Toronto Girlfriends

Is Toronto on the decline?


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2001
I've been wondering about this for a few years now.
As a long time resident, I have seen Toronto go through ups and downs.
It has never been the same after the 1990's.
Quality of life has kind of dropped in Ontario.
I'm not at the point economically where I can leave just yet.
Other than the food and some great Sps, there is not too much here.
Maybe some here are filthy rich, I'm not.

Is quality of living in Toronto on the decline?



Active member
Jun 30, 2019
The best test to understand the worth of a place is to go live in some second tier cities and you will understand what you are missing. Having done that I will say Toronto city is one of the best places to live by.


Active member
Sep 5, 2020
People always think the grass is greener somewhere else. Either you like A) small town vibe, B) medium city or C) huge city. If you like the huge city lifestyle, Toronto is just about one of the best in the world. Vancouver might rank slightly higher.... but I can't think of another big city anywhere in the world I would rather live in than Toronto.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
20 years ago when I'd go past Toronto, the lineup [west bound] from the 401 to the Don Valley Parking lot wouldn't go onto the 401. Lately, pre covid at least the line up started on the DVP and would get longer each year. Going into the Hammer on a Sunday morning for some Tally Ho before I head back home, always a traffic jam, didn't used to be that way.

Nobody seems to give a shit, all the concern is for cyclists. They really should be pounding way at the metro, a couple new stations each year, keep the crews employed at a steady pace.

Never mind the rental and housing markets. But again, action could be taken but nobody actually gives a fuck. Oh lets build a million new homes, no a bagillian. Never mind labour shortages pre covid. But hey it sounds good.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
While walking along the harbourfront on my day off I meet a couple visiting from Lisbon and they love Toronto, they say it looks futuristic and modern, I tell them I love Portugal because I love the old medieval buildings and architecture. They say they live there and see it every day, I tell them the same while I live in Toronto. Lesson learned you have to see Toronto from a second set of eyes (outside the realm).


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
This breaks down to age group.

If you are an idiot Boomer or a spoiled brat Gen X'er, then yeah you have never noticed the Decline until now because everything is ridiculously expensive. Inflation has finally caught up to you.

For us Millennials, we have been dealing with inflation, lack of jobs, never ending education, horrible city planning, odd social changes and etc for over 2 decades now.

Just Looking For A Latina

Totalmente perdido
Sep 7, 2020
Toronto is a great city for many reasons. Relatively safe as large cities go, a diverse population gets along well most of the time, investment still coming into the city.

Problems which exist in Toronto include a population that elected poor politicians in the 1990's who did not invest in public transit (and now we are playing catch up), poor development of waterfront condos (could they be less attractive) and an affordable housing crisis.

Would I live in Chicago, LA, or NYC, no way. Would I move to Fredricton NB, Moosejaw or Sudbury, no way.

Toronto is not perfect but tell me the better big city option. We need investment in affordable housing, public transportation and as a population stop listening to people trying to get elected with simplistic solutions.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2001
The best test to understand the worth of a place is to go live in some second tier cities and you will understand what you are missing. Having done that I will say Toronto city is one of the best places to live by.
Which city did you live that you consider Second tier?

I have lived outside Toronto before.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2001
People always think the grass is greener somewhere else. Either you like A) small town vibe, B) medium city or C) huge city. If you like the huge city lifestyle, Toronto is just about one of the best in the world. Vancouver might rank slightly higher.... but I can't think of another big city anywhere in the world I would rather live in than Toronto.
B) and C) preferred, though A) might be considered.

I have been in Toronto all my life.
So, I can say how much has changed.

It is not just about is the grass greener.
Never been to Vancouver, something to keep in mind though.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Compared to what? And which people are you referring to?? For a city of its size - 4th largest in North America - it one of the safest and cleanest.

Think about it. Why do you think property values here are so high? Everyone and their brother wants to move here.
Any city is better than the GTA.
I'm referring to everyone who thinks it's a great city.
People move their for the job opportunities. Then when they realize it's overpriced and too congested they move out.
$100,000 income and you are still considered a low income earner. Why do you think the Go train is packed in the morning and late afternoon?

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Ever since the Ford Bros. got into power Toronto has been going downhill, now Dumbo Dougie is puling the whole province down with it. He eliminates car license fees but can't pay nurses a decent wage then whines that the Feds don't give enough.
We've had John Tory in here since 2015 and the downfall of the city is precipitous. Lets not forget the regression we faced under the Miller regime either. The 4 years of Rob Ford were probably the best 4 years in Toronto this century.


Active member
Dec 25, 2002
We've had John Tory in here since 2015 and the downfall of the city is precipitous. Lets not forget the regression we faced under the Miller regime either. The 4 years of Rob Ford were probably the best 4 years in Toronto this century.
How? Did you get your buck a beer? Dougie is a 2-bit dope pusher from James Gardens, Etobicoke.still pushing subways at 5 x the cost of LRTs. He's never been on a subway in his life.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Ever since the Ford Bros. got into power Toronto has been going downhill, now Dumbo Dougie is puling the whole province down with it. He eliminates car license fees but can't pay nurses a decent wage then whines that the Feds don't give enough.
$40/hour for nurses isn't a decent wage?
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Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
I have travelled the world. Asia, Europe and America. TO sucks at Subway system and the Airport connection. You think they put a bus between Long branch and Airport, but no, let's make people go around.
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