Ashley Madison

Two doctors charged with conspiring to give U.S. soldiers' medical info to Russia


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
A first time arrest equity treason achieved !
A mere few years ago the officer was celebrated as the Army's first trans Army officer, identified as 39-year old Major Jamie Lee Henry. His wife, who works at Johns Hopkins, Anna Gabrielian also has been charged as a co-conspirator. Both are "accused of using their secret security clearance at North Carolina's Fort Bragg to steal the records from the base's hospital," according to the Department of Justice.

The Rockville, Maryland couple was caught red-handed in an FBI sting, after which they were formally charged with conspiracy and wrongful disclosure of individually identifiable health information. They thought they were preparing to hand off secret stolen records to a Russian official, but it turned out to be an FBI agent.

Strangely, this transgender officer and doctor spouse say they were motived by "patriotism toward Russia":

Gabrielian agreed to meet the agent in a Baltimore hotel room on Aug. 17, the indictment says. Later that same day, she called the agent “to reaffirm” the couple “were committed to helping Russia,” the indictment alleges.
During the meeting, Gabrielian told the FBI agent "she was motivated by patriotism toward Russia to provide any assistance she could to Russia, even if it meant being fired or going to jail," the indictment says.
The indictment indicates they had plans to flee the country with their children: "Gabrilelian suggested a cover story for their interactions, and a plan for Gabrielian and Henry's children flee the US quickly if Gabrielian and Henry were told to act in a way that could expose their communications and actions to the US government."

Another strange aspect to the story is that there's a Ukraine war angle, as CNBC explains:

Prosecutors said the couple, 39-year-old Maj. Jamie Lee Henry, and Johns Hopkins Hospital anesthesiologist Anna Gabrielian, 36, aimed to help Russia in its ongoing war against Ukraine. But the person who ended up receiving medical information from them turned out to be an undercover FBI agent, not a Russian Embassy employee as the couple had been led to believe, prosecutors said.
And the CNBC report also notes the following: "Henry in 2015 was reported to be the first known active-duty Army officer to come out as transgender. While she identifies herself as a woman, the indictment repeatedly refers to Henry by male pronouns."

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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
A first time arrest equity treason achieved !

blah, blah, blabbity blah blah blah...

Marxism update: As the glorious woke revolution continues winning hearts and minds by crushing all dissent, I am happy to say that equity in the field of treason has finally been achieved, giving a win to oppressed transgender people and oppressed intersectional minority groups everywhere!!

Marxism Update?

WTF is that in your crack pipe you're smoking?

Do you look for this alt-news shit or does it find you?



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Marxism Update?

WTF is that in your crack pipe you're smoking?

Do you look for this alt-news shit or does it find you?

I hate mainstream media… anytime I can find the whole truth and expose the lies will expose the whole story from mainstream . Don’t like mainstream that lies to me Or their positive spin.
examples IRAQ WMD , COVID19 lies ( not to worry beginning of the before pandemic saying covid19 is just like the flu then they lies you don’t not need two wear a mask, then it not airborne, then wear a cloth mask , then wear surgicAl mask , etc..)

My father died because of the lies from mainstream media on covid19 !

So exposing the lies from any mainstream media left or right and telling the truth make me happy!
unfortunately mainstream media is mostly left of Center or left , but you do have right wing media also do lies,

PS. Wish for media only report fact and fact only with no opinion!! It that too difficult to report the truth!
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I hate mainstream media… anytime I can find the whole truth and expose the lies will expose the whole story from mainstream . Don’t like mainstream that lies to me Or their positive spin.
examples IRAQ WMD , COVID19 lies ( not to worry beginning of the before pandemic saying covid19 is just like the flu then they lies you don’t not need two wear a mask, then it not airborne, then wear a cloth mask , then wear surgicAl mask , etc..)

My father died because of the lies from mainstream media on covid19 !

