My perspective has nothing to do with whether I have high morals or not. It was simply objective advice for your post, so take it or leave it... perhaps you may come back to this thread some years later and realize some things, perhaps not. Maybe this is the first time you crossed that boundary, but for those who have crossed it many times, it starts becoming a pattern, and to a point where you don't feel guilty anymore, even though you know it's wrong. People like that keep doing it because it's a high that you get and can't resist - like a drug addiction. Perhaps I shouldn't have bothered to offer any advice on a forum like this, but I personally feel this board is not all just about sex, but a community of resource. The fact that you talked about feeling guilty suggests you were looking for some perspectives or advice... and what I wrote talks nothing about morals or moral shaming, but about a potential serious problem that you may or may not have - just something to consider. Perhaps, you were just posting to brag then?