with a spring in your step and a smile on your face cause you're fucking hot young girls and loving it!
The anticipation and excitement of finding the next new hottie who may become your favorite.
The incredible variety of pussy you get like never before!!
Fulfilling a need I need to fill and feeling satisfied.
Happiness and Joy. It makes me feel younger.
And yes it takes a hit on my wallet but the pleasure, satisfaction, excitement etc. more than make up.

Keep on pounding boys!
This right here! 👆
Enjoy yourself!! Like most things in life, find a balance and appreciate the beauty of women in all their shapes, sizes, and colours. Remember to be smart, safe, and a gentleman. We’re here just sharing experiences and memories. Do the things in this life that make you happy!
@ezpzezpz, well said 👍


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
2. NEVER, ever, tell anyone you hobby or have hobbied, especially someone with whom you're entering a relationship. Even guys who don't hobby don't understand what we do and why we do it. Example: I mistakenly told a gym buddy who I thought would understand that I make occasional trips to the GTA for this. He cracked a joke about it and I sense he's looking down on me because of it. I don't give a rat's ass, fuck him and the high horse he rode in on, but it taught me a lesson to be ultra-discrete.
It has rarely blown up in my face.
1: Most dudes I know are gameless dorks and would hobby if they had the cash, or do.
2: I told my ex with benefits who wants to get back with me. However as she was also my first relationship, it would explain some things at least. She accepted it. OTOH I told another female [long story] and I am pretty sure that was a bad idea, but then she is ultra on team Jebus, I don't know what I was thinking but again there is some back story there that had it made sense at the time. I am guessing if you are a gameless dork, a girl might be more understanding of the hobby as the only option pre her.


Active member
Oct 2, 2001
I've been hobbying since my 20's, now in my early 50's. I don't regret a thing.
Absolutely agree that there are just things I don't want to do with my SO. "Hey hon, mind if I FF you until you gag and then some anal and let me cum all over your tits?" that is not happening ever at home.
I travel a lot for work and try not to shit where I eat. but I still partake when I can fit it into my schedule. I love that I can still slam with a young 9 or 10 over a lunch hour and feel completely sated. Cultures that allow mistresses are what we should be studying here. Do I fantasize about other women while with my SO? for sure, we all do.
The only thing that I am worried about as I get older is if I happen to croak while at an incall. That would be hard to explain, (even though I'd be gone.)


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2021
The effects of hobbying ...

Walking around with a spring in your step and a smile on your face cause you're fucking hot young girls and loving it!
The anticipation and excitement of finding the next new hottie who may become your favorite.
The incredible variety of pussy you get like never before!!
Fulfilling a need I need to fill and feeling satisfied.
Happiness and Joy. It makes me feel younger.
And yes it takes a hit on my wallet but the pleasure, satisfaction, excitement etc. more than make up.

Keep on pounding boys!
I find it interesting that a lot of guys use the term ‘fucking’ when that really isn’t accurate. We are not actually fucking any hot young girl , we are getting a young hot girl to concede to having sex with us because we paid them to. 99.9% of these girls wouldn’t even give us a second glance in the real world. To actually get to fuck then we must earn the desire from them to want to fuck us on their own free will. Too many guys get a false sense if accomplishment here lol once you accept the cold hard truth of it then it’s easier to walk away from.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2021
OP is the asking relationship advice from hobbyists...LOL.
He should. Most hobbyists have had relationships in the past or are hobbying while in a relationship. Who else is he going to ask, some Dungeons and Dragons playing geek who's never kissed a girl?

Don't forget that hobbying is not the domain of just you young dudes. Many of us here are already late middle agers to even seniors who have already been through relationships, marriages, kids or even grandkids. We find ourselves single at our age and the civi women in our age groups who are available either look terrible, are 300 pounds or just have too much fracking baggage with their own kids. So we can spend our time sitting out in the street corner with other old dudes and play checkers all day long or choose to live it up a bit while we still can with hobbying. At our ages we recognize that we might not be able to stay sexual forever so might as well use it while we can and enjoy it. So young dudes - no need to try and give us any relationship vs hobbying advice as we have all been through relationships in civi life already for many, many years longer than some of you have been alive. We don't see any huge negative effects with hobbying at our age group because at some point we just physically won't be able to anymore! So we are doing it while we can among other fun things in life as a way to enjoy our retirement years.
This. 👆


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
If you want to have a normal relationship with the same woman for all your life do not take up this hobby...
I think this is right. Find your true love. Work through all the ups and downs of real relationships. Hopefully you find one that stays forever joyful. It's a fabulous thing. Once you've had the true love, and if god forbid that withers, then you're fully ready to appreciate the awesomeness of these ladies we adore. You'll also know what true love is, and thus you won't confuse your adoration of these ladies with that.
If it's just these ladies for the start, it will be fun, but you might have that nagging feeling you missed out on true love. And as others said, most civilians won't understand this world so if you partake, and it gets out, you might be tainted in the eyes of others.
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Always Up
Sep 25, 2004
Do it for the fantasy. Do it to learn how to fuck. Do it for the fact that these amazing girls are willing to provide you fantasy and learn how to fuck.

But do not do it for anything else. These girls do not really give a shit about you.

You are just dollars to them.

Does not mean these girl are not awesome. Fuck they are!!!

Yet it's not real. It's like a good meal at a restaurant. It was pricier then a home meal but really satisfying. Yet you can't eat at restaurant everyday.
Plus you can get up and leave the resto. You don’t need to stay back to do the dishes and clean up lol
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