Steeles Royal



Active member
Aug 13, 2005
Just a little rant and hopefully the right people see it and realize that maybe I am right. Driving north on the 427 there now is a HOV lane which is for 2 people or more and taxis + buses . The lane just right of that is still the passing lane for the rest of us who are not allowed in the HOV lane, therefore for all you idiots that thinking driving 90-100 in that lane is ok, well its NOT. Every night I came across at least 5-6 cars that are just stunned that there is people behind them trying to pass. People learn etiquette rules of driving before you head out and traffic would flow much smoother and you will not have people behind you flashing and honking. Once you pass someone move to the right and let the next guy through.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
Just a little rant and hopefully the right people see it and realize that maybe I am right. Driving north on the 427 there now is a HOV lane which is for 2 people or more and taxis + buses . The lane just right of that is still the passing lane for the rest of us who are not allowed in the HOV lane, therefore for all you idiots that thinking driving 90-100 in that lane is ok, well its NOT. Every night I came across at least 5-6 cars that are just stunned that there is people behind them trying to pass. People learn etiquette rules of driving before you head out and traffic would flow much smoother and you will not have people behind you flashing and honking. Once you pass someone move to the right and let the next guy through.
I'm sorry but legally, the passing lane is not an excuse to exceed the posted speed limit. It is for passing vehicles in the other lanes that are going slower than the speed limit, while you maintain the posted limit.

As such, if a person is in the left lane driving at the posted 100 kph They should not be in your way as they are doing the same speed that you are legally required to be going.
You do not have the right to be pissed off at other people who are interfering with your ability to break the law.


Active member
Jul 3, 2017
Actually, I believe while driving on multi lane roadways - you are supposed to remain as far right as possible - meaning moving with traffic. You are supposed to move left to pass then move back - not sit in the middle at 80 in a 100 or even 100 in the passing lane.


John Wick

Baba Yaga
Oct 25, 2019
Flashing and honking you say?

I like when girls drive and flash me while 'honking'.



Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
Actually, I believe while driving on multi lane roadways - you are supposed to remain as far right as possible - meaning moving with traffic. You are supposed to move left to pass then move back - not sit in the middle at 80 in a 100 or even 100 in the passing lane.

Then what the fuck is the Speed Limit for?


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2004
Always, Always, Keep right except to pass or allow merging traffic to merge.

Even flipping insects with the tiniest of brains can figure this one out.

I went to a Government seminar run by an old school employee because I lost too many points way back when and he gave the best advice ever. Stay out of the Middle Lane, it is the "idiot Lane". He had many reasons to back it up.

If you drive in any one of the other lanes and R slowing down traffic UR jeopardizing everyone's safety.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Well I will join the rant.
Last weekend I was driving on the QEW Niagara bound between Burlington and Niagara and the amount of drivers towing boats, trailers or with bicycles puttering along in the middle lane barely doing 100km and no desire to move into the right lane drove me fucking nuts. Didn't matter, Canadian plate, American plate, totally clueless.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm sorry but legally, the passing lane is not an excuse to exceed the posted speed limit. It is for passing vehicles in the other lanes that are going slower than the speed limit, while you maintain the posted limit.

As such, if a person is in the left lane driving at the posted 100 kph They should not be in your way as they are doing the same speed that you are legally required to be going.
You do not have the right to be pissed off at other people who are interfering with your ability to break the law.
That's a hill you may die on one day when the guy behind you hasn't taken his medication and takes you out in a fit of rage. Hopefully I'm not anywhere in the vicinity when it happens as I'd hate for me and my family to be collateral damage.

Frankly, I don't give a shit if I have a right to camp in the left lane (which is highly debatable). I always move over as soon as I clear the traffic I'm passing because by not moving over I'd be complicit in making the roads more dangerous by forcing people to pass on the right.


Member's member well known
Nov 23, 2020
Just a little rant and hopefully the right people see it and realize that maybe I am right. Driving north on the 427 there now is a HOV lane which is for 2 people or more and taxis + buses . The lane just right of that is still the passing lane for the rest of us who are not allowed in the HOV lane, therefore for all you idiots that thinking driving 90-100 in that lane is ok, well its NOT. Every night I came across at least 5-6 cars that are just stunned that there is people behind them trying to pass. People learn etiquette rules of driving before you head out and traffic would flow much smoother and you will not have people behind you flashing and honking. Once you pass someone move to the right and let the next guy through.
I drive that same piece of road as you. Often I am forced to pass those JA's by using the HOV lane as some feel that it is their job to slow the highway down to 100 kph. Often I have passed the stunned driver on the right, I pull in front of them and gently apply the brakes to slow them right down to almost zero. They get the hint and they get the F out of the way.

We should do what they do in the States, ban trucks from using the left 2 lanes. Hate the the damn truckers who use the left lane as a passing lane. I am a truck driving 105 kph, let me pass the truck in front of me doing 104 kph....I am going to pass in the most left lane but I do not speed up. Dumb stupid truckers. Get your slow moving truck in the most right lane and stay the f out of the fast lane
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
The ones that get me are those who do 100 in the passing lane until a good space opens up in the middle. Then, rather than move over, they magically discover their accelerator and can then suddenly do 120 just long enough to prevent me passing them in the middle lane before going back to 100. Everyone in the left lane should be constantly asking themselves if their actions are blocking traffic, and if yes, MOVE OVER! You are not there to sight see!


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2020
While I’m with you on using the left lane only for passing, when I am passing a car and you crawl up my ass tailgating…..,Fuck you. I will move to the right lane when I have finished passing normally. If you are flashing your lights, honking, tailgating and gesturing rudely, I will slow the fuck down and watch you be a fucking spaz. When you learn some manners I will resume pulling into the right lane after I finish passing. The left lane is for passing, not doing 180 km/h regardless of traffic. Your bad driving will not be rewarded by me.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
While I’m with you on using the left lane only for passing, when I am passing a car and you crawl up my ass tailgating…..,Fuck you. I will move to the right lane when I have finished passing normally. If you are flashing your lights, honking, tailgating and gesturing rudely, I will slow the fuck down and watch you be a fucking spaz. When you learn some manners I will resume pulling into the right lane after I finish passing. The left lane is for passing, not doing 180 km/h regardless of traffic. Your bad driving will not be rewarded by me.
I do this too when someone is like that behind me. I don't want to be like my dad hogging the lane. If I can move I will, ho,d your horses.

If II'm tailgating someone it's only after I've been waiting a while and dude (it's always a dude) is obviously being a prick by not moving over when there's ample room. I just don't understand the mentality that makes someone deliberately hold up traffic. Do they have small dicks and need to feel important?
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
I once heard a OPP spokesperson ( it could have been Cam Woolley but not sure ) answer this question. If there were cars driving beside each other, all doing the speed limit to the extent that passing was not allowed, is there a law being broken? He said yes, it was impeding the flow of traffic.

I also found this,

The official position in a Globe and Mail article the other day was you can't speed to pass, and you can't impede traffic in the passing lane. Does create a paradox. Since hardly anyone obeys the speed limit though, the obvious answer is road hog needs to move, even if he's doing 120 if the car behind him is doing 130.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
I recently spent a week driving in Newfoundland. It was stunning how drivers would pass and then get back in the right lane. It was almost like being in Europe.

I think we have poor education for cars, trucks, bicycles, and pedestrians on the road.

And having many multi-lane highways makes people mentally lazy and lets them think it is OK to be lane hogs.
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