Cocksucker TV host has changed outfits from his Captain Kirk space uniform to Khaki army fatigues. To reflect the mood of the situation. Fucking Village People cunt. What next? Indian head dress? Construction worker?
His "guest" is ostensibly some former Russian "Intelligence" Officer . He has said once mobilization was announced, he got out his old uniform, ironed it, picked up his "Go Bag" and tossed in a couple of cans of
Spam (you can't make this shit up!

) and is
"all squared away" for combat! This guy must have already been promoted from "Logistics" to "Intelligence"!
Looks like the creepy Orc host dug up his babushka and took the tarp she was buried in. Hasn't gotten around to stapling on the Bedazzler kit like his other stylish Russian fashion statement!