So exposing the lies from any mainstream media left or right and telling the truth make me happy!
unfortunately mainstream media is mostly left of Center or left , but you do have right wing media also do lies,

PS. Wish for media only report fact and fact only with no opinion!! It that too difficult to report the truth!
And why are you so fixated on trans people?
You wanna talk about it?
Maybe you and jc can discuss trannies somewhere and leave us out of it.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
And why are you so fixated on trans people?
You wanna talk about it?
Maybe you and jc can discuss trannies somewhere and leave us out of it.
I will expose the truth on mainstream media and anybody regardless of gender X, F, M, ,race, and especially wokeness.
To mE they are fair game. And even alien from outer space, and mother Teresa, or the Pope, or Mohammad.
I have not demeaning any one in the article. Just report the facts. Nothing in the article is false. And everthing is true.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I will expose the truth on mainstream media and anybody regardless of gender X, F, M, ,race, and especially wokeness.
To mE they are fair game. And even alien from outer space, and mother Teresa, or the Pope, or Mohammad.
I have not demeaning any one in the article. Just report the facts. Nothing in the article is false. And everthing is true.
How exciting.
Finally we will know the truth about everything.
Do I have time to make some popcorn?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I hate mainstream media… anytime I can find the whole truth and expose the lies will expose the whole story from mainstream . Don’t like mainstream that lies to me Or their positive spin.
And so you think "notthebee" is a better alternative?

What lie by the "mainstream media" are they reporting when the OP posted the story from NBC news, which is about as mainstream as it gets?
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
And so you think "notthebee" is a better alternative?

What lie by the "mainstream media" are they reporting when the OP posted the story from NBC news, which is about as mainstream as it gets?

The argument / conflict was with SchlongConery he had a problem with this previous thread ( Gazprom Halts Gas Supplies
to Italy in Latest Energy Battle) Gazprom Halts Gas Supplies to Italy in Latest Energy Battle See this thread below see link ~~~>
he didn’t like original post #1 on Gasprom but had really a problem with see post#14, #15, # 16 then see post #17, post#18, post #19 on the thread then he post his crack meme .Then he happen to see this current thread “ Two doctors” and post another meme implies… I smoke crack or something else in my crack pipe. Basically implied I not well. So I respond on both OP ( current OP “ Two doctors “ and other OP “Gazpom halts gas”…)

FYI This orginal post which there was nothing wrong with the MSNBC thread (Two your doctors charged with conspiring to give U.S. soldiers' medical info to Russia)
never accused this MSNBC thread of misinformation On this thread (OP) Just wanted to give the more information on the MSNBC thread .

Thought not the bee will add a humour to the MSNBC thread… since there a lot of wokism going around today. Could wait to stick to wokism. . Thought they libs get a little taste of their own medicine. Admit this not bee tweets or meme is funny!!!

And so you think "notthebee" is a better alternative which you ask ?
My response is: The notthebee did not play a role in the death of my father with the lies/ misinformation report on covid19 by the MSM !

I expect better reporting on mainstream media especially on COVID19, current report remain crap just like in the past the MSM on IRAQ WMD lied so their current reporting this remain the same with the lies or See CNN
famous reporter flat out lieding see tweet. “ Fiery but most peaceful protests after police shooting “ have you forgotten the lies????
So be honest with yourself regardless which political preferences your on libs/democratic or conservative/ republicans .
Stop being so loyal to your team ( democratic or republicans). The politicians and MSM are not to be blindly trust!! You have to do your own research!!
Don't you think they lied? ( COVID19 lies ( not to worry beginning of the before pandemic saying covid19 is just like the flu then they lies you don’t not need two wear a mask, then it not airborne, then wear a cloth mask , then wear surgicAl mask , etc.

Don’t you think they could have done a better job since there reporting could effect people healths or people safety ?

Again .. Don’t you think the MSM a could have done a better job? on Joe Biden laptop or Bush lies with WMD on IRAQ, covid19, etc..
Omitting the truth or selective reporting certain information and not reporting in general to me is disturbing and disgusting!!
Miss the old mainstream media with CBS with Dan Rather or “CBS Walters Cronkite “ or CTV with Lloyd Robertson.

Tell me how can I trust the MSM ???
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Just wanted to give the more information on the MSNBC thread .

