There can be little doubt that Trump did want to reduce the worldwide military presence of USA for economic reasons, and that he eventually folded to the MIC.
That's not quite right.
am glad that you aren't pushing the weird line that he wanted to reduce the military out of some moral idea.
Like you say, he did talk about in purely economic terms mixed with macho positioning.
He wanted to remove the military from the various occupation areas, because it cost money and made the US look weak.
He wanted to spend MUCH more on the Military overall, so that they could invade anywhere whenever they wanted and more importantly -
threaten to do so and extract tribute.
He specifically said he wanted to do old-school colonialism where if the US invaded, it could extract treasure and resources from the country to pay for the invasion.
Steal the oil, confiscate whatever could make money.
And he wanted more war crimes and fewer rules on civilian casualties and targets so that wars would be easier to win. (He did get to implement that one, as you can see with his air strike data.)
Which, of course, was part of the problem.
Since his opposition to "the worldwide military presence" was a mix of "it costs too much and we don't look badass" - all it took to stop him was to say "you will look like a pussy if you leave".
Trump was a small time real estate operator in NY, and a tv huckster. To call him "part of the establishment or He is the establishment" is ridiculous. He has no buddies among the powerbrokers. They see him for what he is, a crude nuveau riche guy.
This then gets down to what people consider "elite" or "establishment" and why.
Which "establishment" and which "powerbrokers" accepted him or didn't isn't a simple binary.