Friend of mine was hit on his motorcycle going in to the driveway of his workplace by a "Bramptonite". He broke his shoulder, ribs, wrist and a concussion. She was going too fast on West drive, while all other cars were stopped to let him turn in left she plowed right in to him. Sent him airborne. Crushed his beloved two wheeler. She then starts feigning injury herself "Oooooooohhhh my neck, I'm thinking I have the whiplash.....". Went to court still pleading injury to herself and counter suing him. The judge threw it out immediately. 7 years, 3 surgeries and a fear of getting back on two wheels and he's finally awarded a high 6 figure settlement. The woman? In that 7 years, she was involved in three more accidents, injuring two severely. Numorous speeding tickets, red light infractions, unsafe lane changes and this woman is still on the road and making roti on Saturdays scot free of injury.
This is the Brampton I see everytime I pass through it.