Thought not the bee will add a humour to the MSNBC thread… since there a lot of wokism going around today. Could wait to stick to wokism. . Thought they libs get a little taste of their own medicine. Admit this not bee tweets or meme is funny!!!
So you *didn't* want more information, you wanted jokes and memes.
How is that helpful?
And how does this "stick it to wokism" and have "the libs get a little taste of their own medicine"?
What does this doctor being trans have anything to do with any of that?
Trans people are humans and some humans suck.
This just supports the "woke" argument that trans people are just normal people.

And so you think "notthebee" is a better alternative which you ask ?
My response is: The notthebee did not play a role in the death of my father with the lies/ misinformation report on covid19 by the MSM !

At some point you might want to explain how the MSM played a role in killing your father.
I can't understand how someone who thinks misinformation led to the death of a family member would decide to push more misinformation and lies.

I expect better reporting on mainstream media
Sure. Mainstream media has lots of problems.
Why respond by going with things that lie and manipulate even more?

Don't you think they lied? ( COVID19 lies ( not to worry beginning of the before pandemic saying covid19 is just like the flu then they lies you don’t not need two wear a mask, then it not airborne, then wear a cloth mask , then wear surgicAl mask , etc.
You seem to think that any error in knowledge is a lie.
That's a really weird position to take.

Don’t you think they could have done a better job since there reporting could effect people healths or people safety ?
Of course they could have done a better job.

Again .. Don’t you think the MSM a could have done a better job? on Joe Biden laptop or Bush lies with WMD on IRAQ, covid19, etc..
Omitting the truth or selective reporting certain information and not reporting in general to me is disturbing and disgusting!!
Miss the old mainstream media with CBS with Dan Rather or “CBS Walters Cronkite “ or CTV with Lloyd Robertson.
You would have accused them of lying, though, from everything you've said.

Tell me how can I trust the MSM ???
No one should trust it blindly.
But your position seems to be that this means you should assume no media is real and you can believe whatever random thing you want or to trust sources with even less credibility.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
So you *didn't* want more information, you wanted jokes and memes.
How is that helpful?
And how does this "stick it to wokism" and have "the libs get a little taste of their own medicine"?
What does this doctor being trans have anything to do with any of that?
Trans people are humans and some humans suck.
This just supports the "woke" argument that trans people are just normal people.

At some point you might want to explain how the MSM played a role in killing your father.
I can't understand how someone who thinks misinformation led to the death of a family member would decide to push more misinformation and lies.

Sure. Mainstream media has lots of problems.
Why respond by going with things that lie and manipulate even more?

You seem to think that any error in knowledge is a lie.
That's a really weird position to take.

Of course they could have done a better job.

You would have accused them of lying, though, from everything you've said.

No one should trust it blindly.
But your position seems to be that this means you should assume no media is real and you can believe whatever random thing you want or to trust sources with even less credibility.
Dont put word in my mouth “ . I did not lied or manipulated which you implied.” .

My dad trusted mainstream media because it the” NEWS “ he replied “ NEWS don’t lies and he said they report accurate information on covid19.

I told my dad China ban all domestic flight travailing within China. His reply was WHO said “ it not human to human transmission. “
that what was reported in the NEWS.
Here another lies WHO said it not human to human transmission meanwhile China shut down all domestically travel within their country. But allowed international travel flight out of their country. That was a red flag … to me it didn’t make any senses! WHO a government UN bodies with expert … had only one job! To prevent a pandemic. But mainstream never question it or criticize it early on the pandemic Or put up a strongly word warning to public saying this info is incorrect or China or WHO is incorrect .

Then when SAR I hit Toronto during Lastman mayoral tenure. The WHO put up a warning put a recommendation ban international air travel to Toronto at that time . Toronto did so well on SAR I at that time.
Years decades Laters in SAR II ( covid19) and rest of the worlds and Canada did so terrible on this SAR2 ( “ covid 19) on this pandamic?

