Asia Studios Massage

Olivia shine...

Orillia sucks

New member
Aug 28, 2022
Been partaking in this hobby now for about 5-6 years and as anyone who lives in and around Orillia knows the selection is awful at best and non existent the rest of the time, I decided to take a break from my usual SP (I usually see Nikki, but sometimes I visit the Asian ladies at kings) and decided to give Olivia a shot, after all she has another review on here recently that seemed quite positive unfortunately I was wrong.

I message and chat a bit with Olivia set up the time and head on my way. we talked over the phone about a 3hour session as her ad talks about multi hours and all seems well and good. to start she sent me to the wrong address....twice.... ok fine I guess we can start this at quarter after midnight instead of midnight. finally get to the house meet her, forgot about the address thing pretty quickly as she seemed nice and friendly honest mistake etc. the first hour she does some nice dancing, a bit of twerking although I'm getting quite annoyed she keeps stopping to check her phone and when she does its a few minutes at a time I'm just sitting on the couch half hard waiting for her to get back over to what I paid for.. not happy with the service but we still have over two hours to go, she continues this half dance have phone conversation up for a bit before we progress on to a covered bj and finally the action, as I've been here jerking off on and off for the past hour at this point surprisingly it doesn't take me long inside.

back to dancing still two hours as I say when I can only assume the other SP's that work for their pimp show up unannounced just walk right into this in the middle of all the action, as i said earlier we were in a private home and we were in the living room so now I'm completely naked while girls (two of them fully dressed mind you carrying purses) are standing right near me and they start saying "oh her parents are on there way home soon so we have to leave." seriously? I laughed and said fine sure ill be needing part of my money back since you were paid for3hours and I barely got one. the other girls start to get loud and aggressive now saying "I got my monies with already" and other such stupid nonsense like "well she had body work done in the Dominican for 30k so actually you got a deal!" (ladies please understand I would of paid less knowing this) they continue to get aggressive and start to say to me if I don't leave right fucking now its going to be a problem. so I sat back down and said okay fine its a problem then. finally one of the girls frustrated blurts out well give you back a hundred. I say fine whatever head over to them to grab the money and then she says no I never said that I'm not giving you anything my friend said that not me..... fine be petty i sat back down. finally she says 50 and gives it to me I figured Wasn't going to get much farther so I took the money and started to get changed.

And then comes my favorite part of the night, while I'm getting changed keep in mind there's three girls in this living room now. Olivia starts asking me things like "are you from around here hun" and "do you work in town" I said annoyed at her "why do I want to have a conversation with someone who just stole my money?" she gets instantly pissed off and starts to yell at me snapping her fingers and zig zagging her head back and forth like a cartoon character saying "just because I look beautiful doesn't mean I wont fuck you up" and starts saying things like she's going to come punch me in the face. just laughed and said alright have a good night walked out of there.

Definitely avoid Horrible service then literally scammed. I would definitely stay away....unless you like boxing I guess 😂
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Nov 20, 2019
Well that sucks.
I seen Olivia a couple of times a few years ago when she was doing incalls in barrie.
There was nothing note worthy about the sessions, but I did visit her 5 or 6 times so she wasn't to bad.
I started seeing her adds pop up in Orillia, more convenient for me but always outcalls.
I contacted her about 6 weeks ago and asked her if incalls were ever going to be available, she said yah and then offered me a carcall. I wasn't rely looking for that so I never seen her. Oddly her add now specifically says no carcalls now?


Nov 20, 2019
What are these Asian lady's you spoke about?
Are they the adds I keep seeing that appear fake or thtbt?
Are they any good?
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