Really being around here feels like never ending cycle of same thing. Normally address review, but the information provided in some of these reviews are things to be laughed for how mundane, irrelevant, or petty they are. So I won't bother because my energy need be given to someone else.
, I will start to offer thanks for your defense. I do appreciate your intentions that I think noble. As usual your approach leaves much to be improved on. Once again I wish my matters left to me.
You talk about Kitty supporters come and discredit and attack (which there is much truth to, as witness by the false reviews earlier this year). But you act in a similar manner. To make it feel like nobody can say a negative word toward me.
There is no doubt not perfect things to be shared about me that I should hear. Everyone else who supports me is kind enough to share positive counter points of their experiences. This brings a balanced approach and for me nice to see where do well and where need improve. I encourage people to share, it is fortunate to me so many do. I tell you not to keep these actions going.
If a review fake, frivolous, embellished, or anything less than pure, people will likely notice. If it is serious I will handle. When you speak like this, reflect badly on me as well.
Thank you for hopefully listening this time. Apologies to everyone for his actions, even if he speaks truth in much of what is said. Its not the right way to handle.