That I asked him why is China banning all domestic travel by plane but allow international travel out of the country He refuse to listen to me? Give my dad 3 box brand new of N95 ( 3M) upopen for him to wear it when he go out in and told him to wear it. Because this is what I told him the hospital workers and doctors and nurse wears in the hospital. I strongly felt covid 19 is airborne and told him I want you to be safe. and told him it better be safe then sorry. I told him dad “ I done a course in microbiology and biochemistry. . Covid19 is dangerous.
.Told him at that time there is no vaccine and old people in italy was catching covid19 and they are dying. I told him the mainstream news is incorrect . And You not young stallion anymore and I dont want you take any chance of catching covid19 are 80 year old. Covid19 will kill you.

My dad also said the news cant be wrong! He said the news said it not airborne. I told him please dad love you.. but you have to listen to me. I told him N95 is the best mask to stop airborne transmission and there no vaccine. Even if I am wrong would it be better error in the side of safeTy.
I told him the covid19 virus is so new …lot of elderly people in Italy are catching covid19 and are getting sick and dying.
It better to practice The precautionary principle ( an approach for protecting on self and other in circumstances of scientific uncertainty). He refused to listen to me. He didn’t listen to me said the news said not to worry it only like a flu,,, and then 2.5 year later news said you don’t need mask or hospital mask like N95, then you don’t need to wear a mask.
I later doubled checked with my old college buddy, Plus I talked to one of my buddy he told me get N95 mask better to have it and not to have it in case you need it. The, mainstream media said you only need to wear a cloth mask and then later early in the pandemic my Dad caught covid19 and died

You call mainstream media an error in judgment on covid19… that where we differ, I used common sense. knew it was a very high probability it was airborne that why I spend lot of money to buy N95 mask, I knew it was the mainstream media was not to be trusted. I that they were either lying or reporting that you don’t need to get N95 mask to prevent mass panicking and hoarding of mask & toilet paper at that time, I knew they were lying or have a different agenda that was differ from mine ! My agenda was to protect me and my family! Their agenda I don’t freaking care and all I care at that time on covid19 is my health and my dad health!
Almost 3 year later the mainstream media quietly changed their tone and told public they should wear better quality mask like KN95 or some sort of high quality respiratory mask ( like N95 mask). or and not to wear cloth mask or two layer cloth mask they don’t offer good protection and they need to wear respiratory mask cone shape to not allows any gab and completely cover the nose, mouth and chin when going Out of your home that was when the Delta variant was spreading in North American
Meanwhile I never caught covid19 wore N95 mask everyday going to work and going in public for groceries shopping, etc..My wife and I never caught covid19 or caught long covid19. to this day. I can go on and on on covid19 what they maintream media screw up or lied on!!

I use my judgement to determine what I felt it is incorrect in the mainstream media, I used a good educated and street-sense or street smart and common sense approach when come to judging the mainstream media when it come their reporting. I felt I can make my own judgment! To determine what I feel it is correct or incorrect by doing my own research! I do my own research! They are something called unversity library text book and or peer reviewed journal on different topic like chemistry, biology, virology, micobiol text book. There also friends , old school mate , that are doctors , dentist, and accountants, computer science, engineering, which I can always phone them to ask their opinions.
so I look at all my sources and then I make my decisions to trust are not to trust..
You called error in judgement when mainstream media fuck up their call … I call them killers and they are fully responsible for my death of my dad!!
This tweet sum out what wrong with the mainstream media and what wrong with mainstream media today! But all libs they always try to down play death of people like my dad …error in “ judgment” .. Always downplay the situation and not accept the full responsibility by saying they screw up royally! If I can figure out that their ( “ error in judgment “) is not to be trusted and go get N95 mask proved my judgment / instinct is correct !

famous reporter flat out lying see tweet. “ Fiery but most peaceful protests after police shooting “ have you forgotten the lies????

You make a great troll for the CNN And the lib mainstream media! Go defend them blindly !

PS. FYI. The 3 BOX of N95 Mask ( 3M) was left untouched and unopened …still left in the original package still sealed in the orginal boxed. My dad never even used a single N95 mask. So who fault is it ? Who can I blame ? You Or MSM and WHO ?
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I'm sorry for your loss.
I get that you want to blame someone and can't, really.
That must be very frustrating.
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