Doug Blunders

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Did we get a raw deal by re-electing Douglas. He's making the same mistakes that sunk Mike Harris.

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Love his thinking. We have staffing shortages so lets solve the problem by sending patients to any (private?) LTC home no matter where it's located.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
They will send hospital discharged patients to the LTC home that the patient/client desires or as close as possible to their desired location.

This will free a hospital bed for someone (maybe even you) who actually needs a hospital bed.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
They will send hospital discharged patients to the LTC home that the patient/client desires or as close as possible to their desired location.
Did you not read the news? The proposed bill allows hospitals to pressure patients (or issue decisions for those they feel aren't capable) to send them to any LTC home. In Toronto that may not be an issue but for people in less urban environments, it means they might be moved a significant distance from their family/care givers.

Pressuring/forcing patients to LTC homes will open up some beds to open up space for new admissions but will do little for the staffing shortages that are forcing hospitals to close ERs and absolutely nothing to keep nurses in Canadian hospitals.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I thought the LTC homes were full up and with long waiting lists.

Or did covid really do the job in clearing them out.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Per the interview they are making it sound like there is a huge discrepancy between USA and Canadian salaries for RN's. There is not.

Median RN salary in Canada = $83,200/year or $40/hour based on a 40 hour work week.

Median RN salary in the USA = $82,800/year.

Also, if a nurse wanted to relocate to the USA it is not as simple as moving down the street. There are a lot of costs, time and paperwork required to obtain a working VISA.

Covid has forced a lot of boomers to rethink how they want to spend the rest of their lives and many nurses are leaving the workforce. This is not uncommon to nursing as every other profession is going through the same changes.

This "talent shortage" is also not isolated to Canada as they are experiencing the same thing in the USA. The firm I work for is based out of the USA and we have hired dozens of Canadian people who work from home and report to and directly on USA programs.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Per the interview they are making it sound like there is a huge discrepancy between USA and Canadian salaries for RN's. There is not.

Median RN salary in Canada = $83,200/year or $40/hour based on a 40 hour work week.

Median RN salary in the USA = $82,800/year.

Also, if a nurse wanted to relocate to the USA it is not as simple as moving down the street. There are a lot of costs, time and paperwork required to obtain a working VISA.

Covid has forced a lot of boomers to rethink how they want to spend the rest of their lives and many nurses are leaving the workforce. This is not uncommon to nursing as every other profession is going through the same changes.

This "talent shortage" is also not isolated to Canada as they are experiencing the same thing in the USA. The firm I work for is based out of the USA and we have hired dozens of Canadian people who work from home and report to and directly on USA programs.
83,000 Canadian dollars vs 82,000 US dollars = a huge difference. Exchange rate is 30% plus.
You didn't include the fact that lots of US hospitals are private and offer signing bonuses to nurses. Some up to $15,000.
Personally it makes me laugh how public service employees in Ontario and Canada in general feel so entitled. When I see nurses/teachers/school janitors complaining about mental health from being under appreciated the solution is always "compensate us". I guess the cure for all mental health issues is just more money, more money, more money.
Don't like it, leave. You'll miss that high salary, benefits, union protection and cushy pension sooner than you think.
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